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Staff Record 2015/16 - Table of Contents

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Staff Record 2015/16

Fields required from institutions in Scotland

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Fields are displayed here by entity and sorted alphabetically by field name for ease of searching. The XSD ([RECID].xsd) defines the order in which elements must appear within submitted files. This is different to the order that they are presented within the coding manual.

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Institution :
RECID - Record type indicator
UKPRN - UK Provider Reference Number

Person :
ACTCHQUAL - Academic teaching qualification
ACTLEAVE - Activity after leaving
BIRTHDTE - Date of birth
CLINARD - Clinical excellence award
CURACCDIS - Current academic discipline
DATEFHEI - Date appointed at current higher education provider (HEP)
DATELEFT - Date left higher education provider (HEP)
DISABLE - Disability
ETHNIC - Ethnicity
GENDERID - Gender identity
HQHELD - Highest qualification held
LOCLEAVE - Location after leaving
NATION - Nationality
ORCID - ORCID identifier
OWNSTAFFID - Higher education provider's own staff identifier
PARLEAVE - Parental leave
PREVEMP - Previous employment
PREVHEI - Previous higher education institution
REGBODY - Regulatory body
RELBLF - Religion or belief
SEX - Legal sex
SEXORT - Sexual orientation
STAFFID - Staff identifier

Contract :

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