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Where ModuleSubject.COSTCN is not equal to 999 and Module.TINST does not exist, the academic HESA cost centre has not been submitted in AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE in the Provider profile record.
Plain English
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
Wording only change for the renaming of ‘Institution profile’ to ‘Provider profile’ and ‘academic cost centre’ to ‘academic HESA cost centre'.
Previous Name of Rule


ModuleSubject.COSTCN code 999 (cost centre not assignable) has been returned this year. Where possible, reassign to an appropriate academic HESA cost centre code.
Plain English
Cost centre 999 should only be used in cases where it is not possible to allocate the activity to a HESA academic cost centre.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where cost centre 999 has been used.
Previous Name of Rule


Where AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE has been submitted in the Provider profile record but is not coded in any occurrence of ModuleSubject.COSTCN. Please note that for a match on AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE to ModuleSubject.COSTCN there must be at least one student studying that module.
Plain English
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
Wording only change for the renaming of ‘Institution profile’ to ‘Provider profile’.
Previous Name of Rule


Where ModuleSubject.COSTCN is not equal to 999 and Module.TINST exists and Module.PCOLAB < 100, the academic HESA cost centre has not been submitted in AcademicCostCentres.ACCENTRE in the Provider profile record.
Plain English
Further Guidance
A value of < 100 in Module.PCOLAB indicates that part of this module is being taught at the returning institution and would therefore be associated with a cost centre reported in the Provider profile record.
Reason for Change
Wording only change for the renaming of ‘Institution profile’ to ‘Provider profile’ and ‘academic cost centre’ to ‘academic HESA cost centre'. The additional information previously contained in the rule has been moved to further guidance.
Previous Name of Rule


The academic HESA cost centre was returned in last year's Student, Staff and Finance collections but ModuleSubject.COSTCN has not been submitted in this year's Student return. (Staff data is based on academic contracts only).
Plain English
Where there was Student, Staff and Finance data last year it is expected that there would be Student data for this year's collection.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where an academic HESA cost centre was returned in last year's Student, Staff and Finance collections but not in this year's Student return.
Previous Name of Rule


The ModuleSubject.COSTCN was returned in last year s Student record, but there is no corresponding data in this year s Student return. (Cost centre not assignable (999) is excluded from this comparison).
Plain English
Student HESA cost centre data was returned last year, but has not been returned this year.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where a HESA cost centre was returned in last year's Student record, but not returned this year.
Previous Name of Rule


The academic HESA cost centre was not returned in last year's Student, Staff and Finance collections but ModuleSubject.COSTCN has been submitted in this year's Student return. (Staff data is based on academic contracts only).
Plain English
Where there is Student data returned this year it is expected that there would have been Student, Staff and Finance data for last year's collection.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where an academic HESA cost centre was not returned in last year's Student, Staff and Finance collections but it is in this year's Student return.
Previous Name of Rule


The ModuleSubject.COSTCN has been returned in this year s Student record, but there was no corresponding Student data in last year s return. (Cost centre not assignable (999) is excluded from this comparison).
Plain English
Student HESA cost centre data has been returned this year, but was not returned last year.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where a HESA cost centre has been submitted in this year's Student record, but was not in last year's return.
Previous Name of Rule


For each ModuleSubject.COSTCN, the total Student FTE has changed by more than 20% (and FTE by more than 50.0) between this year and last year.
Plain English
We would not expect significant year-on-year changes within a cost centre.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where the FTE has changed by more than 20% (and 50.0) between years.
Previous Name of Rule


Academic HESA cost centre code 136 (Continuing Education) was returned in last year's Staff and Finance collections but ModuleSubject.COSTCN code 136 has not been submitted in this year's Student return. Are these students non-credit bearing?
Plain English
Last year there was Staff FTE and Finance expenditure allocated to Continuing Education but no students in this year's return. Is this to support non-credit bearing student activity which is excluded from the coverage of the Student record?
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
New rule added to warn where there is Staff FTE and Finance Expenditure in CC136 Continuing Education, this may be to support non-credit bearing student activity which is excluded from the coverage of the Student record.
Previous Name of Rule