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Staff record 2014/15

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Check documentation definitions and notes

Version 1.0 Produced 2015-06-25

This document contains the data definitions used in the Check documentation. This documentation should be used in conjunction with the Coding manual and the Check documentation guide.

Contents: Institutional information | CCAnalysis_2 | Checkdoc_I | Checkdoc_II | Checkdoc_III | Checkdoc_IV | CCANALYSIS_1 | General notes

Institutional InformationBack to top

Item 1 - Number of staff by legal sex and nationality

No population has been applied to this item.

Nationality is grouped using XSNAT01:

1 United Kingdom (including Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man)
2 European Union countries
3 Other European Economic Area countries
4 Other Non-European Union countries
9 Not known

Item 2 - Number of contracts by terms of employment and mode of employment

No population has been applied to this item.

Mode of employment data has been grouped as follows:

Full-time MOEMP = '1', '2'
Part-time MOEMP = '3', '4'
Atypical MOEMP = '5'
Dormant MOEMP = '6'

Item 3 - Number of contracts by mode of employment and contract FTE

No population has been applied to this item.

Mode of employment data has been grouped as follows:

Full-time MOEMP = '1', '2'
Part-time MOEMP = '3', '4'
Atypical MOEMP = '5'
Dormant MOEMP = '6'

Contract FTE has been group in the following bands:

0 to 20%
21 to 40%
41 to 60%
61 to 80%
81 to 100%
More than 100%

Item 4 - Full-time equivalent (FTE) by SOC2010 major groups by academic employment function and mode of employment

The population excludes staff members where Contract.ACEMPFUN is null.

Mode of employment data has been grouped as follows:

Full-time MOEMP = '1', '2'
Part-time MOEMP = '3', '4'
Atypical MOEMP = '5'
Dormant MOEMP = '6'

Academic employment function has been grouped as follows:

Academic contracts ACEMPFUN = '1', '2', '3', '9'
Non-academic contracts ACEMPFUN = '4'

SOC2010 major groups have been grouped as follows:

1, 2 and 3 XACTSOC01 = '1', '2', '3'
4 to 9 XACTSOC01 = '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9'

Item 5 - FTE by mode of employment and SOC2010 major groups

No population has been applied to this item.

Mode of employment data has been grouped as follows:

Full-time MOEMP = '1', '2'
Part-time MOEMP = '3', '4'
Atypical MOEMP = '5'
Dormant MOEMP = '6'

Item 6a - Full-person equivalent (FPE) by activity after leaving for staff (excluding atypical) with SOC2010 major groups 1, 2 or 3

Population includes all staff (excluding atypical) with XACTSOC01 = '1', '2' or '3' who have left during the reporting period. The population is therefore defined as all staff where person.ACTLEAVE exists. Prior year data has been included to assist with year on year comparison.

Item 6b - Number of academic teaching qualifications as at 1 December

Population includes those staff counted within the 1 December population (XPOPP01 = 1) at English, Northern Irish and Welsh HEPs, where contract.ACEMPFUN = '1' or '3' and contract.TERMS = '1' or '2'. Previous year data has been included to assist with year on year comparison.

Item 7a - Healthcare professional specialty of academic staff with NHS contracts

Population includes those staff with academic contracts (XACMRK01 = '1').

Item 7b - Clinical sub-specialty of academic staff with NHS contracts

Population includes those staff with academic contracts (XACMRK01 = '1').

Item 8 - NHS contract grade of academic staff with NHS contracts

Population includes those staff with academic contracts (XACMRK01 = '1').

CCAnalysis_2Back to top

Item 9 - Analysis of Academic Employment Function and Activity by Cost Centre

Full time equivalent during the reporting period for each contract held has been split across cost centres using the proportion of each activity code in each cost centre. A breakdown of ACEMPFUN is also shown by Cost Centre.

Calculations are based on the Session population (XPSESC01).

Checkdoc_IBack to top

Item 10a - Number of staff (excluding atypical) by legal sex and age as at 1 December

Population used includes only those individuals who have one or more standard contracts live as at 1 December within the reporting period (XPOPP01 = '1').

Item 10b - Number of academic staff with only atypical contracts during the reporting year by legal sex and age

Population used includes only those academic staff who have ONLY atypical contracts within the reporting period (XPOPPA01 = '1'). The population does not include academic staff that hold a mixture of atypical and standard contracts.

Item 11 - Staff FPE (excluding atypical) by previous employment

Popualation used is staff (excluding atypical) with one or more active contracts as at 1 December and (excluding atypical) who started in the reporting period.

Non academic staff include where ACEMPFUN has not been returned.

Item 12- Number of staff (excluding atypical) by disability as at 1 December

Population used is staff (excluding atypical) with one or more active contracts as 1 December within the reporting period.

Item 13a - Unknown values for staff with non-atypical contracts as at 1 December

Population used is staff with (excluding atypical) one or more active contracts as at 1 December within the reporting period.

The number for whom the data is required is based on the coverage for each field and therefore numbers will vary between fields.

Item 13b - Unknown values for staff with atypical contracts only during the reporting period

Population is staff with only atypical contracts during the reporting period (XPOPPA01= '1').

The number for whom the data is required is based on the coverage for each field and therefore numbers will vary between fields.

Item 13c - Unknown values for staff with non-atypical contracts who started during the reporting year

Population is staff with one or more active non-atypical contracts during the reporting period who started during this reporting period.

The number for whom the data is required is based on the coverage for each field and therefore numbers will vary between fields.

Item 13d - Number of unknown and information refused values for national identity - For Welsh HEPs only

No population has been applied to this item.

