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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Classification of qualification XCLASSF01 1.2.1 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
01 First class honours
02 Upper second class honours
03 Lower second class honours
05 Third class honours
07 Unclassified honours
08 Aegrotat (whether to honours or pass)
09 Pass - degree awarded without honours following an honours course
10 Ordinary (to include divisions of ordinary, if any) - degree awarded after following a non-honours course
11 General degree - degree awarded after following a non-honours course/degree that was not available to be classified
12 Distinction
13 Merit
14 Pass
51 A FE
52 B FE
53 C FE
54 D FE
55 E FE
56 F FE
57 G FE
61 N FE
62 U FE
63 X FE
64 A* FE
65 Y FE
71 Pass FE
72 Merit FE
73 Distinction FE
74 Fail FE
81 1 FE
82 2 FE
83 3 FE
84 4 FE
85 5 FE
86 6 FE
87 7 FE
88 8 FE
89 9 FE
90 10 FE
A Classification not applicable

Dependent fields

  • XCLASS01

Depend upon fields


Additional information

This field is used to indicate the qualification class of the qualification (or highest-ranked qualification) that the student obtained. The information is compulsory for students who have achieved an undergraduate degree qualification, and those who have achieved a relevant FE qualification (i.e. where a grade is meaningful) at a higher education provider in England and Wales.

XCLASSF01 is recorded on the derived/analysis table for the relevant collection, which has a primary key of INSTANCEKEY. XCLASSF01 is also recorded in this table.

Where there is more than one occurrence of the QualificationsAwarded entity attached to an instance, the qualification used in XCLASS01 will correspond to the qualification represented in XQOBTN01. That derived field assigns one of the equally-highest ranking qualifications without reference to a specific classification. XCLASSF01 requires the identification of the qualification with the classification nearest to 01 in the QualificationsAwarded.CLASS field for this scenario.

Technical Specification

Count the number of QualificationsAwarded entities associated with an instance.

Zero occurrences of the QualificationsAwarded entity

If there are no qualifications associated with the instance, XCLASSF01 is set to A, 'Classification not applicable'.

One occurrence of the QualificationsAwarded entity

Where an instance has one occurrence of a QualificationsAwarded entity, the associated QualificationsAwarded.CLASS value (or lack of it) is used to derive XCLASSF01.

More than one occurrence of the QualificationsAwarded entity

Where an instance has more than one occurrence of the QualificationsAwarded entity, it is necessary to identify the one with the highest ranking QualificationsAwarded.QUAL value, as XCLASSF01 takes the classification of the qualification highest in level.

Give each QualificationsAwarded.QUAL a ranking value using the ranking table in XQOBTN01, then count the number of entities with the ranking value nearest zero.

If there is only one QualificationsAwarded entity with the QualificationsAwarded.QUAL at the highest ranking value, XCLASSF01 is set to the associated value of QualificationsAwarded.CLASS (unless it is null, in which case, XCLASSF01 is set as A 'Classification not applicable').

If there is more than one QualificationsAwarded entity with QualificationsAwarded.QUALs of the same highest ranking number, it is necessary to additionally consider the associated classifications of these QualificationsAwarded.QUALs to derive the XCLASSF01 value, in order to maintain the principle of using the highest-ranked qualification.

For the QualificationsAwarded entities that rank equally high in terms of QualificationsAwarded.QUAL, count the number of these with the QualificationsAwarded.CLASS valid entry nearest to 01. Nulls should be considered to be least near to 01, i.e. last.

If there is only one of these QualificationsAwarded entities at the value of QualificationsAwarded.CLASS nearest 01, set XCLASSF01 to the associated value of QualificationsAwarded.CLASS (unless QualificationsAwarded.CLASS is null, in which case, XCLASSF01 is set as A 'Classification not applicable').

If there is more than one of these QualificationsAwarded entities ranking equally nearest to 01, it is irrelevant which one is used - set XCLASSF01 to the associated value of QualificationsAwarded.CLASS for the QualificationsAwarded entity with the lowest QualificationAwardedKEY (unless QualificationsAwarded.CLASS is null, in which case, XCLASSF01 is set as A 'Classification not applicable').

Number of QualificationsAwarded entities for instance Number of these qualifications ranked highest using QUAL values and ranking table in XQOBTN01 Number of these qualifications ranked highest using associated CLASS values nearest 01 XCLASSF01
0 A
1 QualificationsAwarded.CLASS of that entity (unless null, in which case XCLASSF01 is A)
>1 1 QualificationsAwarded.CLASS of that entity (unless null, in which case XCLASSF01 is A)
>1 1 QualificationsAwarded.CLASS of that entity (unless null, in which case XCLASSF01 is A)
>1 QualificationsAwarded.CLASS of the entity with the lowest QualificationsAwardedKEY (unless null, in which case XCLASSF01 is A)

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2018-01-31 1.2.1 Valid entries 04 'Undivided second class honours' and 06 'Fourth class honours' have been removed
2015-03-30 1.1.2 Error corrected in Technical Specification table: the values for the 'Number of these qualifications ranked highest using associated CLASS values nearest 01' column changed from 1 and 2 to 1 and >1 in line with the text
2015-01-08 1.1.1 Created

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