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Alternative provider student record 2015/16

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Alternative provider student record 2015/16

Revision history

This table lists changes and additions to the record specification and supporting documentation.

Jump to version:   1.0   1.1   1.2   1.3   1.4   1.5   1.6   1.7   1.8   1.9  

Version 1.9 (2016-11-24)

Element Element version Notes
Per field The coverage statements for these data items have been revised to use the phrase 'all entry profiles...' rather than 'all entrants...' for clarity.
File structure 1.1 The linking of sections of the diagram on this page to specific entities in the data items section has been removed. With the release of the new HESA website, the scaling of this feature across mobile devices is no longer supported, and does not work.

Version 1.8 (2016-09-22)

Element Element version Notes
EntryProfile.DOMICILE 1.3 The labels for valid entries BF 'Burkina [Burkina Faso]' and SR 'Surinam [Suriname]' have been updated to 'Burkina Faso' and 'Suriname' respectively. This follows a change in the labels used by the National Statistics Country Classification, which now align with the labels used by ISO-3166. The guidance in the Notes section associated with the coding of France has been updated, as Mayotte has been redesignated as an Overseas Department (Département d’Outre-Mer), and joined the European Union.
StudentEquality.NATION 1.1 The labels for valid entries BF 'Burkina [Burkina Faso]' and SR 'Surinam [Suriname]' have been updated to 'Burkina Faso' and 'Suriname' respectively. This follows a change in the labels used by the National Statistics Country Classification, which now align with the labels used by ISO-3166. The guidance in the Notes section associated with the coding of France has been updated, as Mayotte has been redesignated as an Overseas Department (Département d’Outre-Mer), and joined the European Union.
File structures for downloadable files - NSS 1.0 First issue of this document for 2015/16, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'. The fields 'Course.CTITLE' and 'EXCLUDE_TEXT' have been added to the NSS Exclusion table. The associated XSD schema files have been made available accordingly.
Understanding the NSS reports 1.0 The 'Understanding the NSS reports' document has been added to the coding manual under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section.

Version 1.7 (2016-09-01)

Element Element version Notes
File structures for downloadable files - Unistats 1.0 First issue of this document for 2015/16, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'. The associated XSD schema files have been made available accordingly.

Version 1.6 (2016-08-04)

Element Element version Notes
All documentation n/a All references to the Northern Irish 'Department for Employment and Learning' (DEL(NI)) have been amended to 'Department for Education' (DfE(NI)), reflecting the name change of this organisation. This includes a schema change to two valid entries in Instance.MSTUFEE.
EntryProfile.DOMICILE 1.2 Guidance added to Notes section, stating that Student Record Systems should allow for the holding of multiple addresses.
EntryProfile.POSTCODE 1.1 Description of the field has been amended to reflect that only the student's permanent home address should be coded. Additional guidance added to Notes section, stating that where the student is domiciled in the UK, a UK postcode must be returned, and that Student Record Systems should allow for the holding of multiple addresses.
EntryProfile.QUALENT3 1.2 Guidance added to the Notes section, describing the expectation that code X06 should be used sparingly. References to HEFCE's ELQ policy, which is not applicable to the AP student record, have been removed.
Instance.COMDATE 1.1 Guidance added to the Notes section to describe the expected treatment in this field of both students who do not start on the same date as the rest of their cohort, and of students who undergo an induction period prior to the start of teaching.
Instance.ENDDATE 1.1 Additional guidance added to the Notes section, describing the expected treatment of students with gaps between the completion of teaching and their assessment.
InstancePeriod.NOTACT 1.3 Additional guidance added to the Notes section, describing the expected treatment of students with gaps between the completion of teaching and their assessment.
StudentEquality.DISABLE 1.1 A sentence in the Notes section which referred to code 53 as a cognitive impairment has been removed.
Further guidance on reporting qualifications on entry 1.4 Subject restrictions have been reinserted for QUALTYPEs 6M, 7M and 8M: QUALSBJs M94, M96 and M98 respectively. These QUALTYPEs correspond with music theory qualifications; practical qualifications have a much wider variety of subject codes and are not restricted in the same way.
File structures for the expected instance population 1.0 First issue of this document for 2015/16, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'.
File structures for downloadable files - data supply files 1.0 First issue of this document for 2015/16, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'. The CORE and INSTANCE PERIOD tables have both been updated following changes to the structure of the record. The CORE table has gained the fields GROSSFEE, NETFEE, XDESIG02, XDESIG03, and XUHN01; and lost SUBPURPOSE, XDESIG01, XGROSSFEE01 and XNETFEE01. HEAPESPOP and LOCATION01-10 have changed location. The INSTANCE PERIOD table has gained HEAPESPOP, LOCATION01-10 and XDESIG02.

