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Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record 2012/13

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Data standards

Version 1.0 Produced 2013-02-15

The Information Standards Board (ISB) for education, skills and children's services (escs) is the overarching authority and governing body for the management and assurance of information and data standards across the escs system. It is both adopting existing data standards and developing new data standards for this domain and is subsuming the standards developed by the MIAP programme. The Aligned Data Definitions adopted by the ISB define a standard set of data definitions and policies.

This document describes the adoption of relevant data standards in the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record 2012/13.

UK Register of Learning Providers

Adoption of the UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN) is a key element in the standardisation of data definitions between stakeholders' systems. It is envisaged that, over time, all stakeholders will adopt the UKPRN as the primary identifier for institutions. See the the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP) web site for further information.

Fields affected by the ISB Aligned Data Definitions (ADD)

The following table shows those fields affected by the ADD. Fields marked as a ADD field are contained within the current set of ADD; those marked as a ADD standard are not specifically included in the current set of ADD, but are affected by ADD standards and/or data policy. Details of the specification can be found in the documentation for each field.

FieldADD fieldADD standardNotes
Institution.UKPRNYValid UK Provider Reference Number from the UKRLP. This replaces the INSTID field.
Employment.EMPCOUNTRYYStandard coding frame based on the ISO-3166-1 Alpha-2 list of country codes and adapted by the Office for National Statistics.
Employment.EMPNAMEYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 60 characters.
Employment.JOBDUTIESYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 200 characters.
Employment.JOBTITLEYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 60 characters.
Employment.MAKEDOYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 60 characters.
Employment.EMPPCODEYBS7666 format.
Study.COURSENAMEYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 200 characters.
Study.UCNAMEYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 50 characters.
Study.SUBJECTYStandard character set. Maximum field length of 200 characters.

Data Policy

In addition to individual field definitions, the Aligned Data Definitions set out areas of data policy that apply to many fields or across the return specification as a whole. The following areas of data policy are adopted in the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record. The full set of data policy statements can be found in the ADD documentation on the ISB web site.

  • Use of XML schemas that adhere to the W3C XML Schema Recommendation
  • Use of the Unicode characterset
  • Use of UTF-8 for encoding Unicode characters

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.