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Aggregate offshore record 2014/15

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Aggregate offshore record 2014/15

Exception stage quality rules

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Version 1.1 Produced 2015-06-25

This document lists the validation checks that will be applied during the exception stage of the data collection system. An explanation of the different stages of validation is shown in the validation overview document.

Institution.Provision 1 Error Provision.COUNTRY + Provision.INSTCAMP (if not null) + Provision.LEVEL + Provision.TYPE must be unique
Provision.TYPE 1 Warning Comparing last year's and this year's AOR return the percentage increase in Provision.TYPE should not be greater than 10% of last year's return
Provision.TYPE 2 Warning Comparing last year's and this year's AOR return the percentage decrease in Provision.TYPE should not be greater than 10% of last year's return
Provision.TYPE 3 Warning For each Provision.COUNTRY, where Provision.TYPE = 1 and the sum of Provision.HEADCOUNT is less than 5. As the number of students recorded for OS campus are small. Please check that there has not been a miscoding.
Provision.COUNTRY 1 Warning Where Provision.TYPE is not equal to 3 and the Provision.COUNTRY is in this year's but not in last year's AOR return
Provision.COUNTRY 2 Warning Where Provision.TYPE is not equal to 3 and the Provision.COUNTRY is in last year's but not in this year's AOR return

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