Version 1.5 (2016-05-19)

Element Element version Notes
EntryProfile.DOMICILE 1.1 Description of the field has been amended to reflect that only the student's permanent home address should be coded.
EntryProfile.QUALENT3 1.1 Guidance Notes reworded to clarify when to seek advice from UK NARIC, if unsure how to code an overseas qualification.
Instance.InstancePeriod 1.2 Guidance in the Notes section has been updated with an additional example to explain when a new instance period is necessary.
Instance.MSTUFEE 1.2 The guidance has been reorganised to better state the requirements for this field. No change to meaning has occurred.
InstancePeriod.GROSSFEE 1.4 Description section updated to state that only the gross fee charged for the year of the course should be included in this field. Also, the tables included in the guidance notes have been updated to accurately reflect examples.
InstancePeriod.NOTACT 1.2 An example has been added to the Notes section to clarify the situation when reporting students who sit exams or complete assignments over a number of reporting years, after the completion of formal teaching engagement.
QualificationsAwarded.QUAL 1.1 Additional guidance has been added to the Notes section which draws attention to the COURSEAIM field, in which information is given about the coding frame used by the two fields.
C15054.xsd n/a A minor change to the schema has been made to remove an unnecessary constraint on Instance.COMDATE, which restricted the submission to having Instances with unique COMDATEs. Previously this restriction also included Instance.COURSEID; the move of this field to Instance Period means the remaining restriction is no longer valid.
Data collection schedule 1.0 This document has been moved under the 'Overview' section.
Derived field specifications n/a First release of the derived field specifications for this collection, added under the 'Data specification' section.

Version 1.4 (2016-03-03)

Element Element version Notes
InstancePeriod.GROSSFEE 1.3 Guidance in the Notes section has been revised. Fee information should be submitted on the basis of the amount charged for the whole year, rather than just the instance period.
InstancePeriod.LOCATION 1.2 Coverage, Description and Notes sections have been updated to reflect the fact that this field is now required for those providers holding blanket designation, and may optionally be submitted for non-designated courses, should providers wish to do so.
InstancePeriod.NETFEE 1.3 Guidance in the Notes section has been revised. Fee information should be submitted on the basis of the amount charged for the whole year, rather than just the instance period.
QualificationsOnEntry.QUALGRADE 1.2 Valid entries updated to add two new codes present in the UCAS Data for HESA (*J) transaction: PA* and Absent, associated with QUALTYPEs WE and D7 respectively.
Coverage of the record 1.2 This document has been updated to include an additional exclusion to the coverage of the record: students on non-designated courses where the total FTE of the course is less than one year when studied full-time (i.e. 120 credits or less for its entirety).
File structure for DLHE survey population file 1.0 First issue of this document for 2015/16, linked from 'File structures for downloadable files' under 'Submission process and quality assurance'.
Further guidance on reporting qualifications on entry 1.2 Additional grades have been added to the document following reconciliation with the UCAS for HESA transaction data (*J data). A link to this document has been added under the 'Further guidance' section of the manual, for greater visibility.
Quality rules n/a The quality rules web page, describing the validation which enforces the quality of the submitted data, has been included under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section.
Validation kit n/a The revised version of the downloadable validation kit for 2015/16 has been included under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section. The kit includes quality rules rolled-on from the previous year's collection. This allows data to be tested against quality rules during preparation, prior to submission.

Version 1.3 (2016-02-03)

