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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Salary at reference date (grouped) XSALG01 5.1.2 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
01 £1 to £7000
02 £7001 to £10000
03 £10001 to £15000
04 £15001 to £20000
05 £20001 to £25000
06 £25001 to £30000
07 £30001 to £35000
08 £35001 to £40000
09 £40001 to £45000
10 £45001 to £50000
11 £50001 to £55000
12 £55001 to £60000
13 £60001 to £65000
14 £65001 to £70000
15 £70001 to £75000
16 £75001 to £80000
17 £80001 to £85000
18 £85001 to £90000
19 £90001 to £95000
20 £95001 to £100000
21 £100001 to £150000
22 Over £150000
$$ £0/Not applicable

Dependent fields

  • none

Depend upon fields

  • XSALR01

Additional information

The salary at reference date is grouped into bands between £1 up to £150000 and subsequently over £150000.

Not applicable includes atypical staff for whom salary data is not required.

Note to analysts: Where Contract.SALREF is null (not applicable) this is derived to 0 (zero) in XSALR01 - as HESA's standard onward analysis removes salary returns of £0 and null. As XSALG01 is dependent upon XSALR01's derivation of Not applicable to 0, this is accommodated into the valid entry $$ '£0/Not applicable'. Valid entry 01 consequently has a range of £1 to £7000.

Technical Specification

1 to 7000 01
7001 to 10000 02
10001 to 15000 03
15001 to 20000 04
20001 to 25000 05
25001 to 30000 06
30001 to 35000 07
35001 to 40000 08
40001 to 45000 09
45001 to 50000 10
50001 to 55000 11
55001 to 60000 12
60001 to 65000 13
65001 to 70000 14
70001 to 75000 15
75001 to 80000 16
80001 to 85000 17
85001 to 90000 18
90001 to 95000 19
95001 to 100000 20
100001 to 150000 21
150001 to 9999999 22
0 $$

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2015-01-15 5.1.2 Additional information amended as the lower limit of £1 to £7000 is no longer indicative of values below the national minimum wage
2014-01-29 5.1.1 Valid entries changed from (1 '£7000 and under' to 01 '£1 to £7000') and ($ 'Data not required' to $$ '£0/Not applicable') to accommodate XSALR01 analytical requirements output. Accompanying note to analysts added to the Additional information section. Valid entry codes have been relabelled due to the change in input values. Field length changed to 2. Technical specification has been updated to match the changed XSALR01 input and valid entry output requirements. Reference to XSALR01 in Technical specification changed to Num from Char and leading zeros removed from the XSALR01 values
2011-02-16 4.1.1 Replaced XSALG01 valid entry M with two new values, N and P, to reflect the new upper limit of £150000
2010-04-13 3.1.1 Amended values for XSALG01 valid entries 1 and 2 to reflect lower limit of £7000
2009-03-25 2.1.1 Valid entries and technical specification updated with additional breakdown of salaries over £70000. Code F no longer used and replaced with codes G-M

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.