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Alternative provider student record 2014/15

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File structures for downloadable files - Data supply

Version 1.0 Produced 2015-09-02

Five data tables are supplied in CSV and XML format. The CORE table contains the majority of fields. Separately provided are the SUBJECT table, an INSTANCE PERIOD table, and a COURSE table.

Also provided is a QUALIFICATIONS ON ENTRY Register which details the qualifications on entry data returned for each instance.

The tables contain the following types of field:

  • Instance.InstanceKEY which is a unique key within the database and is used to link records across tables
  • Base fields from the C14054 submission prefixed with the appropriate entity
  • EP_USE fields are the entry profile fields collected for new entrants and which may be updated in subsequent years, if data submitted originally is found to be incorrect. To allow delivery of a flat file structure, the three possible occurrences of EntryProfile.PGCESBJ are provided as three fields, EP_USE.PGCESBJ1-3.
  • Derived fields, prefixed with an X or Z, are standard ways of grouping data. View details of the derived field specifications.
  • QOE fields are the Qualification On Entry Register fields collected for new entrants, and which may be updated in subsequent years if the data submitted originally is found to be incorrect.

The field names for each table are given in the first line of each downloadable file ready for use in creating pivot tables. The HESA website provides guidance on creating and using pivot tables.

CORE tableBack to top

Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
Instance.InstanceKEYUnique key for every student instanceInstanceKEY13
Instance.SUBPURPOSESubmission purposeSUBPURPOSE1
Provider.UKPRNUK Provider Reference NumberUKPRN8
Student.HUSIDHESA unique student identifierHUSID13
Instance.NUMHUSStudent instance identifierNUMHUS20
Student.OWNSTUInstitution's own identifier for studentOWNSTU20
Instance.OWNINSTInstitution's own instance identifierOWNINST30
Course.COURSEIDCourse identifierCOURSEID30
Course.OWNCOURSEIDOwn course identifierOWNCOURSEID50
Course.COURSEAIMGeneral qualification aim of courseCOURSEAIM3
Course.TTCIDTeacher training courseTTCID1
Student.BIRTHDTEDate of birthBIRTHDTE10
Student.SURNAMEFamily nameSURNAME100
Student.SSNStudent support numberSSN13
Student.ULNUnique Learner NumberULN10
StudentEquality.GENDERIDGender identityGENDERID2
StudentEquality.RELBLFReligion or beliefRELBLF2
StudentEquality.SCNScottish Candidate NumberSCN9
StudentEquality.SEXIDSex identifierSEXID1
StudentEquality.SEXORTSexual orientationSEXORT2
EP_USE.PREVINSTLast institution attendedPREVINST8
EP_USE.QUALENT3Highest qualification on entryQUALENT33
Instance.COMDATEStart date of instanceCOMDATE10
Instance.ENDDATEEnd date of instanceENDDATE10
Instance.LOCATION01Location identifierLOCATION0115
Instance.LOCATION02Location identifierLOCATION0215
Instance.LOCATION03Location identifierLOCATION0315
Instance.LOCATION04Location identifierLOCATION0415
Instance.LOCATION05Location identifierLOCATION0515
Instance.LOCATION06Location identifierLOCATION0615
Instance.LOCATION07Location identifierLOCATION0715
Instance.LOCATION08Location identifierLOCATION0815
Instance.LOCATION09Location identifierLOCATION0915
Instance.LOCATION10Location identifierLOCATION1015
Instance.RSNENDReason for ending instanceRSNEND2
Instance.SPLENGTHExpected length of studySPLENGTH2
Instance.UNITLGTHUnits of lengthUNITLGTH1
InstancePeriod.InstancePeriodKEYUnique key for every student instance periodInstancePeriodKEY13