Element Element version Notes
All fields n/a With the change in coverage for 15/16 to include the requirement to submit all students at each provider for Unistats purposes, the individual coverage statement 'Not needed/optional/not permitted for students submitted for Unistats only' has been reworded to 'Not needed/optional/not permitted for students on non-designated courses'. This has no material effect on the requirement of each field, but instead more closely aligns the terminology with the overall record requirement.
Instance.InstancePeriod 1.1 Guidance in the Notes section has been updated with some additional context around expected instance period lengths, and the circumstances in which a new instance period is required.
InstancePeriod.COURSEID 1.1 Field relocated from Instance to InstancePeriod to better record the required information. References in the Description and Notes sections have been updated accordingly.
InstancePeriod.DISALL 1.1 Guidance in the Notes section updated to specify that this field relates solely to DSA funded by either the Student Loans Company (SLC) or Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS).
InstancePeriod.GROSSFEE 1.2 Guidance in the Notes section has been amended to expand upon how this field should be returned in relation to instance periods.
InstancePeriod.HEAPESPOP 1.1 Field relocated from Instance to InstancePeriod to better record the required information. References in the Notes section guidance have been updated accordingly. Valid entry NA 'Not applicable' has been added to the coding frame for this field. Guidance in the Notes section has been amended to state that providers who do not make a HEAPES return to HEFCE may return NA.
InstancePeriod.LOCATION 1.1 Field relocated from Instance to InstancePeriod to better record the required information. References in the Description and Notes sections have been updated accordingly.
InstancePeriod.MODE 1.1 Guidance in the Notes section has been amended to expand upon how this field should be returned in relation to instance periods.
InstancePeriod.MSTUFEE 1.1 Additional guidance added to the Notes section describing that the field should be coded as if payment has occurred in circumstances where confirmation exists, but payment may not yet have taken place. Guidance reordered according to valid entry.
InstancePeriod.NETFEE 1.2 Guidance in the Notes section has been amended to expand upon how this field should be returned in relation to instance periods.
InstancePeriod.NOTACT 1.1 Valid entry 1 has been relabelled from 'Student is not in active study' to 'Student has suspended studies' to align with the Student record, and for clarity of meaning. Guidance in the Notes section and the field Description section have been amended to expand upon how this field should be returned in relation to instance periods.
InstancePeriod.SSELIG 1.1 Guidance added to Notes section, stating that where a student is known to be in receipt of student finance this field should be recorded as 1, regardless of perceived eligibility.
QualificationsOnEntry.QUALGRADE 1.1 Valid entries updated to add new codes present in the UCAS Data for HESA (Star J) transaction: FF, PA, PB, PC, QA, QA*, QB and QC, all associated with QUALTYPE WE.
QualificationsOnEntry.QUALSBJ 1.1 Addition of 150 new valid entries following confirmation of their availability for 2015/16 from UCAS.
Student.SSN 1.1 Additional guidance added to the Notes section describing what should be returned when multiple SSNs are held, and that it is acceptable for an SSN to be returned even if the instance related to the Student does not attract support.
Coverage of the record 1.1 This document has been substantially rewritten to better express the coverage requirements for the record in 2015/16.
Data collection schedule 1.0 This document has been included under the 'Submission process and quality assurance' section, giving the key collection dates and actions for the collection.
HESA XML data entry tool 1.1 The data entry tool has been revised to use the schema for 2015/16, and may now be downloaded.

Version 1.2 (2015-11-26)

Element Element version Notes
QualificationsOnEntry.QUALTYPE 1.1 Valid entry IO - Irish Leaving (Ordinary) has been amended to remove an erroneous trailing space.
Further guidance on reporting qualifications on entry 1.1 Additional unbanded grades have been added to Scottish Highers and Advance Higher qualification to allow entrants to submit their auditable data.
InstancePeriod.GROSSFEE 1.1 Guidance has been amended to clarify that the amount returned should include VAT.
InstancePeriod.NETFEE 1.1 Guidance has been amended to clarify that the amount returned should include VAT.
Specification for the UCAS data for HESA (*J) 2015/16 1.0 This document has been added under 'UCAS data for HESA transaction'. The specification describes the file sent to HE providers who subscribe to UCAS, which may be used to aid in the submission of their HESA return.

Version 1.1 (2015-09-30)

Element Element version Notes
All data items n/a The coverage statements of a number of fields have been aligned with each other for consistent use of terms. No change to meaning has occurred.
Course.TTCID 1.0 Addition of valid entries 1, 9, D, F, G, and Q to permit the return of non-designated teacher training students who may now fall under the coverage of the record. Guidance updated accordingly.
EntryProfile.PREVINST 1.0 The guidance in the Notes section has been updated to remove specific guidance for the 2014/15 reporting period. Where a UKPRN is not available in the UCAS data for HESA file ('StarJ'), UCAS will map the provider to one of the five generic codes available in this field.
InstancePeriod.HEAPESPOP 1.0 Additional wording added to the field description, to reinforce the fact that this field relates to the HEAPES survey for the reporting year.
Provider.SUBPURPOSE n/a This field has been removed for the 2015/16 reporting period, as the data is no longer required to be submitted.
QualificationsOnEntry.QUALTYPE 1.0 Addition of new valid entries CJ, CK, CL, PI, PJ, U6, U7, and WE, following confirmation of their availability for 2015/16 from UCAS.
Coverage of the record 1.0 The coverage of the record has been revised to make the return of data for Unistats purposes compulsory. The Unistats section has been correspondingly updated to reflect this.

Version 1.0 (2015-03-26)

Publication of a suite of holding pages for any known changes compared to the 2014/15 record. No changes are known at this time.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.