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For this REFData entity, REFData.UOA2014 must exist where (REFData.COLPROV contains a UKPRN of a higher education provider who submitted to REF2014) or (REFData.COLPROV does not exist).
Business RuleErrorAdded
Plain English
For each REFData entity, a unit of assessment code must be returned where the collaborating provider submitted to REF2014, or where a collaborating provider has not been returned.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
Rule added to accompany the revisions to the collaborative supervision of PGR students.
Previous Name of Rule


Where REFData.COLPROV does not exist, and REFData.UOA2014 ends with A, B or C (i.e. is a multiple submission), the combination of Unit of Assessment code and multiple submission code must exist in the look-up file of multiple submissions registered for REF2014, supplied by HEFCE.
Plain English
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
Rule amended at the request of HEFCE to ensure that the submitting HEP's Unit of Assessment (including multiple submission code) must exist in the look-up file of multiple submissions supplied by HEFCE.
Previous Name of Rule


Where REFData.COLPROV exists, and REFData.COLPROV is a UKPRN of a higher education provider that submitted to the REF, the combination of REFData.COLPROV and REFData.UOA2014 (where this a single submission code ending with Z) for this entity does not exist in the REF2014 lookup table supplied by HEFCE.
Plain English
If the collaborative provider is a HE provider that submitted to the REF, the combination of the HE provider's UKPRN and the three characters of the REF Unit of assessment code ending with Z (i.e. is a single submission), returned in this REFData entity, does not exist in the REF2014 lookup table supplied by HEFCE.
Further Guidance
Although it is possible to return a single submission that was not submitted to the REF for a collaborative HE provider, please check, as this activity is in a subject area that was not submitted.
Reason for Change
Rule added to accompany the revisions to the collaborative supervision of PGR students.
Previous Name of Rule


Where a collaborative provider is eligible to make a REF submission, the combination of REFData.COLPROV and REFData.UOA2014 (where REFData.UOA2014 ends with A, B or C (i.e. is a multiple submission)) must exist in the REF2014 lookup table supplied by HEFCE.
Plain English
If the collaborative provider is a HE provider that submitted to the REF, then the combination of the HE provider's UKPRN and the three characters of the REF Unit of assessment code ending with A, B or C (i.e. is a multiple submission) returned in this REFData entity, must exist in the REF2014 lookup table supplied by HEFCE.
Further Guidance
Reason for Change
Rule added to accompany the revisions to the collaborative supervision of PGR students.
Previous Name of Rule