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Student record 2013/14

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HIN validation

Version 1.2 Produced 2014-08-14

This document lists the HIN validation checks that will be applied during the COMMIT transaction of the data collection system. An explanation of the different stages of validation is shown in the validation overview document.

HIN Validation Checks at COMMIT

Field Name Number Severity Rule
Course.COURSEAIM 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, where level (PG/UG/FE based on Course.COURSEAIM (using XLEV301)) has changed and (INTERCALATE on the HIN register and Instance.INTERCALATE are both the same).
Course.COURSEID 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN register, more than 10% of instances where Course.COURSEID differs (exclude not exists to exists) and (exclude where INTERCALATE on the HIN register and Instance.INTERCALATE differ).
Course.FEQAIMC 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, where Course.FEQAIMC has changed.
EntryProfile.ACCESS 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.ACCESS differs [exclude (not exists to exists where most recent EntryProfile.QUALENT2 is coded 44 or 45 or most recent EntryProfile.QUALENT3 is coded X00 or X01) and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.QUALENT2 exists and is not coded 44 or 45 or most recent EntryProfile.QUALENT3 exists and is not coded X00 or X01)].
EntryProfile.ARTICLN 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.ARTICLN has changed from known to information sought but not known (8).
EntryProfile.ARTICLN 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.ARTICLN differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (not known (8) to known) and (exists to not exists where (most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM) or (most recent Course.COURSEAIM not in M22, M26, M28, H00, H11, H16, H18, H22, H23, I00, I11, I16))]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.ARTICLN.HIN.1
EntryProfile.DOMICILE 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.DOMICILE has changed from known to unknown (ZZ) value, using XDOM01.
EntryProfile.DOMICILE 2 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.DOMICILE has changed from a UK (XF, XG, XH, XI, XK) code to non-UK OR non-UK to UK (XF, XG, XH, XI, XK) excluding unknown [ZZ] to known, using XDOM01.
EntryProfile.DOMICILE 3 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.DOMICILE differs based on XDOM01 [exclude records identified in EntryProfile.DOMICILE.HIN.1 and EntryProfile.DOMICILE.HIN.2 and changes from XC to XA or XB, and unknown (ZZ) to known value]
EntryProfile.MARSTAT 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.MARSTAT differs [exclude not exists to exists and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not XG)].
EntryProfile.NIDEPEND 1 Warning Where a link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.NIDEPEND differs (exclude (not exists to exists) and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE is not XG)).
EntryProfile.NIDEPEND 2 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.NIDEPEND changed from known to unknown.
EntryProfile.PARED 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.PARED changed from known to (unknown (8) or no response given (7)).
EntryProfile.PARED 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.PARED differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (no response given (7), unknown (8), Information refused (9) to known) and (exists to not exists where (most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM) or (most recent Course.COURSEAIM not in M22, M26, M28, H00, H11, H16, H18, H22, H23, I00, I11, I16, J10, J16, J20, J26, J30, C20, C30) or ( Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07))]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.PARED.HIN.1.
EntryProfile.PGCECLSS 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.PGCECLSS has changed from known to unknown (99) or not applicable (98).
EntryProfile.PGCECLSS 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.PGCECLSS differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (unknown (99) to known) and (not applicable (98) to known) and (exists to not exists where most recent Course.COURSEAIM not M71 or H71)]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.PGCECLSS.HIN.1
EntryProfile.PGCESBJ 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.PGCESBJ has changed from known to unknown (9999) or not applicable (9998).
