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Student record 2014/15

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Credibility report mapping document

Version 1.4 Produced 2015-08-06

The purpose of this document is to provide a mapping between the locations of tables as presented in the C13051 Check documentation and the tables in the new C14051 Credibility report, along with details of any key changes.

Please note that the release of tables in the new credibility report is part of the new tranche process. As such the tables will be released incrementally over the coming months, and this document will be updated at each tranche release.


As part of the tranche initiative being undertaken for the 2014/15 HESA Student record, HESA is updating the way in which management information is presented back to HEPs to review and assess the data quality of the submission. In previous years this management information has taken the form of a series of tables presented in an Excel workbook known as Check documentation. For C14051 the majority of those items used by HESA to form the basis of data quality queries will be replaced with web-based Credibility report output tables. These tables will be grouped into chapters, where each chapter is a group of tables which share a common theme e.g. Qualifications on entry.

Functionality of the Credibility report allows for there to be more year-on-year comparisons shown on the output tables than has previously been possible in the Check documentation. In addition to this percentage change and differences in number may also be displayed. These will however be displayed within the data cells rather than in separate columns or rows. Display of these calculations will be controlled using dynamic features that can be toggled on and off within the report view allowing the user to customise their display.


C13051 Check documentation item C14051 Credibility report
chapter -> table
Key changes to data presentation Release tranche
Check_Document_1 -> Item 1 – Student instance numbers by mode, level and domicile Student instance profile -> Student by domicile, mode and level (DOM1)
  • Separate output table to display overview of high level student numbers
  • Split by UK, Other European Union, Non-European and Not known
Student instance profile -> Students by domicile, mode and level – proportion difference (DOM1P)
  • New proportion table designed to complement DOM1 and based on column totals
Student instance profile -> Students by mode and level (SIN1)
  • Domicile groupings have been removed.
  • 1st December population removed as no longer a requirement
  • Split between First years and Other years
Check_Document_1 -> Item 1 – Student instance numbers: proportion (%) difference Student instance profile -> Students by mode and level – proportion difference (SIN1P)
  • Domicile groupings removed
  • Split between First years and Others
  • Proportions calculated from output table SIN1 and based on total for the mode.
Check_Document_1 -> Item 2 – Qualifications awarded to students Qualifications awarded -> Qualifications awarded by mode and level of study (QUAL1)
  • Renamed to ‘Qualifications awarded by mode and level of study’ to reflect that the columns display the mode and level of study and to highlight that the purpose of the table is to ensure the qualification awarded is appropriate to the level of study
  • Level of qualification breakdown based on that used in HESA publications
Check_Document_1 -> Item 2a - Qualifications obtained by students on HE course by level of qualification obtained and mode of study Qualifications awarded -> Qualifications awarded by mode (QUAL2)
  • Level of qualification breakdown based on that used in the Statistical First Release (SFR)
Qualifications awarded -> Qualifications awarded by mode – proportion difference (QUAL2P)
  • New proportion table designed to complement QUAL2 and based on column totals
Check_Document_1 -> Item 2 ITT – ITT qualifications awarded to students ITT -> ITT qualifications awarded (ITT2)
  • New split by Course.TTCID
  • The table is now applicable to HEPs across the UK
ITT -> Early years ITT early route (EYTS1)
  • Separate output table to display entry routes for Course.TTCID code Q split by mode and level
  • Applicable to HEPs in England only
ITT -> Early years ITT awarded EYTS (EYTS2)
  • Separate output table that displays the number of ITT qualifications awarded EYTS and where EYTS withheld
  • Applicable to HEPs in England only
ITT -> ITT qualifications awarded with QTS (QTS1)
  • Separate output table that displays the number of ITT qualifications awarded QTS and where QTS withheld, split by Course.TTCID
Check_Document_1 -> Item 2 – REF doctoral degrees awarded n/a
  • Item no longer required
Check_Document_1 -> Item 2c – Doctoral degrees awarded that do not match the REF criteria n/a
  • Item no longer required
Check_Document_1 -> Students with an SSN who started/left within 2 weeks Student support -> Students with an SSN who started and left within 2 weeks (SSN2)
  • Replicates the previous check documentation item
  • Shading will be applied to the Total cell where 0 students have been reported
Student support -> First year students with an SSN (SSN1)
  • New output table to provide a count of UK domiciled new entrants with an SSN by mode and level. It provides context to 'Students with an SSN who started/left within two weeks'
Check_Document_2 -> Item 3 – Student instance apportionment by mode, level and subject area Subjects of study -> Students by subject area and mode (SBJ3)
  • Overview of subject breakdown by Full-time (including Sandwich) and Part-time modes
Subjects of study -> Students by subject area, mode and level (SBJ1)
  • Sub-totals by mode included
  • This item replicates the previous Item 3
ITT -> ITT Students by mode and level (ITT1)
  • ITT students are separately displayed in ITT chapter
Subjects of study -> Students by principal subject, mode and level (SBJ2)
  • New split provided at principal subject level to provide a more detailed breakdown of coding
Subjects of study -> First year students by subject area, mode and level (SBJF1)
  • New for 2014/15 to help identify subects where the first year intake has significantly changed.
Check_Document_2 -> Item 4 – Outgoing ERASMUS student numbers n/a
  • Item no longer required – to be covered by quality rule