Item 13e - FPE for staff (excluding atypical) in SOC2010 major groups 1, 2 or 3 by previous employment and activity after leaving for staff who have left during the reporting period

Population includes staff (excluding atypical) in SOC2010 major groups 1, 2 or 3 who have left during the reporting period.

Checkdoc_IIBack to top

Item 14 - Staff FPE (excluding atypical) by levels and academic employment function

The population includes staff, excluding atypical staff members.

Where Contract.ACEMPFUN is NULL or where Contract.LEVELS is NULL nothing will be populated.

Contract.LEVELS has been grouped as follows:

Professor LEVELS = 'F1'
Other senior academic LEVELS = 'A0', 'B1', 'B2', 'C1', 'C2', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'E1', 'E2'
Other contract levels LEVELS = 'F2', 'I0', 'J0', 'K0', 'L0', 'M0', 'N0', 'O0', 'P0'

Prior year data has been included to allow for year on year comparison.

Item 15a - FTE by contract levels and SOC2010 major group

The population excludes contracts where Contract.LEVELS is null.

Item 15b - Staff FTE (excluding atypical) by SOC2010 major group, mode of employment and basic salary

The population includes staff, excluding atypical staff members and where Contract.ACEMPFUN is null.

Item 15c - Staff FTE (excluding atypical) by SOC2010 major group, contract level, mode of employment and basic salary

The population includes staff, excluding atypical staff members.

Contract.LEVELS has been grouped as follows:

Professor LEVELS = 'F1'
Other senior academic LEVELS = 'A0', 'B1', 'B2', 'C1', 'C2', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'E1', 'E2'
Other contract levels LEVELS = 'F2', 'I0', 'J0', 'K0', 'L0', 'M0', 'N0', 'O0', 'P0'

Item 15d - Staff FPE (excluding atypical) by mode of employment and salary group

The population includes staff, excluding atypical staff members.

Checkdoc_IIIBack to top

Item 16 - Healthcare professional specialty of staff with Clinical status

Population includes all contacts where Contract.CLINICAL is not null.

Item 16 is also grouped by Contract.CLINICAL status and Contract.HSPEC (health care specialty).

Item 17a - Comparison of Healthcare professional specialty data provided by Medical and Dental Schools' Councils

Population includes all contracts where Contract.HSPEC is not null.

Item 17b - Comparison of Clinical Excellence/Merit/Distinction Awards data provided by Medical and Dental Schools' Councils

Population includes all contracts where Contract.CLINICAL is not null.

Checkdoc_IVBack to top

Items 18 to 21

Full-person equivalent

Individuals can hold more than one contract and each contract may involve more than one activity. In published analyses and in checkdoc items 11-14 staff counts are divided amongst their activities in proportion to the declared FTE for each activity; this results in counts of full person equivalents (FPE). Staff FPE counts are calculated on the basis of contract activities that were active on 1 December of the reporting period (using the HESA staff contract population).

Atypical full-person equivalent

Individuals can hold only atypical contracts and each contract may involve more than one activity. Atypical staff FPE counts are calculated on the basis of those individuals who have only atypical contracts that were active during the reporting period (using the HESA atypical staff population).

Further information is available on FTE and FPE.

Item 21 includes the following breakdowns:


Ethnicity has been grouped as follows:

Ethnic minority ETHNIC = '21', '22', '29', '31', '32', '33', '34', '39', '41', '42', '43', '49', '50', '80'
White ETHNIC = '10', '13', '14', '15', '19'
Unknown ETHNIC = '90', '98'

Source of salary

Source of salary has been grouped as follows:

Wholly institutionally financed SOBS = '1'
All other sources of finance SOBS all other codes

Contract levels

Contract.LEVELS has been grouped as follows:

Professor LEVELS = 'F1'
Other senior academic LEVELS = 'A0', 'B1', 'B2', 'C1', 'C2', 'D1', 'D2', 'D3', 'E1', 'E2'
Other contract levels LEVELS = 'F2', 'I0', 'J0', 'K0', 'L0', 'M0', 'N0', 'O0', 'P0'

Academic employment function section - FT/PT academics with an Contract.ACEMPFUN of '4 - not an academic contract' may look odd when data is populated here, but this is due to the item being on FPE and Contract.ACEMPFUN must exist where at least one activity.ACTSOC = major groups 1-3.

Total non academic include Person.SEX, Person.BIRTHDTE, Person.ETHNIC, Person.DISABILITY, Contract.SOBS where Contract.ACEMPFUN has not been returned.

CCAnalysis_1Back to top

Item 22 - Analysis of 2012/13 Student, Staff and Finance data by Cost Centre as well as 2013/14 Staff data by cost centre

The FTE during the reporting period for each contract held has been split across cost centres using the proportion of each activity code in each cost centre.

General notesBack to top

Decimal place and rounding

Items are to one decimal place except where whole numbers are expected.

Percentage changes

On items with percentage changes, zero to greater than zero are highlighted using a shaded hyphen as you cannot divide by zero.

Atypical staff and Staff (excluding atypical)

Where 'Staff (excluding atypical)' and 'Atypical' are mentioned (e.g. item 18) this means that the 'Atypical' are only those with atypical contracts and those in the Staff (excluding atypical) are staff with at least one 'standard' contract.

Items 4 and 5 grand total counts

It may appear that the grand total counts will be the same in both items. However, item 4 is broken down by Contract.ACEMPFUN, and you cannot return Contract.ACEMPFUN unless the staff member has at least one contract with ACTSOC 1-3. Therefore, the total count for item 4 may genuinely be lower than item 5.

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