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HESA Student Record 2009/10 - PhD submission date

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HESA Student Record 2009/10

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PhD submission date

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Short namePHDSUB

This field holds the date of first submission of thesis.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

All instances where Instance.RCSTDNT is not 99 and Course.COURSEAIM = D00, D01 and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04. Optional for all other instances where Course.COURSEAIM = D00, D01 and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04

Base data typeDateWithNullStructure9
Field length10
Part of
Minimum occurrences0
Maximum occurrences1
Related fields
Reason required

To assess time taken by students to submit.


All date fields in the Student Record must be completed using the ISO8601 format of YYYY-MM-DD. The specification of this field falls within the scope of the Aligned Data Definitions and follows the Data Standards in the HESA student record.

If the thesis has not been submitted an empty element should be returned with the ReasonForNull attribute set to 9 (not applicable), i.e:

           <PHDSUB ReasonForNull="9"></PHDSUB>

This date should not be updated if a thesis is resubmitted.

Where Y0/Y1/Y2 appear in business rules, these refer to the reporting period Y1-Y2 (e.g. for the 2007-08 reporting period, Y0 is 2006, Y1 is 2007 and Y2 is 2008).

Date modified2010-08-30
Change management notesBusiness rule 9 added
Business rules

Instance.PHDSUB must exist where Instance.RCSTDNT is not 99 and Course.COURSEAIM = D00 or D01 and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04.


Where Instance.PHDSUB exists then Course.COURSEAIM must = D00 or D01.


Instance.PHDSUB must not be null except when ReasonForNull = 9.


Instance.PHDSUB must be null when ReasonForNull = 9.


Instance.PHDSUB must not be greater than Y2-07-31.


Where Instance.PHDSUB exists it should not be earlier than (Y1-2)-08-01 when Instance.MODE is not 63 or 64.


Where Instance.PHDSUB exists it should not be earlier than (Instance.COMDATE + 24 months)


Instance.PHDSUB must not be earlier than Instance.COMDATE.


Instance.PHDSUB should not be null with ReasonForNull = 9 when Instance.RCSTDNT is not 99 and Instance.REDUCEDI = 00 or 04, and at least one corresponding QualificationsAwarded.QUAL = D00 or D01.

Schema components
Element: PHDSUB

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.