Check_Document_2 -> Item 4a – Mobility instances Mobility -> Student mobilities by scheme and type (MOB1)
  • Provides a comparative breakdown of mobilities by type and scheme
  • Shading will be applied where mobilities were reported last year and there are none this year and vice versa and where there is an overall change to the Total of +/- 20% and where a population criteria of 40 out of 100 applies.
N/a New for C14051 Mobility -> Count of instances with a mobility (MOB2)
  • New output table to provide breakdown of mobility by year of programme and level of study.
Check_Document_2 -> Item 5 Course length profile Study Years -> Full-time undergraduates by expected length of study and year of course (EXPL1)
  • Item 5 has been split out into two output tables, one for full-time (EXPL1) and one for part-time (EXPL2)
Study Years -> Part-time undergraduates by expected length of study and year of course (EXPL2)
  • Item 5 has been split out into two output tables, one for full-time (EXPL1) and one for part-time (EXPL2)
Check_Document_2 -> Item 7a – Highest qualification on entry for first years Qualifications on entry -> First year students by highest qualification on entry (HQOE1)
  • Sub-totals at level now included in separate totals output table (HQOE2)
  • Unknown values no longer split between UCAS and non-UCAS
Qualifications on entry -> First year students by highest qualification on entry totals (HQOE2)
  • Overview breakdown by level of qualification: Postgraduate/PGCE/First Degree, Other undergraduate/Level 3 qualification, Qualification at level 2 and below/Other/No formal qualification
Check_Document_2 -> Item 7b – Proportion (5) of Highest qualification on entry for first years Qualifications on entry -> First year students by highest qualification on entry totals - proportion difference (HQOE2P)
  • Simplification of Item 7b.
  • Proportions calculated from output table HQOE2 and based on the column totals
Check_Document_2 -> Item 8 – Comparison of full-time degree entrants by qualification Qualifications on entry -> UK domiciled students by tariff groupings (TAR1)
  • Non-UK split removed. Focus of table is UK domiciled students
  • Extended to identify Foundation year students and all others
  • The tariff groupings are now based on the new XTARIFFP01 derived field
Qualifications on entry -> UK domiciled students by tariff groupings – proportion difference (TAR1P)
  • Proportions from item 8 are now split out into a separate output table and based on the column totals
  • The tariff groupings are now based on the new XTARIFFP01 derived field
Check_Document_2 -> Item 10 – Classification of first degree qualifications obtained Qualifications awarded -> Classification of first degree qualifications awarded (CLAS1)
  • Display orientation improved to show vertically
Qualifications awarded -> Classification of first degree qualifications awarded – proportion difference (CLAS1P)
  • Proportions calculated from output table CLAS1 and based on the total
Check_Document_2 -> Item 12ai – Average instance FTE (%) Standard instance year Average Instance FTE -> Standard instance years - Starters (FTE1)
  • Item 12ai split into three separate output tables. Mode split expanded to show Full-time and sandwich according to funding council definitions, Other full-time, Other sandwich and Part-time.
Average Instance FTE -> Standard instance years - Leavers (FTE2)
  • Item 12ai split into three separate output tables. Mode split expanded to show Full-time and sandwich according to funding council definitions, Other full-time, Other sandwich and Part-time.
Average Instance FTE -> Standard instance years - Others (FTE3)
  • Item 12ai split into three separate output tables. Mode split expanded to show Full-time and sandwich according to funding council definitions, Other full-time, Other sandwich and Part-time.
Check_Document_2 -> Item 12aii - Average instance FTE (%) Non-Standard instance year Average Instance FTE -> Non-standard instance years - Starters (FTEN1)
  • Item 12aii split into three separate output tables. Mode split expanded to show Full-time and sandwich according to funding council definitions, Other full-time, Other sandwich and Part-time.
Average Instance FTE -> Non-standard instance years - Leavers (FTEN2)
  • Item 12aii split into three separate output tables. Mode split expanded to show Full-time and sandwich according to funding council definitions, Other full-time, Other sandwich and Part-time.
Average Instance FTE -> Non-standard instance years - Others (FTEN3)
  • Item 12aii split into three separate output tables. Mode split expanded to show Full-time and sandwich according to funding council definitions, Other full-time, Other sandwich and Part-time.
Check_Document_2 -> Item 15 – Student instances by mode, domicile and fundability FE students -> FE students by domicile (FE1)
  • Splits by mode and fundability no longer required
DLHE -> Item 1: Student number in the DLHE target population (POPDLHE) by mode, level and domicile DLHE population -> Students in the DLHE survey population (DLHE1)
  • Display orientation switched to show domicile in the rows
  • 'Not known' domicile added as a separate row
  • Full-time and part-time modes now included in a single output table
DLHE population -> Undergraduates in the DLHE survey population by JACS level 3 (DLHE2)
  • The table is now based on JACS level 3 to provide a preview of how the submitted data may be used in KIS
  • New split by level of study introduced to provide consistency with ‘Students in the DLHE survey population’ output table and to provide HEPs with a more general view of the DLHE survey population; this should aid in mitigating against recent occurrences of an HEP missing a subject cohort out of the DLHE population
  • Shading will be applied in a later release to highlight year on year changes
New for 2014/15 New data items -> Active Postgraduate Research Students intended level of study by mode (PGR1)
  • Table displays Instance.INTENTLEV counts by mode of study
  • Applicable to HEPs in England only
New for 2014/15 New data items -> Employer payment of tuition fees (EMPF1)
  • Table displays Instance.EMPFEES counts by mode of study
  • Applicable to HEPs in Wales only
New for 2014/15 New data items -> Employer funding of instances (EMPF2)
  • Table displays Instance.EMPFUND counts by mode of study
  • Applicable to HEPs in Wales only

