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Unistats record 2018/19

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Unistats record 2018/19 - Data collection schedule

Version 1.3 Produced 2018-09-05

The document below is designed to guide providers through the stages of data submission for the Unistats record.

At a glance

August 2017 to May 2018 Providers' local preparation
March 2018 Validate data locally using validation kit
April 2018 Preparation guide for HE providers released
24 May 2018 Data collection opens
11 July 2018 NSS and DLHE data added
12 July 2018 (12pm) Valid data submission required
17 August 2018 (12pm) Final deadline for submission and sign-off prior to publication of new dataset on Unistats
10 September 2018 Update of Unistats website with 2018 dataset
12 September 2018 First weekly update of Unistats
29 September 2018 Deadline for up to date widgets on providers' websites

Detailed requirements

August 2017 to May 2018: Providers' local preparation

Providers should read the C18061 Unistats record coding manual and associated documentation for details of the requirements for the return.

During these months providers will need to load and maintain local record systems.

If you have any queries with the requirements for C18061 HE providers should contact Liaison at [email protected] and FE colleges should contact [email protected].

March 2018 onwards: Validate data locally using validation kit

The C18061 validation kit is made available to download from Validation kits. The March 2018 release of the kit contains the updated schema and business rules for C18061 and is released to assist providers in preparing their data ahead of the data collection system opening.

The kit enables providers to test their data locally against the first-stage validation ahead of the data collection systems opening in May 2018. Providers are strongly encouraged to use the validation kit as part of their data preparations.

Further details on the checks included in first-stage validation can be found within the data items of the record specification and in the business rules document on the C18061 coding manual.

A guide to using the validation kit can be found at Help with validation kits.

Providers are advised to contact Liaison ([email protected]) if they encounter any issues with the validation kit.

April 2018: Preparation guide for HE providers released

In advance of the main collection opening in May, HESA releases a preparation guide for HE providers. This provides further guidance of the requirements for the collection year, with particular reference to any areas HESA's statutory customers wish providers to pay particular attention to during coding and submission and information relating to the data collection system. OfS will publish a separate communication for FE colleges.

Notification of the publication of this guide will be sent to HESA Unistats record contacts, and is also circulated on sector mailgroups such as the HESA-KIS JISC mailgroup. If you would like to join this mailgroup please contact Liaison.

24 May 2018: Data collection opens

The C18061 collection database opens on the HESA data collection system (for HE Providers) and the OfS extranet (for FE Colleges) for providers to test files against the full range of validation and exception checks ahead of the last submission and sign-off date deadline.

Data from the Longitudinal DLHE survey will be available when the system opens for files that pass validation.

For HE providers only:

A user guide for the submission of C18061 Unistats record data to the HESA data collection system (HE providers only) can be found at Support guides.

Access for this system will be automatically granted to HESA Unistats record contacts and those who have been assigned the appropriate privileges, through the HESA Identity System when the C18061 collection opens. An email will be sent to inform relevant colleagues when the data collection system becomes available.

HESA monitors all transactions on the data collection system to ensure providers are progressing reasonably and not encountering difficulties. However if you require assistance with the submission process, please contact Liaison.

11 July 2018: NSS and DLHE data added

In July the NSS and DLHE data will be provided for providers. The Unistats file and other reports which reference this data will then become available for providers to download and review. From this point onwards it will be possible for providers to sign-off the Unistats data provided all errors have been resolved.

12 July 2018 (12pm): Valid data submission required

By 12 July 2018, providers are required to have submitted a dataset which passes validation and contains the majority of their courses.

This schedule allows the maximum amount of available time for providers to review their reports, perform quality checks and make any amendments required before sign-off.

If you have no courses that meet the eligibility criteria for the UNISTATS record, you will need to return a Nil Return Sign-off form to HESA by this deadline.

17 August 2018 (12pm): Final deadline for submission and sign-off prior to publication of new dataset on Unistats

Providers are required to send complete data that has passed all stages of validation to HESA (HE providers) or OfS (FE collegess) by 17 August 2018.

A single validation failure will result in no data being imported into the system. Data which fails validation will not be considered to have been returned to HESA or OfS.

As part of the data quality assurance procedures, OfS/HESA require the return to be signed-off by the head or acting head of your organisation. This verification offers both the providers and HESA assurances regarding onward use of the data. Sign-off must be returned to OfS/HESA by 12pm on 17 August 2018.

For providers submitting to HESA only:

Once the submitted data has passed all stages of validation and all externally provided data is available a new icon will be made available from where the sign-off form can be downloaded and completed. Once completed, the form should be scanned and emailed back to [email protected]. Please note that the transaction number on the sign-off form must correspond to that of the data being signed-off.

10 September 2018: Update of Unistats website with 2018 dataset

Data that was signed-off by 4 September will be published on the Unistats website on 10 September 2018 for prospective students to view. Thereafter, updates will be published on a weekly cycle.

12 September 2018: First weekly update of Unistats

The Unistats dataset is dynamic and any amendments will be published on a weekly basis. The first update will include changes signed off from midday on 4 September.

29 September 2018: Deadline for update of widgets to reflect new course data

By the 29 September, providers must have up to date widgets embedded on their course pages for each course within the Unistats return. Further guidance on embedding widgets can be found in the Unistats widget user guide.

Need help?

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.