Latest InstancePeriod.DISALLDisabled Student AllowanceDISALL1
Latest InstancePeriod.EXCHINDExchange programmesEXCHIND1
Latest InstancePeriod.LOCSDYLocation of studyLOCSDY1
Latest InstancePeriod.MODEMode of studyMODE2
Latest InstancePeriod.MSTUFEEMajor source of tuition feesMSTUFEE2
Latest InstancePeriod.NOTACTSuspension of active studiesNOTACT1
Latest InstancePeriod.PERIODENDInstance period end datePERIODEND10
Latest InstancePeriod.PERIODSTARTInstance period start datePERIODSTART10
Latest InstancePeriod.PRIPROVPrimary provider of teachingPRIPROV8
Latest InstancePeriod.SSELIGStudent support eligibilitySSELIG1
Latest InstancePeriod.YEARPRGYear of courseYEARPRG2
Latest InstancePeriod.YEARSTUYear of student on this instanceYEARSTU2
XAGEA01Age at 31 August in reporting yearXAGEA012
XAGEJ01Age at 31 July in reporting yearXAGEJ012
XAGRP601Age grouping at 31 August in reporting year - 6 way splitXAGRP6011
XAGRPA01Age grouping at 31 August in reporting yearXAGRPA011
XAGRPJ01Age grouping at 31 July in reporting yearXAGRPJ011
XCLASS01Classification of qualificationXCLASS011
XCLASSF01Classification of qualificationXCLASSF012
XDESIG01Designation markerXDESIG011
XDLEV301Level of qualification in DLHE - 3 way splitXDLEV3011
XDLEV501Level of qualification in DLHE - 5 way splitXDLEV5011
XDLEV601Level of qualification in DLHE - 6 way splitXDLEV6011
XDOM01Domicile in Cyy051 coding frameXDOM012
XDOMGR01Government Office Region of student DomicileXDOMGR014
XDOMGR401Region of student domicile - 4 way groupingXDOMGR4011
XDOMHM01Domicile (participation by nation)XDOMHM011
XDOMREG01Analytical protocol domicile regionXDOMREG014
XDOMUC01Domicile (country/unitary authority level)XDOMUC014
XELSP01Expected length of study programmeXELSP011
XEPYEAR01Last year in which an Entry Profile for a HIN was supplied to HESAXEPYEAR014
XETHNIC01Analytical protocol ethnicityXETHNIC012
XFYEAR01First year identifier (to be used with XPDEC01 only)XFYEAR011
XFYRSR01First year identifier (to be used with XPSR01 only)XFYRSR011
XGROSSFEE01Sum of GROSSFEE values for the reporting periodXGROSSFEE017
XHOOS01Home/overseas studentXHOOS011
XINACT01Inactive for entire reporting yearXINACT011
XINSTC01Country of institutionXINSTC011
XINSTG01Government Office Region of institution locationXINSTG011
XINSTID01Derived HESA institution identifierXINSTID014
XLEV301Level of study - 3 way splitXLEV3011
XLEV501Level of study - 5 way splitXLEV5011
XLEV601Level of study - 6 way splitXLEV6011
XMODE02Mode of studyXMODE021
XMODE301Mode of study - three way groupingXMODE3011
XMSTUFEE01Analytical protocol major source of tuition feesXMSTUFEE012
XNETFEE01Sum of GROSSFEE values for the reporting periodXNETFEE017
XOBTND01DLHE highest qualification obtainedXOBTND013
XPDEC01Population at 1 DecemberXPDEC011
XPDLHE02DLHE population for expanded coverageXPDLHE021
XPQUAL01Qualifications obtained populationXPQUAL011
XPSES01Session populationXPSES011
XPSR01Standard registration populationXPSR011
XQLEV1003Level of qualification - 10 way splitXQLEV10032
XQLEV301Level of qualification - 3 way splitXQLEV3011
XQLEV501Level of qualification - 5 way splitXQLEV5011
XQLEV601Level of qualification - 6 way splitXQLEV6011
XQLEV701Level of qualification - 7 way splitXQLEV7011
XQMODE01Qualification obtained mode of studyXQMODE011
XQOBTN01Highest qualification obtainedXQOBTN013
XQUALENT01Highest qualification on entryXQUALENT011
XSTUDIS01Student disabilityXSTUDIS011
XSTULOAD01Sum of student instance FTE for reporting periodXSTULOAD015
XTARIFFUCAS Tariff for general purposesXTARIFF4
XTARIFFGP01Tariff analysis groupingsXTARIFFGP012
ZSTARTMONTHStart month of instanceZSTARTMONTH2
ZNOTENDWithdrawn or suspendedZNOTEND1

