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Student record 2015/16

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File structures for downloadable files - Postgraduate research (PGR) student collaborative provision

Version 1.2 Produced 2016-11-24

PGR transfers out report

The PGR transfers out download contains a list of PGR students identified as having had their supervision passed to another HE provider as part of their PGR sequential collaboration (Instance.COLTOPROV completed and Instance.COLTODATE in the current reporting period).

This file is available as an XML file or as a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, or as a ZIP archive containing both files.

Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
Student.HUSID HESA unique student identifier HUSID 13
Student.OWNSTU Provider's own identifier for student OWNSTU 20
Student.SURNAME Family name SURNAME 100
Student.FNAMES Forenames FNAMES 100
Instance.NUMHUS Student instance identifier NUMHUS 20
Instance.OWNINST Provider's own identifier for instance OWNINST 30
Instance.COMDATE Start date of instance COMDATE 10
Instance.COLTODATE Date a student has transferred to another collaborating provider COLTODATE 10
Instance.COLTOPROV Collaborating provider that a student has transferred to COLTOPROV 8
PROVIDERNAME Name of provider that a student has transferred to PROVIDERNAME 1024
Course.COURSEAIM General qualification aim of course COURSEAIM 3
Course.COURSEID Course identifier COURSEID 30
Course.OWNCOURSEID Own course identifier OWNCOURSEID 50

Download: XML Schema for the PGR transfers out report file.

PGR transfers in report

The PGR transfers in download contains a list of PGR students identified as by other HE providers as having had their supervision passed to a receiving HE provider as part of their PGR sequential collaboration.

This file is available as an XML file or as a CSV (Comma Separated Value) file, or as a ZIP archive containing both files.

Field name Description Element name in XML output Field length
Student.HUSID HESA unique student identifier HUSID 13
Student.OWNSTU Provider's own identifier for student OWNSTU 20
Student.SURNAME Family name SURNAME 100
Student.FNAMES Forenames FNAMES 100
Instance.NUMHUS Student instance identifier NUMHUS 20
Instance.OWNINST Provider's own identifier for instance OWNINST 30
Instance.COMDATE Start date of instance COMDATE 10
Instance.COLTODATE Date a student has transferred to another collaborating provider COLTODATE 10
Institution.UKPRN Collaborating HE provider that a student has transferred from UKPRN 8
PROVIDEROUTNAME Name of HE provider that a student has transferred from PROVIDEROUTNAME 1024
Course.COURSEAIM General qualification aim of course COURSEAIM 3
Course.COURSEID Course identifier COURSEID 30

Download: XML Schema for the PGR transfers in report file.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.