EntryProfile.PGCESBJ 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.PGCESBJ differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (unknown (9999) to known) and (exists to not exists where most recent Course.COURSEAIM not M71 or H71)]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.PGCESBJ.HIN.1
EntryProfile.POSTCODE 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.POSTCODE has changed from known full postcode to unknown (POSTCODE ReasonForNull="1") value or just an outward postcode has been returned [exclude known to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM]
EntryProfile.POSTCODE 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.POSTCODE differs [exclude unknown (POSTCODE ReasonForNull="1") to known value, outward postcode to full valid postcode, exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in (XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE or IM) and records identified in EntryProfile.POSTCODE.HIN.1]
EntryProfile.PREVINST 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.PREVINST differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (generic or unknown code to a learning provider code) and (exists to not exists where (most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM) or (most recent Course.COURSEAIM not in M22, M26, M28, H00, H11, H16, H18, H22, H23, I00, I11, I16, J10, J16, J20, J26, J30, C20, C30) or ( Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07))]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.PREVINST.HIN.2
EntryProfile.PREVINST 2 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.PREVINST has changed from a learning provider or a generic code to an unknown code.
EntryProfile.QUALENT2 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.QUALENT2 (using XQUALENT01) where it exists, has changed from known to unknown (99) value.
EntryProfile.QUALENT2 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.QUALENT2 (using XQUALENT01) where it exists, differs [exclude records identified in EntryProfile.QUALENT2.HIN.1 and unknown (99) to known value].
EntryProfile.QUALENT3 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.QUALENT3 (using XQUALENT01) where it exists, has changed from known to unknown value.
EntryProfile.QUALENT3 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when EntryProfile.QUALENT3 (using XQUALENT01) where it exists, differs [exclude records identified in EntryProfile.QUALENT3.HIN.1 and unknown to known value].
EntryProfile.QualificationsOnEntry 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, QualificationsOnEntry total tariff score is lower [exclude unknown to known].
EntryProfile.QualificationsOnEntry 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, QualificationsOnEntry total tariff score is higher [exclude unknown to known].
EntryProfile.RELIGION 1 Error Where a Year on Year link had been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.RELIGION has changed from known to missing data (4).
EntryProfile.RELIGION 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link had been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.RELIGION differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (missing data (4) to known) and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE is not XG)]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.RELIGION.HIN.1
EntryProfile.SEC 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.SEC has changed from known to not classified (9).
EntryProfile.SEC 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.SEC differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (not classified (9) to known) and (exists to not exists where (most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM) or (most recent Course.COURSEAIM does not begin H, I, J or C and is not M22, M26, M28) or ( Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07 ))]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.SEC..HIN.1.
EntryProfile.SOC2000 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.SOC2000 has changed from known to not stated (0000), information refused (0001) or not known (0009)
EntryProfile.SOC2000 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.SOC2000 differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (not stated (0000), information refused (0001) or not known (0009) to known) and (exists to not exists where (most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM) or (most recent Course.COURSEAIM does not begin H, I, J or C and is not in M22, M26, M28) or (Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07 )))]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.SOC2000.HIN.1.
EntryProfile.WELBACC 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.WELBACC differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (exists to not exists where (most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not XI) or (most recent Course.COURSEAIM does not begin H, I, J, C) or ( Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07 ))].
EntryProfile.YRLLINST 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register EntryProfile.YRLLINST changed from known to unknown (9999).
EntryProfile.YRLLINST 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, EntryProfile.YRLLINST differs [exclude (not exists to exists) and (unknown(9999) to known) and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.ARTICLN not in 1, 2, 3, 4)]. Exclude records identified in EntryProfile.YRLLINST.HIN.1.
Instance.COMDATE 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Instance.COMDATE exists and is after start of reporting year.
Instance.EXCHANGE 1 Warning Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register and Instance.LOCSDY has changed from studying abroad (S) to at institution (Z), where Instance.EXCHANGE is not coded as mainly overseas (Z).
Instance.EXCHANGE 2 Error Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register and Instance.EXCHANGE has changed from collaborative provision with an overseas institution (Y or Z) to being not an incoming exchange or visiting student (N)
Instance.EntryProfile 1 Error EntryProfile entity exists however the corresponding Instance with a previous year COMDATE has not been previously reported (i.e. cannot be found on the HIN Register).
