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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Activity Standard Occupational Classification 2010 (SOC2010) major grouping XACTSOC01 1.1.1 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
1 Managers, directors and senior officials
2 Professional occupations
3 Associate professional and technical occupations
4 Administrative and secretarial occupations
5 Skilled trades occupations
6 Caring, leisure and other service occupations
7 Sales and customer service occupations
8 Process, plant and machine operatives
9 Elementary occupations

Dependent fields

  • none

Depend upon fields


Additional information

This field is derived from the Staff (Cyy025) field Activity.ACTSOC 'Activity Standard Occupational Classification' (SOC2010). It is derived from the first character of the valid entries in Activity.ACTSOC.

SOC2010 provides a national standard for categorising occupational information.

These aggregations represent the nine Major Groups of the SOC as summarised in the Standard Occupation Classification 2010 Structure and description of unit groups (Major Groups table) (

(Note: This field is a grouping of the valid entries in the Staff Cyy025_CC (cost centre) table's ACTSOC field - which is added to the cost centre table from the Staff Cyy025_ACTIVITY table).

Technical Specification

Cyy025_CC (cost centre) table ACTSOC (CHAR 3) XACTSOC01
First character is a 1 1
First character is a 2 2
First character is a 3 3
First character is a 4 4
First character is a 5 5
First character is a 6 6
First character is a 7 7
First character is a 8 8
First character is a 9 9
Otherwise Null

Where the ACTSOC value does not match first character 1-9, return Null as XACTSOC01. This is an error, highlighting that a value in the ACTSOC field cannot be derived to a valid entry. (This is designed so the derived function does not fail. Nulls are to be identified at impossible values testing to flag the issue to HESA's Data Management team).

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2013-02-28 1.1.1 Created for Staff C12025. Based on DLHE XSOCD02 - and reflecting the switch to XML for use of C12025 Activity.ACTSOC in the C12025_CC table).

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.