SUBJECT tableBack to top

Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
Provider.UKPRNUK Provider Reference NumberUKPRN8
Course.COURSEIDCourse identifierCOURSEID30
Course.OWNCOURSEIDOwn course identifierOWNCOURSEID50
XFPE01JACS subject by full person equivalentXFPE017
XJACS01JACS subject by full person equivalentXJACS014
XJACS201JACS principal subjectXJACS2013
XJACSA01JACS subject areaXJACSA011
XJACSLEV101Analytical protocol JACS - level 1 groupingXJACSLEV1011
XJACSLEV201Analytical protocol JACS - level 2 groupingXJACSLEV2012
XJACSLEV301Analytical protocol JACS - level 3 groupingXJACSLEV3013

INSTANCE PERIOD tableBack to top

Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
Instance.InstanceKEYUnique key for every student instanceInstanceKEY13
Latest InstancePeriod.InstancePeriodKEYUnique key for every student instance periodInstancePeriodKEY13
Provider.UKPRNUK Provider Reference NumberUKPRN8
Student.HUSIDHESA unique student identifierHUSID13
Instance.NUMHUSStudent instance identifierNUMHUS20
Student.OWNSTUInstitution's own identifier for studentOWNSTU20
Instance.OWNINSTInstitution's own instance identifierOWNINST30
Course.COURSEIDCourse identifierCOURSEID30
Course.OWNCOURSEIDOwn course identifierOWNCOURSEID50
InstancePeriod.DISALLDisabled Student AllowanceDISALL1
InstancePeriod.EXCHINDExchange programmesEXCHIND1
InstancePeriod.GROSSFEEGross feeGROSSFEE6
InstancePeriod.LOCSDYLocation of studyLOCSDY1
InstancePeriod.MODEMode of studyMODE2
InstancePeriod.MSTUFEEMajor source of tuition feesMSTUFEE2
InstancePeriod.NETFEENet feeNETFEE6
InstancePeriod.NOTACTSuspension of active studiesNOTACT1
InstancePeriod.PERIODENDInstance period end datePERIODEND10
InstancePeriod.PERIODSTARTInstance period start datePERIODSTART10
InstancePeriod.PRIPROVPrimary provider of teachingPRIPROV8
InstancePeriod.SSELIGStudent support eligibilitySSELIG1
InstancePeriod.STULOADStudent instance FTESTULOAD5
InstancePeriod.YEARPRGYear of courseYEARPRG2
InstancePeriod.YEARSTUYear of student on this instanceYEARSTU2


Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
QOE.HUSIDHESA unique student identifierHUSID13
QOE.UKPRNUK Provider Reference NumberUKPRN8
QOE.NUMHUSStudent instance identifierNUMHUS20
Student.OWNSTUInstitution’s own identifier for studentOWNSTU20
Instance.OWNINSTInstitution’s own instance identifierOWNINST30
QOE.QUALSBJQualification subjectQUALSBJ3
QOE.QUALSITQualification sittingQUALSIT1
XQEYEAR01Year QualificationsOnEntry last updatedXQEYEAR014

COURSE tableBack to top

Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
Provider.UKPRNUK Provider Reference NumberUKPRN8
Course.COURSEIDCourse identifierCOURSEID30
Course.OWNCOURSEIDOwn course identifierOWNCOURSEID50
Course.COURSEAIMGeneral qualification aim of courseCOURSEAIM3
Course.CTITLECourse titleCTITLE255
Course.REGBODYRegulatory body for health and social care studentsREGBODY2
Course.TTCIDTeacher training courseTTCID1

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