Instance.FUNDCODE 1 Warning Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register and Instance.LOCSDY has changed from studying abroad (S) to distance Learning (6), where Instance.FUNDCODE has changed from no funds (2, 3 or 4) to fundable by funding council (1).
Instance.FUNDLEV 1 Error Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register and the incoming Instance.INTERCALATE and INTERCALATE on the HIN register match, the first character of Instance.FUNDLEV differs from the first character of FUNDLEV on the HIN register. Exclude where FUNDLEV is coded 99 in the incoming data or in the HIN register.
Instance.INTERCALATE 1 Error Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register, Instance.INTERCALATE is coded 01, INTERCALATE on the HIN register is null and the course on the HIN register is not clinical Medical, Dentistry or Veterinary studies (HIN_CLINICAL value on HIN register is equal to 0 or null).
Instance.INTERCALATE 2 Error Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register, INTERCALATE on the HIN register = 01, Instance.INTERCALATE does not exist and incoming course is not clinical Medical, Dentistry or Veterinary studies. (Pre/Clinical Medical, Dentistry or Veterinary course has Course.COURSEAIM = (M86, M26, M16, H62, H16, I16, H00 or I00) and any associated CourseSubect.SBJCA = (A100, A200, A300, A400, D100, D190, D200, D210, D220 or D290)).
Instance.LOADYRB 1 Error For institutions in England and Northern Ireland, where a year on year link has been made to the HIN register, Instance.LOADYRB must exist and must be > 0 where Institution.INSTAPP=1 and Instance.TYPEYR on input = 1 and TYPEYR on the HIN register = 2, 3, 4 or 5. Dormant students (Instance.MODE = 63 or 64) can be excluded.
Instance.MCDATE 1 Error For institutions in England and Northern Ireland, where there is a year-on-year link, Instance.MCDATE must not be null where Course.COURSEAIM on input begins D, E, L or M (excluding M22, M26, M28) and Instance.MODE on the HIN register is not coded 43, 44, 51, 63, 64, 73 or 74 and Instance.MODE on input is coded 43, 44, 51 and Instance.REDUCEDI on input is coded 00 or 04.
Instance.MCDATE 2 Error For institutions in England and Northern Ireland, where there is a year-on-year link, Instance.MCDATE must not be null where Course.COURSEAIM on input begins D, E, L or M (excluding M22, M26, M28) and Instance.MODE on the HIN register is not coded 43, 44, 51, 63, 64, 73 or 74 and Instance.MODE on input is coded 63 or 64 and Instance.REDUCEDI on input is coded 00 or 04 and (Instance.ENDDATE on input is null or is > Y1-07-31).
Instance.MCDATE 3 Error For institutions in England and Northern Ireland, where there is a year-on-year link, Instance.MCDATE must not be null where Course.COURSEAIM on input begins D, E, L or M (excluding M22, M26, M28) and Instance.MODE on the HIN register is coded 43, 44, 51, 63, 64, 73 or 74 and Instance.MODE on input is not coded 43, 44, 51, 63, 64, 73 or 74 and Instance.REDUCEDI on input is coded 00 or 04.
Instance.NUMHUS 1 Error No year on year link in incoming data for an instance that was 'live' last year i.e. appeared on the HIN Target List.
Instance.NUMHUS 2 Error Year on year link exists but the incoming instance is not for a SAS course ( Course.TTCID not equal to E ) and links to an instance on the HIN Register that is a SAS course (TTCID = E)
Instance.NUMHUS 3 Warning Year on year link exists but incoming instance links to a previously wholly overseas instance (LOCSDY = 7) on the HIN register and the student is not currently studying abroad ( Instance.LOCSDY not equal to S ).
