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KIS record 2015/16

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KIS collection 2015/16

Unistats dataset file structure and description

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Version 1.0 Produced 2015-03-05

The Unistats dataset will be hosted on the HESA website.

For information, the fields comprising the Unistats dataset are displayed in the table beneath the Unistats structure description.

The table contains the following types of field:

  • Base fields from the C15061 submission prefixed with the appropriate entity: Institution; Location; KISCourse; Accreditation; CourseLocation; CourseStage; HESACourse or ILRAims.
  • Additional fields which have used collected data from additional sources to form the complete Unistats dataset. These sources include the HESA Student record, DLHE collection, National Student Survey (NSS), HEFCE and UCAS.

The 'Unistats output file and check documentation definitions' document (also available within the 'Unistats guidance' section) is also provided to aid users' understanding of the fields contained within the Unistats dataset.

Unistats structure 2015/16

Unistats 2015/16 description

Field name Description Element name Field Length
Institution.UKPRN UK provider reference number UKPRN 8
Location.ACCOMURL URL explaining accommodation costs ACCOMURL 255
Location.ACCOMURLW URL explaining accommodation costs in Welsh ACCOMURLW 255
Location.INSTBEDS Number of provider owned/sponsored beds INSTBEDS 5
Location.INSTLOWER Lower quartile annual cost of provider owned/sponsored beds INSTLOWER 5
Location.INSTUPPER Upper quartile annual cost of provider owned/sponsored beds INSTUPPER 5
Location.LOCID Provider's own identifier for a teaching location LOCID 2
Location.LOCNAME Provider's own location descriptor for a teaching location LOCNAME 100
Location.LOCNAMEW Provider's own location descriptor for a teaching location in Welsh LOCNAMEW 100
Location.LATITUDE Latitude reference point for the teaching location LATITUDE 9
Location.LONGITUDE Longitude reference point for the teaching location LONGITUDE 9
Location.LOCUKPRN UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN), which is the unique identifier allocated to providers by the UK Register of Learning Providers (UKRLP), for the location of the course LOCUKPRN 8
Location.PRIVATELOWER Lower quartile annual cost of private sector beds PRIVATELOWER 5
Location.PRIVATEUPPER Upper quartile annual cost of private sector beds PRIVATEUPPER 5
Location.SUURL Student Union URL SUURL 255
Location.SUURLW Student Union URL - Welsh SUURLW 255
Accreditation.ACCURL Accreditation URL ACCURL 255
Accreditation.ACCTEXT Accreditation type text ACCTEXT 9999
Accreditation.ACCTEXTW Accreditation type text - Welsh ACCTEXTW 9999
Accreditation.ACCTYPE Accreditation type ACCTYPE 5
KISAim.KISAIMCODE KIS qualification aim code KISAIMCODE 3
KISAim.KISAIMLABEL KIS qualification aim label KISAIMLABEL 20
Institution.PUBUKPRN Publication UKPRN PUBUKPRN 8
Institution.COUNTRY Country of provider COUNTRY 2
Institution.Q24 SU Q24 3
Institution.Q24POP Population Q24POP 5
KISCourse.ASSURL URL explaining Assessment methods ASSURL 255
KISCourse.ASSURLW URL explaining Assessment methods in Welsh ASSURLW 255
KISCourse.CRSEURL The URL for the course page CRSEURL 255
KISCourse.CRSEURLW The URL for the course page in Welsh CRSEURLW 255
KISCourse.DISTANCE Is the course offered wholly through distance learning DISTANCE 255
KISCourse.EMPLOYURL Link to further details on employment EMPLOYURL 255
KISCourse.EMPLOYURLW Link to further details on employment in Welsh EMPLOYURLW 255
KISCourse.ENGFEE The maximum annual fee for the course for a English domiciled student ENGFEE 5
KISCourse.FEETBC Fees yet to be confirmed FEETBC 1
KISCourse.FOUNDATION Foundation year availability FOUNDATION 1
KISCourse.HONOURS Honours degree availability HONOURS 1
KISCourse.KISCOURSEID An identifier which uniquely identifies a course within a provider KISCOURSEID 30
KISCourse.KISMODE The mode of the KIS course KISMODE 1
KISCourse.KISTYPE The type of KIS course KISTYPE 1
KISCourse.LEVEL Level of course LEVEL 1
KISCourse.LOCCHNGE Does the course change location LOCCHNGE 1
KISCourse.LTURL URL explaining Learning and Teaching methods LTURL 255
KISCourse.LTURLW URL explaining Learning and Teaching methods in Welsh LTURLW 255