Check Documentation for C14051

The following items will be remaining in Checkdoc for C14051.


Previously Check_Document_2 Item 11. SOC2000 has been removed. This item will be used by HESA’s Data Quality Assurance team in their checking.

Column N '% of unknown values' will shade when tolerance levels as outlined below are exceeded. For the majority of unknown values the cells in column N will shade when they are greater than the sector average plus 1%.

Additionally, some fields have had lower tolerance thresholds applied if unknowns exceed:

  • Student.BIRTHDTE: 1%
  • Student.ETHNIC: 2%
  • EntryProfile.DOMICILE,
    EntryProfile.PGCECLSS: 5%.

The associated cell will shade if unknowns exceed:

  • Instance.YEARPRG: 9%
  • EntryProfile.RELIGION,
    EntryProfile.PARED: 10%
  • EntryProfile.SEC: 20%.
CCANALYSIS This item will be used by HESA’s Data Quality Assurance team in their checking.
Collaborative_Franchise This item will be used by HESA’s Data Quality Assurance team in their checking.
Check_Document_2: Item 5 – Course length profile,
Item 6a – Student cohort analysis,
Item 6b – Student cohort analysis all modes,
Item 6b – Student cohort analysis all modes – Standard instance years,
Item 6c – Student cohort analysis – Part-time,
Item 6d – Student cohort analysis – Non-standard instance year,
Item 13 – Expected length of study by year of course for FT UGs,
Item 14 – Module status and outcomes, Item 15 – FE Students by mode, domicile and fundability,
Item 16 – Summary of Financial Support
Institutional_Information sheet
UCAS data for HESA

These sheets are for provider reference and will not be used by HESA’s Data Quality Assurance team in their checking. However, if a target for improvement was set against any of these items, please respond to the Minerva target query raised last year to advise on how you have resolved the problem.

Changes for C14051:
CAMPUS – Not known domicile row added
Unrestricted population – Not known domicile added
Check_Document_2 Item 15 – Not known domicile added
UCAS data for HESA – SOC2000 removed and SOC2010 added.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.