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Staff record 2016/17 (C16025): Annual update - Outcomes

This document sets out the changes to the staff record for the 2016/17 collection and upcoming changes in the sector.

Contract Levels (LEVELS)

The LEVELS field uses the UCEA coding frame to categorise staff's contract levels. In order to align with recent UCEA changes to the coding frame, the valid entries in this field will be changing as follows:

Removal of: 

  • B1 UCEA level 2A
  • B2 UCEA level 2B.

Addition of:

  • B0 UCEA level 2.

Parental Leave (PARLEAVE)

The maximum occurrences for parental leave will increase from 2 to 3 to account for scenarios where a staff member could take a combination of more than 2 forms of leave e.g. maternity leave, adoption leave and shared parental leave.