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Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record 2016/17

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Data model

Version 1.0 Produced 2017-03-02

The Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record specification is based on a data model which defines the entities covered by the record and the relationship between these entities.

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education record entity relationship diagram

DLHE Data Model

Key :

One to many iconOne-to-many relationship

Optional iconOptional participation of the entity in this relationship

Optional iconMandatory participation of the entity in this relationship

Relationship Definitions



Institution to Student An Institution must have one or many Students
A Student must belong to an Institution
Student to Employment A Student may have Employment
Employment must belong to a Student
Student to Study A Student may have Study
Study must belong to a Student
Student to Teaching A Student may have Teaching
Teaching must belong to a Student

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