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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Analytical protocol JACS - level 2 grouping XJACSLEV201 1.6.1 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
01 Medicine & dentistry
02 Medical science & pharmacy
03 Nursing
04 Other subjects allied to medicine
05 Biology & related sciences
06 Sports science
07 Psychology
08 Veterinary sciences
09 Agriculture & related subjects
10 Physical science
11 Physical geography & environmental science
12 Mathematical sciences
13 Computer science
14 Mechanically-based engineering
15 Electronic & electrical engineering
16 Civil, chemical & other engineering
17 Technology
18 Architecture, building & planning
19 Economics
20 Politics
21 Sociology, social policy & anthropology
22 Social work
23 Human & social geography
24 Law
25 Business
26 Management
27 Finance & accounting
28 Tourism, transport, travel & others in business & administrative studies
29 Media studies
30 Communications & information studies
31 English-based studies
32 European languages & area studies
33 Other languages & area studies
34 History & archaeology
35 Philosophy, theology & religious studies
36 Art & design
37 Performing arts
38 Other creative arts
39 Teacher training
40 Education studies
41 Combined
42 Initial teacher training

Dependent fields

    Depend upon fields

    • TTCID
    • XJACS01

    Additional information

    XJACSLEV201 is based on the UNISTATS level 2 groupings, adopted in HESA's Data Quality Assurance and Analytical Services teams' UNISTATS specifications - as informed by HEFCE's requirements.

    This field maps XJACS01 (held on the _SJ table of both the Cyy051 Student and Cyy054 AP student records) to the three Unistats groupings via a lookup table supplied by HESA's Data Management team in Oracle, as described in the technical specification.

    The valid entries used in XJACS01 are as per Course_Subject.SBJCA field in the relevant collection year.

    From 2012/13 the underlying JACS subject coding frame adopted the JACS3 subject codes.

    Technical Specification

    The table static_data.XJACSLEV_lookup_V2 consists of four columns: F_XJACS01 (CHAR 4); F_XJACSLEV1 (CHAR 1); F_XJACSLEV2 (CHAR 2); F_XJACSLEV3 (CHAR 3).

    1. If a Student teacher training course identifier (Course.TTCID) is submitted and coded 1 'On initial or pre-service teacher training course leading to Qualified Teacher Status or to registration as a school teacher with the General Teaching Council for Scotland'; 2 'On other initial teacher training course not leading to Qualified Teacher Status nor to registration as a school teacher with the General Teaching Council for Scotland'; or Q 'Early Years Initial Teacher Training' then XJACSLEV201 is coded 42 'Initial teacher training', irrespective of the XJACS01 code derived for that instance.

    2. If Course.TTCID is not 1, 2 or Q, lookup XJACS01 in XJACSLEV_lookup_V2.F_XJACS01 and return a value from F_XJACSLEV2 for this field.

    3. Where XJACS01 is not found in XJACSLEV_lookup_V2.F_XJACS01, return Null. This is an error, highlighting that a value is not a valid entry in the lookup table. This is designed so the derived function does not fail. Nulls are to be identified at impossible values testing to flag the issue to HESA's Data Management team.

    Note to developers: This specification is hierarchical. Complete top down.

    Course.TTCID (CHAR 1) XJACS01 on the _SJ table (CHAR 4) XJACSLEV201
    1, 2, Q 42
    Found in XJACSLEV_lookup_V2 .F_XJACS01 XJACSLEV_lookup_V2 .F_XJACSLEV2
    Not found in XJACSLEV_lookup_V2 .F_XJACS01 Null

    Revision history

    Date Version Notes
    2016-11-01 1.6.1 Technical specification updated to reflect the deletion of Course.TTCID valid entries 8 and G in the list of codes that define ITT. Change to function.
    2014-10-16 1.5.1 Technical specification updated to reflect the addition of Course.TTCID valid entry Q, and the deletion of valid entries H, L, M, N and P, in the list of codes that define ITT. Change to function. Additional information section amended to allow for the use of this field in the Cyy054 AP student record.
    2013-09-30 1.4.1 Technical specification change to include Course.TTCID codes L, M, N and P, and the deletion of J and K, in the list of codes that derive valid entry 42 'Initial teacher training'. Corresponding update to text in this section. Change to function.
    2013-04-08 1.3.1 Technical specification change to include Course.TTCID codes G, H, J, and K in the list of codes that derive valid entry 42 'Initial teacher training'. Corresponding update to text in this section. Change to function.
    2013-01-21 1.2.1 Change of lookup table in technical specification to XJACSLEV_lookup_V2 in Oracle with the move to using JACS 3.0. References to NSS and TQI in additional information changed to UNISTATS.
    2012-03-12 1.1.1 Created

    Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.