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Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record 2014/15

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Revision history

This table lists changes and additions to the record specification and supporting documentation.

Jump to version:   1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6| 1.7| 1.8| 1.9

Version 1.9 (2016-03-22)

Element Element version Notes
Credibility reporting definitions 1.0 This document has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the manual, describing the tables in the Credibility reports produced during submission.

Version 1.8 (2016-03-17)

Element Element version Notes
Central coding of SIC 1.1 Guidance amended to reflect the central coding of SIC process for the 2014/15 DLHE record
Credibility report mapping document 1.1 New tables have been added to the credibility report mapping document.
Derived field specifications N/A Release of the processing derived fields used in SIC coding and Unistats.
File structure for downloadable files - Data supply SIC 1.0 First issue of this document for 2014/15, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'.
File structures for downloadable files - Unistats DLHE 1.0 First issue of this document for 2014/15 linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'.

Version 1.7 (2016-02-26)

Element Element version Notes
Credibility report mapping document 1.0 First issue of this document for 2014/15 under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section.
Derived field specifications N/A First release of the derived field specifications for this collection, added under the 'Data specification' section.
File structure for data supply 1.0 First issue of this document for 2014/15, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'.
File structure for DLHE match report 1.0 First issue of this document for 2014/15, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'.
Fixed database facility N/A A link to the Fixed database facility has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.

Version 1.6 (2015-11-16)

Element Element version Notes
Text for covering letters and emails 1.2 The January versions of the English 'Text for covering letters and emails' have been updated. The wording has been changed to future tense, reflecting the fact that students will predominantly be contacted before the census date.

Version 1.5 (2015-10-30)

Element Element version Notes
Employment.EMPPAY 1.2 Additional guidance added to the Notes clarifying that both Employment.EMPPAY and Employment.EMPPAYPERIOD must be returned, in order to derive annual salary.
Employment.EMPPAYPERIOD 1.1 Additional guidance added to the Notes clarifying that both Employment.EMPPAY and Employment.EMPPAYPERIOD must be returned, in order to derive annual salary.

Version 1.4 (2015-10-09)

Element Element version Notes
Quality rules N/A The quality rules web page, describing the validation which enforces the quality of the submitted data, has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Quality rules web page - FAQ 1.0 This document, which describes the functionality now available with the quality rules web page, has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Validation kit N/A The validation kit is now available under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the manual. This allows data to be tested against quality rules during preparation, prior to submission.
Unistats 1.1 A link to the 2014/15 Student record Unistats has been added to the File structures for downloadable files.
HESA XML data entry tool 1.0 This program has been created in order to produce XML data in the format required for submission. It takes the data entered into it, validates it against the schema structure, and outputs a valid XML file for submission.
How to use the HESA XML data entry tool 1.0 This document has been added to the manual under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the main manual page, describing the XML data entry tool and how to use it.

Version 1.3 (2015-08-27)

Element Element version Notes
Data collection schedule 1.1 Additional guidance surrounding the Official Statistics restrictions to the publication of DLHE data prior to the HESA Statistical First Release (SFR), added under the heading 'Onward use of DLHE record data'.
DLHE survey population file N/A A link to the DLHE survey population file has been added to the File structures for downloadable files, under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Questionnaires 1.2 Release of the Questionnaires for the January 2016 survey in English and Welsh, added under the 'Information specific to the collection' section of the coding manual.
Quick start guide 1.1 All references to the former access control methodology for the Data Collection System have been updated.
Text for covering letters and emails 1.1 Release of the Text for covering letters and emails for the January 2016 survey in English and Welsh, added under the 'Information specific to the collection' section of the coding manual.

Version 1.2 (2015-05-14)

Element Element version Notes
Employment.EMPCURRENCY 1.1 The guidance has been updated in the Notes section, higher education providers (HEPs) will have the option to convert the figure returned in Employment.EMPPAY and/or Employment.ESTEARN when a currency other than pound sterling is used.
Employment.EMPPAY 1.1 The guidance has been updated in the Notes section, higher education providers (HEPs) will have the option to convert the figure returned in Employment.EMPPAY and/or Employment.ESTEARN when a currency other than pound sterling is used.
Employment.ESTEARN 1.1 The guidance has been updated in the Notes section, higher education providers (HEPs) will have the option to convert the figure returned in Employment.EMPPAY and/or Employment.ESTEARN when a currency other than pound sterling is used.
Logo for the DLHE survey 1.1 The Logo for the DLHE survey webpage has been updated, the English and Welsh survey logo downloadable .zip files now include an A4 version of the Survey logo in both .jpg and .esp format as well as a falvicon in an .ico format.
Questionnaires 1.1 The Welsh survey questionnaire for the April 2015 survey has been updated to correct one instance of an incorrect survey date used in Section D (Adran CH) of the survey.

