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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Mode of employment XMOEMP01 2.1.2 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
01 Full-time
02 Part-time
03 Dormant

Dependent fields

  • none

Depend upon fields


Additional information

This field groups the Staff Contract.MOEMP (Mode of employment) field into the standard HESA staff publication categories of full-time and part-time.

Full-time staff are those whose contracts state that their mode of employment is full-time. This includes staff who work full-time for part of a year and term-time only staff who work full-time during the term.

Part-time staff are those staff that work anything less than full-time. Unless excluded by population (i.e. the HESA staff contract population), part-time includes atypical mode of employment.

Dormant staff are those that whilst holding a contract of employment with the higher education provider (HEP), have not undertaken any work during the reporting period. This includes lecturing staff whose modules were not chosen by any students during the year and kept on zero hour contracts, and those on secondments or sabbaticals for the whole year.

Mode of employment is an attribute of the contract, not the person. Therefore, a contract will be counted as wholly part-time, even if a person holds a number of part-time contracts that sum to one full-time equivalent (FTE). When analysing by full-person equivalent (FPE), using the HESA staff contract population, the FPE allocated to the full-time category will only reflect the people that hold a full-time contract. This is consistent with the treatment of other attributes of the contract.

Technical Specification

Contract.MOEMP (CHAR 1) XMOEMP01
1, 2 01
3, 4, 5 02
6 03

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2015-01-15 2.1.2 References to higher education institution (HEI) have been replaced with higher education provider (HEP). Reference to institution (as a short-hand for higher education institution) has been changed to provider. The change enables HESA to refer collectively to both publicly funded higher education institutions and privately funded alternative providers within its constituency
2013-02-15 2.1.1 Valid entry 03 Dormant added to field. Technical specification updated accordingly using Contract.MOEMP=6. Additional information definition of dormant added
2011-02-18 1.1.1 Created

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