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HESA Student Record 2011/12 - Table of Contents

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HESA Student Record 2011/12

Fields required from institutions in England

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Fields are displayed here by entity and sorted alphabetically by field description for ease of searching. The XSD ([RECID].xsd) defines the order that elements must appear in within submitted files. This is different to the order that they are presented within the coding manual.

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Institution :
Indicator for HEFCE funding approximations (INSTAPP)
Record type indicator (RECID)
UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN)

Course :

Module :

Student :
Date of birth (BIRTHDTE)
Disability (DISABLE)
Ethnicity (ETHNIC)
Family name (SURNAME)
Family name on 16th birthday (SNAME16)
Forenames (FNAMES)
Gender (GENDER)
HESA unique student identifier (HUSID)
Institution's own identifier for student (OWNSTU)
Nationality (NATION)
Scottish Candidate Number (SCN)
Term-time accommodation (TTACCOM)
Term-time postcode (TTPCODE)
UCAS Personal Identifier (UCASPERID)
Unique Learner Number (ULN)

Instance :
Additional support cost (ADDSUPCT)
Amount of tuition fees received/expected for the student (RECFEE)
Campus identifier (CAMPID)
Change of mode date (MCDATE)
Completion of year of instance (FUNDCOMP)
Completion status (CSTAT)
Course identifier (COURSEID)
Department of Health funding body (DHFUND)
Destination of outward credit mobile students (DESTOCM)
Disabled Student Allowance (DISALL)
Disadvantage uplift factor (DISUPFAC)
Eligibility for disadvantage uplift (ELIDISUP)
Eligibility for enhanced funding (ELIGENFD)
Employer role (EMPROLE)
End date of instance (ENDDATE)
Exchange programmes (EXCHANGE)
Expected length of study (SPLENGTH)
FE student marker (FESTUMK)
Fee eligibility (FEEELIG)
Foundation degree to degree bridging course (BRIDGE)
Franchised out arrangements (FROUTARR)
FTE in year A (LOADYRA)
FTE in year B (LOADYRB)
Fundability code (FUNDCODE)
Good standing marker (PROGRESS)
Government initiatives (GOVINIT)
Guided learning hours (GLHRS)
Implied rate of council partial funding (IMPRATE)
Initiatives (INITIATIVES)
Institutions own campus identifier (INSTCAMP)
Institution's own instance identifier (OWNINST)
ITT phase/scope (ITTPHSC)
ITT schemes (ITTSCHMS)
Learning difficulty (LEARNDIF)
Level applicable to funding council HESES (FUNDLEV)
Location of study (LOCSDY)
Major source of tuition fees (MSTUFEE)
Mode of study (MODE)
NHS employer (NHSEMP)
Number of units completed (NUMUNITS)
Number of units to achieve full qualification (NOUNTACH)
PhD submission date (PHDSUB)
Qualified teacher status (QTS)
Reason for ending instance (RSNEND)
Reason for partial or full non-payment of tuition fees (NONPAY)
Reduced instance return indicator (REDUCEDI)
Regulatory body reference number (DHREGREF)
Research council student (RCSTDNT)
Research council student identifier (RCSTDID)
Special fee indicator (SPECFEE)
Start date of instance (COMDATE)
Student instance FTE (STULOAD)
Student instance identifier (NUMHUS)
Subject Knowledge Enhancement institution (SKEITT)
Suspension of active studies (NOTACT)
Teacher Reference Number (TREFNO)
Type of instance year (TYPEYR)
Units of length (UNITLGTH)
Year of course (YEARPRG)
Year of student on this instance (YEARSTU)

Entry profile :

Qualifications awarded :

RAE Data :

Student on module :

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.