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Provider Profile record 2017/18 - Data collection schedule

Back to C17041

Version 1.0 Produced 2017-11-30

This document is designed to guide higher education providers (HEPs) through the stages of data submission for the C17041 Provider profile data collection.

At a glance

Early 2018 Providers' local preparation
May 2018 C17041 data collection opens
1 June 2018 Return date
2 June to 16 June 2018 Data quality checking period
16 June 2018 Last submission
19 June 2018 Sign-off

Detailed requirements


HEPs should read the C17041 Provider profile coding manual and associated documentation for details of the requirements for this return.

Academic HESA cost centre data returned in the Provider profile record will be incorporated into COMMIT-stage quality rules for the Student, Staff, and FINANCE returns. It is therefore recommended that colleagues responsible for the Provider profile record liaise with those responsible for these other collections, to ensure all required HESA cost centres are returned.

If you have any queries about the requirements for the C17041 Provider profile data collection please contact Institutional Liaison.


In advance of the data collection opening HESA releases the Provider profile preparation guide. This guide provides further guidance of the requirements for the collection year, with reference to any areas HESA's Statutory Customers wish HEPs to pay particular attention to during coding and submission.

Notification of the publication of this preparation guide will be sent to both Provider profile record contacts and the Admin-HESA JISC mailgroup. If you would like to join Admin-HESA please contact Institutional Liaison.


The C17041 collection database opens on the Data collection site around a month before the return date providing HEPs with the opportunity to interact with the data collection system ahead of the return date deadline.

A user guide for the submission of C17041 Provider profile record data will be made available shortly before the collection opens.

Record contacts are expected to log into the Data Collection System through the HESA Identity System this year. Emails will be distributed reminding record contacts to sign up to the IDS and with further details of how to grant access to colleagues.

HESA monitors all transactions on the system to ensure HEPs are progressing reasonably and not encountering issues. However, if you require assistance with the submission process, please contact Institutional Liaison.


HEPs are required to send complete data that has passed Business stage validation to HESA by 1 June 2018.

A single validation failure will result in no data being imported into the system.

To meet the requirement of the return date HEPs are required to:

  1. Check the campus details held on the system and confirm whether they remain accurate; making amendments where necessary.
  2. Provide data regarding the mapping of academic departments to HESA cost centres. Provision of HESA cost centre data is compulsory for HEPs in England. Provision of HESA cost centre data is optional for HEPs in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. All HEPs are however encouraged to submit HESA cost centre data as the data collected in this record will be used to validate the Student, Staff and Finance records as well as providing benchmarking material for heidi.
  3. Process a commit transaction. This will then send a copy of the submission to the HESA Data Quality Assurance team for HESA to undertake some analysis of the return in parallel with the HEP conducting their own detailed analysis.

Data which fails validation will not be considered to have been returned to the Agency.

A summary of Provider profile will be displayed on screen for confirmation.

HEPs are reminded that primary responsibility for data quality rests with them; HESA aims to support HEPs in ensuring their data are of the highest quality through the provision of check documentation and parallel scrutiny of same. HEPs are therefore advised to ensure that sufficient time is spent examining the check documentation produced through a successful commit to check that errors have not been introduced which would cause any degradation to data quality. As HEPs are in a better position than HESA to recognise more detailed anomalies within their data, using local knowledge of the intricacies of their own HEPs, they are strongly encouraged to closely scrutinise the check documentation reports.


HEPs can contact Institutional Liaison throughout this period to request that their data is de-committed in order to make revisions and resubmit data. The data quality checking period is an iterative process during which HEPs may need to submit, commit, review and de-commit their data several times in order to ensure that the final submission is of sufficient quality and is credible.

During this period Data Analysts at HESA will also examine data committed by all HEPs. If any anomalies are found queries will be raised through the Minerva data quality database. Nevertheless HEPs are in a better position than HESA to recognise more detailed anomalies within their data, using local knowledge of the intricacies of their own HEP. As a consequence, HEPs are required to either resubmit their data to amend these anomalies, or provide an explanation through Minerva as to why these apparent anomalies are genuine.

Submitted HESA cost centre data will be used in the validation of HESA cost centres submitted in the HESA Student, Staff and Finance records. HEPs are encouraged to liaise with colleagues responsible for these other returns to ensure the submitted HESA cost centre data is an accurate reflection of the HEP's profile.

Upon satisfactory completion of this process data will be set to credible.


In order to meet obligations for hand-over of data to its customers, HESA needs to receive all data files by 16 June 2018.

19 June 2018: SIGN-OFF

As part of the data quality assurance procedures, HESA requires the return to be signed-off by the head of your HEP, or by a person with suitable authority. This verification offers both the HEPs and HESA assurances regarding onward use of the data. Sign-off completes the data collection process.

Note: HEPs should download and keep copies of all relevant reports that they are likely to need during the year, as it will be necessary to restrict access to the submission site after the submission deadline.

Onward use of C17041 Provider profile collection data

Following the close of the data collection all data submitted will be passed to HESA's Statutory Customers and also to the HESA Information Services team.

The C17041 Provider profile collection data is also used as metadata for the C17051 Student record, C17025 Staff record and the C17031 Finance record in order to associate students and staff to the campus and HESA cost centre at which they are located.

HESA cost centre information will also be used in heidi to assist in benchmarking.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.