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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Staff atypical population XPOPPA01 1.2.1 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
0 Person not counted within atypical population
1 Person counted within atypical population

Dependent fields

  • none

Depend upon fields


Additional information

The HESA staff atypical population is an indicator of those individuals who have only atypical contracts within the reporting period.

The HESA staff atypical population is used in analyses of atypical staff person attributes by full-person equivalents (FPE). It should only be used when analysing atypical staff full-person equivalents (XSAFPE01) on the Cyy025_CC (cost centre) table, or when analysing the attributes of atypical staff from the Institution.Person entity alone.

Technical Specification

If all the contracts linked to the Institution.Person entity in the Person.Contract entity have Contract.TERMS=3 and Contract.MOEMP in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) then XPOPPA01=1, else XPOPPA01=0.

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2013-02-14 1.2.1 Update to Technical specification to account for switch to XML format of Staff record for 2012/13. Reference to contracts table changed to Person.Contract entity and Contract.MOEMP added to the Technical specification to exclude new C12025 MOEMP valid entry 6 'Dormant' from population
2009-03-11 1.1.2 Removed colons following valid entry codes. Field type added. No change to technical specification
2004-05-29 1.1.1 Created

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