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Staff record 2015/16

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Revision history

This table lists changes and additions to the record specification and supporting documentation.

Jump to version:   1.0 | 1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6

Version 1.6 (2016-10-18)

Element Element version Notes
Person.NATION 1.1 The labels for valid entries BF 'Burkina [Burkina Faso]' and SR 'Surinam [Suriname]' have been updated to 'Burkina Faso' and 'Suriname' respectively. This follows a change in the labels used by the National Statistics Country Classification, which now align with the labels used by ISO-3166.
Person.STAFFID 1.1 The guidance in the Notes section has been revised to better explain the methods for generating Staff identifiers.

Version 1.5 (2016-07-28)

Element Element version Notes
Person.DISABLE 1.1 A sentence in the Notes section which referred to code 53 as a cognitive impairment has been removed.
Clinical academic salary values 1.0 This document has been added under the 'Further guidance' section of the coding manual, describing the salary values of clinical academic staff.
Credibility reporting definitions 1.0 This document has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual, describing the tables in the Credibility reports produced during submission.
Single pay spine 1.0 This document has been added under the 'Further guidance' section of the coding manual, containing pay spine information for academic and support staff.

Version 1.4 (2016-06-23)

Element Element version Notes
Credibility report mapping document 1.0 Release of the Credibility report mapping document added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Data collection schedule N/A The link to this document has been moved to the 'Overview' section for greater visibility.
Derived field specifications N/A Release of the Derived field specifications added under the 'Data specification' section of the coding manual.
Fixed database facility N/A A link to the Fixed database facility has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.

Version 1.3 (2016-04-28)

Element Element version Notes
Contract.ACEMPFUN 1.1 Additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying that code 3 'Academic contract that is both teaching and research' applies to contracts that include 6 or more hours of teaching per week (averaged over the number of actual teaching weeks) as a minimum.
Data supply 1.0 Release of the Data supply webpage added to the 'File structures for downloadable files' under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Expected contract population 1.0 Release of the Expected contract population webpage added to the 'File structures for downloadable files' under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
HESA XML data entry tool 1.0 This program has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual, in order to produce XML data in the format required for submission. It takes the data entered into it, validates it against the schema structure, and outputs a valid XML file for submission.
How to use the HESA XML data entry tool 1.0 This document has been added under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual, describing the XML data entry tool and how to use it.

Version 1.2 (2016-02-25)

Element Element version Notes
Contract.LEVELS 1.1 The coverage of the field has been updated to 'All contracts' and the minimum number of occurrences increased to 1 following the removal of atypical non-academic staff from the coverage of the record.
Person.PARLEAVE 1.1 The guidance has been updated to explicitly state that code 2 'Additional paternity leave' can only be used if your child was due or placed for adoption before 2015-04-05. If your child was due or placed for adoption on or after 2015-04-05 it code 4 'Shared parental leave' must be returned.
C15025.xsd N/A A minor change has been made to the schema to assist in the internal validation carried out against the data submitted. This change adds a constraint to the schema, which enforces the uniqueness of Person.STAFFID across all members of staff in each submission. This requirement was previously enforced through Business Stage validation.
Data collection schedule 1.0 Release of the data collection schedule, detailing of the key dates and deadlines for the Staff collection, under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Quality rules N/A Release of the quality rules web page, describing the validation which enforces the quality of the submitted data, under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Quality rules web page - FAQ 1.0 Release of the quality rules web page - FAQ, describing the functionality now available with the quality rules web page, under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.
Validation kit N/A The downloadable validation kit for 2015/16 has been included under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section. The kit includes quality rules rolled-on from the previous year's collection. This allows data to be tested against quality rules during preparation, prior to submission.
Validation overview 1.0 Release of the Validation overview, describing validation checks and the various stages when checks are made, under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section of the coding manual.

Version 1.1 (2015-11-12)

Element Element version Notes
All data items and documents N/A References to 'atypical non-academic staff' have been removed as per the 'Notification of changes for 2015/16' documentation. It is anticipated that the removal of atypical non-academic staff from the coverage of the record will reduce the complexities that higher education providers (HEPs) face in collecting data from these members of staff.
All data items and documents N/A References to 'cost centre' have been replaced with 'HESA cost centre' for clarity of definition. Where this change has impacted upon the schema specific mention is given in the change management and revision notes for the data item concerned.
Activity.CCENTRE 1.0 Field long name changed from 'Cost centre' to 'HESA cost centre'.
Activity.CCPROP 1.0 Field long name changed from 'Proportion in cost centre' to 'Proportion in HESA cost centre'.
Contract.ACEMPFUN 1.0 Additional guidance added to the Notes section, clarifying when code 3 'Academic contract that is both teaching and research' should be returned.
Person.BIRTHDTE 1.0 Coverage changed to 'all staff' and the minimum occurrences have been increased to one, as atypical non-academic staff are no longer included in the coverage of the record.
Person.PARLEAVE 1.0 Addition of valid entry 4 'Shared parental leave' as per the 'Notification of changes for 2015/16' documentation, to accommodate changes to parental leave legislation in the United Kingdom. The maximum number of occurrences has been increased to 2 in order to accommodate the addition of shared parental leave, additional guidance has also been added to the Notes section.
Person.SEX 1.0 Coverage changed to 'all staff' and the minimum occurrences have been increased to one, as atypical non-academic staff are no longer included in the coverage of the record.
Coverage of the record 1.0 Atypical non-academic staff are no longer included in the coverage of the record as per the 'Notification of changes for 2015/16' documentation. It is anticipated that the removal of atypical non-academic staff will reduce the complexities that higher education providers (HEPs) face in collecting data from these members of staff, additional guidance has also been added to the webpage.
Template exit survey 1.0 A Template exit survey webpage has been added under the 'Further guidance' section of the coding manual, the downloadable template has been designed to assist Staff record contacts with the collection of staff leaver information and share good practice.

Version 1.0 (2015-04-30)

Publication of known changes for the 2015/16 Staff record. For more detail, please see the Notification of changes for 2015/16.

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