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KIS record 2013/14

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KIS record 2013/14

Inclusion of NSS and DLHE data

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Version 1.1 Produced 2013-05-29

NSS (National Student Survey) and DLHE (Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education) data are explicitly linked at an individual level to the student records collected by HESA, The Data Service and the Welsh Government. Institutions will report which HESA course codes or ILR qualification aim references are linked to each KIS course as part of the KIS record. NSS and DLHE data will then be included in the KIS course by aggregating the students, from the HESA Student record, registered on the HESA course codes or ILR/LLWR qualification aim references reported.

Further details on how to record collaborative and franchised provision can be found in the Collaborative provision document.


A BSc Mathematics course has two intakes each year in October and January. The institution distinguishes between these by using two different course identifiers in the HESA Student record but is producing only one KIS. In this case the institution would need to return two occurrences of the HESACourse entity - one for each course code.

If, additionally, the institution updated the course identifier each year then four occurrences of the HESACourse entity would need to be included and the HESAYEAR field set appropriately. For example, if the COURSEID is changed on the Student record between reporting years the KIS record will need to be updated with four occurrences of HESACourse entity and the HESACourse.HESAYEAR field updated accordingly:

MathOCT MathOCT 2009
MathOCT2 MathOCT2 2010
MathJAN MathJAN 2009
MathJAN2 MathJAN2 2010

In populating KIS, if a course is identified in KISCourse.KISMODE as being 'Full-time', then only full-time NSS and DLHE will be used. If 'Part-time' is identified, then only part-time NSS and DLHE data will be used, and if 'Both' is selected, two KIS will be produced and will use separate full and part-time NSS and DLHE data..

Publication thresholds will apply to both the NSS and the DLHE survey based on numbers in the HESA Student record. Currently the publication thresholds for the NSS are that 50% of the eligible students must have responded and that these must represent at least 23 students. The publication thresholds for the DLHE differ in that the number of students covered by the indicator must be at least 23 (a 50% threshold is not applied). However, for salary information, at least 50% of the students who are employed full-time i.e. the population of the statistic, must have given a salary. Thus, for salary data to be published at least 23 students who are employed full-time must have given a salary and these must represent at least 50% of the students employed full-time.

Where NSS and DLHE data for a particular course fail to meet the publication thresholds then data will be aggregated in the following order until data that meet the thresholds are achieved:

  • Course level most recent two years
  • JACS subject level 3 most recent year
  • JACS subject level 3 most recent two years
  • JACS subject level 2 most recent year
  • JACS subject level 2 most recent two years
  • JACS subject level 1 most recent year
  • JACS subject level 1 most recent two years

Detail of the mapping of JACS codes to levels is provided in a mapping spreadsheet.

For further education colleges the above approach will be applied. In order to allow the approach to be applied the LDCS (Learn Direct Classification System) codes included within the KIS return and on the LAD/LARA (Learning Aims Database/Learning Aims Reference Application) will be mapped to JACS codes. Full details of the mapping can be found at HEFCE Frequently asked questions.

Aggregation will be applied to NSS and DLHE data separately. Therefore it is possible that NSS data and DLHE data will be displayed at different points in the hierarchy depending on the numbers responding to each survey.

For multiple subject courses that meet the threshold to have a separate KIS the aggregation approach outlined above will be applied to each subject separately. Thus, a multiple subject course KIS may include up to three sets of NSS and/or DLHE data. Where data are aggregated by subject and two or more of the subjects included in the course map to the same subject at the next level in the JACS hierarchy, a single figure will be given. For example, a Physics and Chemistry course does not have sufficient NSS data to be published, neither do the JACS level 3 subjects of Chemistry or Physics and Astronomy, in which case a single set of data for the JACS level 2 subject Physical sciences would be produced.

HESACourse.HESACOURSEID and ILRAims.ILRAIMID should only be used to link to courses that are the embodiment, on the HESA Student record or ILR records, of the course for which a KIS is being produced. It would be misleading to applicants if other courses were included, as this could lead to a belief that they were viewing course level data, when they were looking at data relating to a group of courses.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.