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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Staff nationality analysis grouping XSNAT01 1.5.2 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
1 United Kingdom (including Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man)
2 European Union countries
4 Other European Economic Area countries
5 Other Non-European Union countries
9 Not known

Dependent fields

  • none

Depend upon fields


Additional information

This field is derived using the Nationality (Person.NATION) field from the Staff record, grouping the valid entries into standard analysis categories.

The definition of European Union countries is as at 1 December in the academic year to which the data relates. European Union countries in this context are the Member States of the European Union, but not their outermost regions, overseas countries or territories. These are grouped under the 'Other non-European Union countries' category.

Within this field, Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man are considered to be part of the UK. Officially, the Crown Dependencies of Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man are not part of the UK or the European Union.

The Person.NATION valid entry code 'AA Stateless' may be returned where a member of staff claims nationality of a country that not recognised by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO). For analysis purposes, this code is included in 'Other Non-European Union countries' within this field.

Technical Specification

GB, GG, JE, XL, IM 1
AT, BE, BG, CZ, XM, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GI, GR, HR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, MT, NL, PL, PT, RO, SE, SI, SK, XA, XC 2
NO, IS, LI 4
ZZ 9
Otherwise 5

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2015-01-15 1.5.2 Additional information to clarify that European Union countries in this context are the Member States of the European Union, but not their outermost regions, overseas countries or territories. These are grouped under the 'Other Non-European Union countries' category
2013-10-30 1.5.1 Technical specification amended to derive Croatia (HR) to valid entry 2 'European Union countries', following that country joining the EU
2013-02-14 1.4.3 Minor text edits to the Technical specification (reference to Person.Nation) and Additional information to reflect the switch to XML format of Staff record for 2012/13
2011-02-21 1.4.2 Minor text edit to Valid entry 1. Change (incl. Guernsey, Jersey & the Isle of Man) to (including Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man). Nation text from 4 to CHAR 2
2009-03-25 1.4.1 NATION input values changed to ISO codes. Channel Islands changed to Guernsey and Jersey and analysis additional information updated. Colons removed from valid entries. Field type added
1999-10-01 1.1.1 Created
1994-01-01 1.3.2 Text correction changing reference from NISR to Staff PERSON table
1994-01-01 1.3.1 Removed EU accession states as category
1994-01-01 1.2.1 Changed to update EU accession states as at 1 December 2005

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