Version 1.1 (2015-03-26)

Element Element version Notes
Coverage of the record 1.1 The Student record exclusions from the Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education population has been updated to remove QualificationsAwarded.QUAL valid entry H24 'First degree with honours on the intercalated pattern' and replace it with Instance.INTERCALATE valid entry 01 'This student is studying on an intercalated course'.
Online DLHE file layout 1.0 Release of the Online DLHE file layout added to the 'File structures for downloadable files' under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.

Version 1.0 (2015-03-05)

Element Element version Notes
All data items N/A The question numbers which relate to data items have been reconciled throughout the manual to match the April 2015 survey as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation.
All data items and documents N/A The validation rules carried out at Business stage and Exception stage are now collectively referred to under the umbrella term 'Quality rules' in all associated documentation.
Employment.EMPBASIS 1.0 Addition of valid entry 11 'On a zero hours contract' as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. This valid entry will enable zero hours contracts to be identified as a basis of employment.
Employment.EMPCURRENCY 1.0 Data item added to the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. This data item will collect the HE leaver's pay information for their main employment in a format that is broadly consistent with that used in the DLHE Longitudinal Survey.
Employment.EMPHOURS 1.0 Data item added to the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. This data item will collect the number of hours a week the HE leaver works for their main employment.
Employment.EMPPAY 1.0 Data item added to the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. This data item will collect the HE leaver's pay information for their main employment in a format that is broadly consistent with that used in the DLHE Longitudinal Survey.
Employment.EMPPAYPERIOD 1.0 Data item added to the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. This data item will collect the HE leaver's pay information for their main employment in a format that is broadly consistent with that used in the DLHE Longitudinal Survey.
Employment.JOBTITLE 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question now clarifies that HE leavers on a post-doctoral contract should record this in the job title. Additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying the definitions of self-employed, freelance and setting up your own business.
Employment.POSTDOC 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question now clarifies that HE leavers on a post-doctoral contract should record this in the job title.
Employment.PTHOURS 1.0 Data item removed from the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The number of hours a week the HE leaver works for their main employment is now captured for those that have indicated working full-time as well as working part-time.
Employment.SALARY 1.0 Data item removed from the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. HE leaver's pay information for their main employment is now captured in a format that is broadly consistent with that used in the DLHE Longitudinal Survey.
Employment.SOCDLHE2010 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question now clarifies that HE leavers on a post-doctoral contract should record this in the job title.
Student.ALLACT 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question now clarifies that multiple part-time jobs should be recorded as valid entry 02 'Working part-time'. Additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying that should the HE leaver be on leave, including maternity, paternity, sickness or other leave, but is still on the payroll of the employer this should be recorded as both valid entry 01 'Working full-time'/02 'Working part-time' and valid entry 08 'Doing something else'.
Student.HEBUSNEXP 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question has been shortened with additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying that it refers to how well prepared the HE leaver feels for being self-employed/freelance or for starting up their own business.
Student.HESTUDYEXP 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question has been shortened with additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying that it refers to how well prepared the HE leaver feels for further study.
Student.HEWORKEXP 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question has been shortened with additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying that it refers to how well prepared the HE leaver feels for employment.
Student.MIMPACT 1.0 The question has been changed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. The question now clarifies that multiple part-time jobs should be recorded as valid entry 02 'Working part-time'.
Student.OPTOUT 1.0 Data item added to the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2014/15' documentation. This data item will collect the HE leaver's decision to opt out from a follow-up survey planned for three years' time.
Data items required for valid response 1.0 The table has been updated to accommodate the addition of Employment.EMPCURRENCY, Employment.EMPHOURS, Employment.EMPPAY, Employment.EMPPAYPERIOD and Student.OPTOUT to the record as well as the removal of Employment.PTHOURS and Employment.SALARY from the record.
Logo for the DLHE survey 1.0 Release of the Survey logo in English and Welsh, added under the 'Information specific to the collection' section of the coding manual.
Questionnaires 1.0 Release of the Questionnaires for the April 2015 survey in English and Welsh, added under the 'Information specific to the collection' section of the coding manual.
Text for covering letters and emails 1.0 Release of the Text for covering letters and emails for the April 2015 survey in English and Welsh, added under the 'Information specific to the collection' section of the coding manual.
C14018.xsd N/A The schema sequence for submitting data items has been reordered as per the 'Summary of changes for 2014/15' document:

  • Entities are presented in parent-child order, starting with the 'Institution entity'.
  • Data items within entities are presented in the order of primary key data items, candidate key data items, foreign key data items, and non-key data items.
  • Child entities then follow.
  • Each data item or entity within a parent entity is presented in alphabetical order to aid its location.
C14018CodeLists.xsd N/A Optional attributes have been removed from the 'CodeContentType' extension base within the C14018CodeLists.xsd. These have been removed due to limited usage within the higher education sector and the absence of a need for such attributes. These optional attributes were 'name', 'codeListAgencyName', 'codeListName', 'codeListVersionID', and 'languageID'. Files submitted using these attributes will no longer pass schema validation.

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