Instance.NUMHUS 5 Error Year on year link exists but the incoming SKE instance ( Course.TTCID = F ) links to an instance on the HIN Register that is not for a SKE course (TTCID not equal to A, B, C or F)
Instance.NUMHUS 6 Error Year on year link exists but the incoming instance is not for an SKE course ( Course.TTCID not equal to F ) and links to an instance on the HIN Register that is an SKE course (TTCID = A, B, C or F)
Instance.NUMHUS 8 Error Year on year link exists but the incoming SKE instance ( Course.TTCID = F ) links to an instance on the HIN Register that is for a SKE course ( TTCID = A, B, C or F ) that is more than 2 years old
Instance.NUMHUS 9 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register the Instance.REDUCEDI must not equal 08.
Instance.PHDSUB 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, Instance.PHDSUB differs [exclude not exists to exists].
Instance.RCSTDNT 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Instance.RCSTDNT has changed from a specific Research Council to not Research Council student (99).
Instance.SSN 1 Error Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register, Instance.SSN has changed from exists to not exists (exclude where (incoming Course.COURSEAIM begins D, E, L, M (excluding M22, M26, M28, M71, M88), P, Q, R, S or X or (incoming Course.COURSEAIM ends with 90 or 99)) or (incoming Instance.MODE = 63 or 64)).
Instance.SSN 2 Warning Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register and both incoming Instance.SSN and SSN on the HIN register exist, Instance.SSN differs.
Student.BIRTHDTE 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Student.BIRTHDTE changed from known to unknown (ReasonForNull = 1) value.
Student.BIRTHDTE 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, Student.BIRTHDTE differs (exclude unknown (9999-12-31 or null) to known value changes. Exclude records identified in Student.BIRTHDTE.HIN.1.
Student.ETHNIC 1 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Student.ETHNIC exists and it has changed from known to unknown (90) value.
Student.ETHNIC 2 Warning For institutions in Northern Ireland, Scotland or Wales where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Student.ETHNIC exists and it differs (exclude records identified in Student.ETHNIC.HIN.1 and unknown [90] to known value, and information refused [98] to known value, and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM), and exclude code 80 changing to codes 50 or 15 and for institutions in Scotland exclude code 10 changing to codes 13 or 19).
Student.ETHNIC 3 Warning For institutions in England, where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Student.ETHNIC exists and it differs (exclude records identified in Student.ETHNIC.HIN.1 and unknown [90] to known value, and information refused [98] to known value, and (exists to not exists where most recent EntryProfile.DOMICILE not in XF, XG, XH, XI, XK, XL, GG, JE, IM and Course.TTCID not in 1, 8, G, H, L, M, N, P), and exclude code 80 changing to codes 50 or 15).
Student.HUSID 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register and (Student name differs from NAMECAT (Concatenation of Student.SURNAME and Student.FNAMES)) and (where BIRTHDTE exists it differs from Student.BIRTHDTE) and (where GENDER = 1 or 2 and Student.SEXID = 1 or 2, GENDER differs from Student.SEXID) and (where SEXID exists it differs from Student.SEXID).
Student.SEXID 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register and SEXID does not exist on HIN and GENDER on HIN equals 1 or 2 and Student.SEXID equals 1 or 2, GENDER and Student.SEXID differ.
Student.SEXID 2 Warning Where a year on year link has been made to the HIN Register and SEXID exists on HIN then Student.SEXID differs.
Student.SURNAME 1 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Student.SEXID = 1 and Student name differs NAMECAT (Concatenation of Student.SURNAME and Student.FNAMES). Exclude exists to not exists where Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07. Exclude records identified in Student.SURNAME.HIN.3
Student.SURNAME 2 Warning Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, when Student.SEXID = 2 and Student name differs NAMECAT (Concatenation of Student.SURNAME and Student.FNAMES). Exclude exists to not exists where Instance.REDUCEDI on input = 07 and records identified in Student.SURNAME.HIN.3
Student.SURNAME 3 Error Where a Year on Year link has been made to the HIN Register, Student name differs NAMECAT (Concatenation of Student.SURNAME and Student.FNAMES) and the first character of Student.SURNAME on input is equal to the first character of Student.FNAMES on the HIN Register and the first character of Student.FNAMES on input is equal to the first character of Student.SURNAME on the HIN Register.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.