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The EntryProfile.NUMHUS returned must have a corresponding Instance.NUMHUS for the same Student.HUSID.
Business RuleErrorCarried Forward
Plain English
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
Previous Name of Rule


No Year on Year link in incoming data for an instance that was 'live' last year (i.e. appeared on the Expected Population for Next Year List) where a possible match has been identified from the previous year.
Plain English
An Instance was expected this reporting year but no match can be found in the submitted data, however a similar record has been identified which may or may not be the correct Instance.
Further Guidance
Where a year on year link is expected but cannot be made, the Instance.NUMHUS and/or Student.HUSID coding should be checked and updated, as appropriate, to enable the link to be made. The system attempts to link between records sent in the latest file and those returned in the previous reporting period. The link uses a combination of UKPRN, HUSID and NUMHUS.
Reason for Change
Rule added to ensure consistency between reporting years
Previous Name of Rule


No Year on Year link in incoming data for an instance that was 'live' last year (i.e. appeared on the Expected Population for Next Year List) where no possible match has been identified from the previous year.
Plain English
An Instance was expected this reporting year but no match can be found in the submitted data and no possible matches have been identified.
Further Guidance
Where a year on year link is expected but cannot be made, the Instance.NUMHUS and/or Student.HUSID coding should be checked and updated, as appropriate, to enable the link to be made. The system attempts to link between records sent in the latest file and those returned in the previous reporting period. The link uses a combination of UKPRN, HUSID and NUMHUS.
Reason for Change
Rule added to ensure consistency between reporting years
Previous Name of Rule