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Provider profile record 2016/17

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Web reports and check documentation

Version 1.0 Produced 2017-04-27

This is a guide to the C16041 web reports and check documentation. This documentation should be used in conjunction with the C16041 coding manual.

Introduction | Data Supply | Checkdoc compare | What to do if you find issues with your check documentation |

Introduction to the new web reports and check documentation

A successful INSERT transaction will generate several reports containing management information that providers will need to review to assess data quality.

HESA have introduced three new web reports which reflect those already found in the Check Documentation, the aim of these reports is to help with comparison between years. Within the web reports there are tables named ‘Academic HESA Cost Centres’, ‘Campus Report’ and ‘HESA Cost Centre Analysis’ that are intended to be checked by both providers and HESA. However, colleagues are reminded that primary responsibility for data quality rests with them. Colleagues within organisations are in an excellent position to recognise more detailed anomalies within their data, using local knowledge of the intricacies of their own organisations, and are strongly encouraged to closely scrutinise the web reports. The web reports are also used by HESA to conduct data analysis and quality assurance of a data submission. Queries raised on these items form the basis of any data quality queries fed back to providers through the Minerva data quality database.

Two of the reports, ‘Academic HESA Cost Centres’ and ‘Campus Report’, will contain shading to more easily identify changes between years. The ‘HESA Cost Centre Analysis’ web report uses data from the most recent Student, Staff and Finance collections.

All of the web reports provide a greater functionality than the tables found in Checkdoc and they are also downloadable to Excel. Checkdoc and web reports will be run in parallel this year, but Checkdoc will be discontinued from C17041 onwards.

Check documentation takes the form of an Excel workbook containing a series of tables presenting the returned data to enable providers to ensure that their submission represents their organisation as expected. In part, check documentation provides a preview of some of the onward uses of the data. Therefore, review of the check documentation should be undertaken by providers to verify the submitted data.

Data supply

This report is available after a successful INSERT and provides back the submitted data in csv and XML formats. This can then be used to analyse the submitted data locally and recreate the items used by HESA in the web reports and check documentation. The derived fields are also included within the Data supply file. These fields are identifiable as those that begin with 'X'. Details of the derived fields used in the C16041 record can be downloaded from Derived field specifications.

Checkdoc compare

To assist providers in locating differences between transactions the data collection system will provide a second version of the check documentation for every insert processed by a provider. This version of the check documentation presents a colour shaded version of the Excel spreadsheet with number variances being highlighted. s version of the check documentation presents a colour shaded version of the Excel spreadsheet with number variances being highlighted.

What to do if you find issues within your web reports and check documentation

Where anomalies are found you should record them on any relevant Minerva queries raised by HESA and set the queries to be fixed on resubmission. The provider should then contact [email protected] to request that the data is decommitted in order that the necessary amendments can be made and the data resubmitted.


The Provider Profile record provides metadata for use in the HESA Student, Staff and Finance records. It is strongly advised that you liaise with colleagues responsible for completing these returns in order to ensure consistency of reporting. Statutory customers have indicated that they do not expect to switch validation in HESA Student, Staff and Finance records relating to cost centre mapping.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.