KISCourse.MEANSSUP Whether there is means tested support available MEANSSUP 1
KISCourse.NHS NHS funded students NHS 1
KISCourse.NIFEE The maximum annual fee for the course for a Northern Irish domiciled student NIFEE 5
KISCourse.NONCREDITASSESS Assessments not linked to credit NONCREDITASSES 1
KISCourse.NUMSTAGE Total number of stages NUMSTAGE 1
KISCourse.OTHSUP Whether there is non-means tested support available OTHSUP 1
KISCourse.RELATEDKIS This field contains the KISs to show where no KIS is produced. RELATEDKIS 30
KISCourse.SANDWICH Sandwich year availability SANDWICH 1
KISCourse.SCOTFEE The maximum annual fee for the course for a Scottish domiciled student SCOTFEE 5
KISCourse.SUPPORTURL Link to further details on financial support SUPPORTURL 255
KISCourse.SUPPORTURLW Link to further details on financial support in Welsh SUPPORTURLW 255
KISCourse.TITLE The title of the course TITLE 255
KISCourse.TITLEW The title of the course in Welsh TITLEW 255
KISCourse.UCASPROGID UCAS programme code(s) for the KISCourse UCASPROGID 7
KISCourse.UKPRNAPPLY UKPRNs through which students can apply to the course. UKPRNAPPLY 8
KISCourse.VARFEE Fee varies by year marker VARFEE 2
KISCourse.WAFEE The maximum annual fee for the course for a Wales domiciled student WAFEE 5
KISCourse.WAIVER Whether there is a fee waiver available WAIVER 1
KISCourse.WELSH Proportion of the course available in Welsh WELSH 3
KISCourse.YEARABROAD Study year abroad availability YEARABROAD 1
KISCourse.KISAIM KIS Course qualification aim code KISAIM 3
Accreditation.ACCDEPEND Accreditation dependant on choice ACCDEPEND 1
Accreditation.ACCDEPENDURL Accreditation dependant on choice URL ACCDEPENDURL 255
Accreditation.ACCDEPENDURLW Accreditation dependant on choice URL in Welsh ACCDEPENDURLW 255
KISCourse.SBJ JACS Level subject code SBJ 3
KISCourse.AVGCOURSEWORK Average of the course assessed by coursework AVGCOURSEWORK 3
KISCourse.AVGSCHEDULED Average of course spent in scheduled learning and teaching activities AVGSCHEDULED 3
KISCourse.AVGWRITTEN Average of course assessed by written exams AVGWRITTEN 3
Common.COMPOP Population COMPOP 5
Common.COMAGG Aggregation Level COMAGG 2
Common.COMSBJ JACS Level subject code COMSBJ 3
Joblist.JOB The type of employment JOB 80
Joblist.PERC The percentage of students in the type of employment PERC 3
Joblist.ORDER The order to display the jobs in ORDER 5
Continuation.CONTPOP Population CONTPOP 5
Continuation.CONTAGG Aggregation Level CONTAGG 2
Continuation.CONTSBJ JACS Level subject code CONTSBJ 3
Continuation.UCONT Continuing UCONT 3
Continuation.UDORMANT Dormant UDORMANT 3
Continuation.UGAINED Gained intended or higher UGAINED 3
Continuation.ULEFT Left without award ULEFT 3
Continuation.ULOWER Gained Lower ULOWER 3
CourseLocation.LOCID Provider's own identifier for a teaching location LOCID 2
CourseLocation.UCASCOURSEID UCAS course code(s) for the KISCourse UCASCOURSEID 4
CourseStage.ASSACT Assessment method indicator ASSACT 1
CourseStage.COURSEWORK Percentage of assessment by coursework COURSEWORK 3
CourseStage.INDEPENDENT Percentage of study time in guided independent study INDEPENDENT 3
CourseStage.LTACT Learning and teaching method indicator LTACT 1
CourseStage.PLACEMENT Percentage of study time on placements PLACEMENT 3
CourseStage.PRACTICAL Percentage of assessment by practical exams PRACTICAL 3
CourseStage.SCHEDULED Scheduled learning and teaching percentage SCHEDULED 3
CourseStage.STAGE Year of course/stage that learning and teaching and assessment methods relate to STAGE 1
CourseStage.WRITTEN Percentage of assessment by written exams WRITTEN 3
DegreeClass.DEGPOP Population DEGPOP 5
DegreeClass.DEGAGG Aggregation Level DEGAGG 2
DegreeClass.DEGSBJ JACS Level subject code DEGSBJ 3
DegreeClass.UFIRST First class UFIRST 3
DegreeClass.UUPPER Upper second class (2:1) UUPPER 3
DegreeClass.ULOWER Lower second class (2:2) ULOWER 3
DegreeClass.UOTHER Other Honours UOTHER 3
DegreeClass.UORDINARY Ordinary UORDINARY 3
DegreeClass.UNA Not classified UNA 3
Employment.EMPPOP Population EMPPOP 5
Employment.EMPAGG Aggregation Level EMPAGG 2
Employment.EMPSBJ JACS Level subject code EMPSBJ 3
Employment.WORKSTUDY Proportion of students in work and study WORKSTUDY 3
Employment.STUDY Proportion of students studying only STUDY 3
Employment.ASSUNEMP Proportion of students assumed unemployed ASSUNEMP 3
Employment.BOTH Proportion of students in work and/or study BOTH 3
