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Initial Teacher Training In-Year Record 2014/15 - Table of Contents

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Initial Teacher Training In-Year Record 2014/15

Fields required from institutions in England

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Fields are displayed here by entity and sorted alphabetically by field name for ease of searching. The XSD ([RECID].xsd) defines the order in which elements must appear within submitted files. This is different to the order that they are presented within the coding manual.

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Institution :
RECID - Record type indicator
UKPRN - UK Provider Reference Number

Student :
BIRTHDTE - Date of birth
BURSLEV - Bursary Level Award
COMDATE - Start date of instance
COURSEID - Course identifier
CRMODE - Course Mode
CTITLE - Course title
DEGCTRY - Previous Degree country
DEGENDDT - Previous Degree End Date
DEGEST - Previous Degree establishment
DEGLENGTH - Previous Degree Length in Years
DEGSTDT - Previous Degree Start Date
DEGTYPE - Previous Degree Type
DISABLE - Disability
DISALL - Disabled Student Allowance
DISCFUND - Discretionary Funding
ENDDATE - End date of instance
ETHNIC - Ethnicity
FNAMES - Forenames
FUNDCODE - Fundability Code
HUSID - HESA unique student identifier
INDSLFCRT - Positive indication that self-certification complete
INITIATIVES - Initiatives
ISANUM - Independent Safeguarding Authority Registration Number
ITTAIM - ITT Qualification Aim
ITTCOMDATE - Start date of ITT course
ITTPHSC - ITT phase/scope
ITTSCHMS - ITT schemes
MODE - Mode of Study
MSTUFEE - Major source of tuition fees
NIN - National insurance number
NUMHUS - Student instance identifier
OWNSTU - Institution's own identifier for student
PGCECLSS - PGCE class of undergraduate degree
PGCESBJ - PGCE subject of undergraduate degree
PSURNAME - Immediately prior surname
RSNEND - Reason for ending instance
SEXID - Sex identifier
SNAME16 - Family name on 16th birthday
SPLENGTH - Expected length of study
SURNAME - Family name
TITLE - Title
TREFNO - Teacher Reference Number
TTCID - Teacher training Course
ULN - Unique Learner Number
UNITLGTH - Units of length
YEARPRG - Year of course
YEARSTU - Year of student on this instance

CourseSubject :

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