Employment.NOAVAIL Proportion of students not available for work or study NOAVAIL 3
Employment.WORK Proportion of students working only WORK 3
Entry.ENTPOP PopulationENTPOP5
Entry.ENTAGG Aggregation LevelENTAGG2
Entry.ENTSBJ JACS Level subject code ENTSBJ 3
Entry.ACCESS Access Course ACCESS 3
Entry.ALEVEL A-levels and Highers ALEVEL 3
Entry.BACC International baccalaureate BACC 3
Entry.DEGREE Degree or higher DEGREE 3
Entry.FOUNDTN Foundation course FOUNDTN 3
Entry.NOQUALS No qualifications NOQUALS 3
Entry.OTHER Other qualifications OTHER 3
JobType.JOBPOP Population JOBPOP 5
JobType.JOBAGG Aggregation Level JOBAGG 2
JobType.JOBSBJ JACS Level subject code JOBSBJ 3
JobType.PROFMAN Professional or managerial jobs PROFMAN 3
JobType.OTHERJOB Non-professional or managerial OTHERJOB 3
JobType.UNKWN Unable to classify/Unknown UNKWN 3
NHSNSS.NHSAGG Aggregation Level NHSAGG 2
NHSNSS.NHSSBJ JACS Level subject code NHSSBJ 3
NHSNSS.NHSQ1 I received sufficient preparatory information prior to my placement(s) NHSQ1 3
NHSNSS.NHSQ2 I was allocated placement(s) suitable for my course NHSQ2 3
NHSNSS.NHSQ3 I received appropriate supervision on placement(s) NHSQ3 3
NHSNSS.NHSQ4 I was given opportunities to meet my required practice learning outcomes/competences NHSQ4 3
NHSNSS.NHSQ5 My contribution during placement(s) as part of a clinical team was valued NHSQ5 3
NHSNSS.NHSQ6 My practice supervisor(s) understood how my placement(s) related to the broader requirement of my course NHSQ6 3
NSS.NSSAGG Aggregation Level NSSAGG 2
NSS.NSSSBJ JACS Level subject code NSSSBJ 3
NSS.Q1 Staff are good at explaining things Q1 3
NSS.Q2 Staff have made the subject interesting Q2 3
NSS.Q3 Staff are enthusiastic about what they are teaching Q3 3
NSS.Q4 The course is intellectually stimulating Q4 3
NSS.Q5 The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance Q5 3
NSS.Q6 Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair Q6 3
NSS.Q7 Feedback on my work has been prompt Q7 3
NSS.Q8 I have received detailed comments on my work Q8 3
NSS.Q9 Feedback on my work has helped me clarify things I did not understand Q9 3
NSS.Q10 I have received sufficient advice and support with my studies Q10 3
NSS.Q11 I have been able to contact staff when I needed to Q11 3
NSS.Q12 Good advice was available when I needed to make study choices Q12 3
NSS.Q13 The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned Q13 3
NSS.Q14 Any changes in the course or teaching have been communicated effectively Q14 3
NSS.Q15 The course is well organised and is running smoothly Q15 3
NSS.Q16 The library resources and services are good enough for my needs Q16 3
NSS.Q17 I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to Q17 3
NSS.Q18 I have been able to access specialised equipment, facilities, or rooms when I needed to Q18 3
NSS.Q19 The course has helped me present myself with confidence Q19 3
NSS.Q20 My communication skills have improved Q20 3
NSS.Q21 As a result of the course, I feel confident in tackling unfamiliar problems Q21 3
NSS.Q22 Overall I am satisfied with the quality of the course Q22 3
Salary.SALPOP Population SALPOP 5
Salary.SALAGG Aggregation Level SALAGG 2
Salary.SALSBJ JACS Level subject code SALSBJ 3
Salary.LDLQ Sector lower quartile salary for subject (40 months) LDLQ 6
Salary.LDMED Sector Median salary for subject (40 months) LDMED 6
Salary.LDUQ Sector upper quartile salary for subject (40 months) LDUQ 6
Salary.LQ Sector lower quartile salary for subject (6 months) LQ 6
Salary.MED Sector Median salary for subject (6 months) MED 6
Salary.UQ Sector upper quartile salary for subject (6 months) UQ 6
Salary.INSTLQ Course lower quartile salary (6 months) INSTLQ 6
Salary.INSTMED Course Median salary (6 months) INSTMED 6
Salary.INSTUQ Course upper quartile salary (6 months) INSTUQ 6
Tariff.TARPOP Population TARPOP 5
Tariff.TARAGG Aggregation Level TARAGG 2
Tariff.TARSBJ JACS Level subject code TARSBJ 3
Tariff.T1 Less than 120 T1 3
Tariff.T120 120-160 T120 3
Tariff.T160 160-200 T160 3
Tariff.T200 200-240 T200 3
Tariff.T240 240-280 T240 3
Tariff.T280 280-320 T280 3
Tariff.T320 320-360 T320 3
Tariff.T360 360-400 T360 3
Tariff.T400 400-440 T400 3
Tariff.T440 440-480 T440 3
Tariff.T480 480-520 T480 3
Tariff.T520 520-560 T520 3
Tariff.T560 560-600 T560 3
Tariff.T600 More than 600 T600 3

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Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.