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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Student Continuity Register (Processing) XREG01 3.6.1 2 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
11 Matched to static register and previously left now left
12 Matched to static register and previously left now not active
13 Matched to static register and previously left now live
21 Matched to static register and previously not active now left
22 Matched to static register and previously not active now not active
23 Matched to static register and previously not active now live
31 Matched to static register and previously live now left
32 Matched to static register and previously live now not active
33 Matched to static register and previously live now live
41 Matched to static register and previously no record sent now left
42 Matched to static register and previously no record sent now not active
43 Matched to static register and previously no record sent now live
51 No match to static register now left
52 No match to static register now not active
53 No match to static register now live
71 Matched to static register and previously LOCSDY 7 now left
72 Matched to static register and previously LOCSDY 7 now not active
73 Matched to static register and previously LOCSDY 7 now live
14 On static register no record sent last known as left
24 On static register no record sent last known as not active
34 On static register no record sent last known as live
74 On static register, LOCSDY 7, no record sent
18 On static register, SAS, last known as left
28 On static register, SAS, last known as not active
38 On static register, SAS, last known as live
48 On static register, SAS, no record sent
58 On static register, SAS, previously unknown

Dependent fields

  • None

Depend upon fields

  • MODE

Additional information

The primary purpose of this derived field is to mark the Student and Student Alternative records appropriately in order to operate the expected instance population checking. Additionally, in combination with XYEARM01 it can be used to assist in tracking instance records across collection years, in particular where a break in active studies has occurred.

In valid entries 'previously' means in the immediately previous reporting year.

Once updated, the Continuity register can also hold valid entries where the second character is 4. These entries describe the data representing instances that have become dormant due to a provider not sending data for an instance that was previously on the Continuity register.
(Note that XREG01 will be made available both internally and to Statutory Customers in the Cyy051_SH or Cyy054_SH analytical table appropriate to the record. All records held in the Continuity register will be represented in this data set).

Note: These entries were created by modifying existing XREG01 values to indicate Instances that were 'SAS' as of C06011. All SAS records should be terminated at the end of C06011 and these entries should not be updated by further processing.

Note: Valid entries 71, 72, and 73 are created when an Instance that was previously on the Continuity register as 'Study Wholly Overseas' is once again being reported. From C07051 LOCSDY = 7 records are not valid in the Student record. They have never been valid in the Student Alternative record.

Note: Valid entry 74 is created when an Instance that was previously on the Continuity register as 'Study Wholly Overseas' has no matching incoming record. This is expected for correctly closed off LOCSDY = 7 Instances.

Note: Valid entries 18, 28, 38, 48, and 58 are only applicable to historic data.

Technical Specification

The continuity register is updated in two stages - firstly, in line with data obtained from incoming records during the reporting period. Secondly, updating of those records on the continuity record for which no corresponding data was received during the reporting period.

Updating the continuity register XREG01 value for incoming records

Step 1 - assigning the first digit of XREG01

UHN Last character from Continuity_Register. XREG01 PART 1
Found in Continuity register 8 First character from Continuity_Register.XREG01
Otherwise Last character from Continuity_Register.XREG01
Otherwise 5

Step 2 - assigning the second digit of XREG01

Last character from Continuity_Register. XREG01 Instance. ENDDATE (DATE) Instance.MODE in Cyy051 / Instance_End.MODE in Cyy054 (CHAR 2) Instance.RSNEND in Cyy051 / Instance_End. RSNEND in Cyy054 (CHAR 2) Instance.NOTACT in Cyy051 / Instance_End. NOTACT in Cyy054 (CHAR 1) PART 2
8 8
Otherwise (including those not found in Continuity register) Completed 1
Blank 61, 63, 64, 73, 74 2
Otherwise 12 2
Otherwise 1, 2 2
Otherwise 3

Step 3 - combining the digits of XREG01

PART 1 PART 2 Continuity_Register.XREG01
Concatenation of PART1 and PART2

Non-incoming records on the Continuity register

For non-incoming records, further processing is applied to ensure that records which have not been updated through resubmission of data are correctly incremented.

Last character from Continuity_Register.XREG01 XREG01
4, 8 Existing Continuity_Register.XREG01 value
Otherwise Last character from Continuity_Register.XREG01 with a '4' appended as the second character

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2016-03-31 3.6.1 Technical Specification Step 2 updated to use RSNEND values in assigning collaborative provision instances, and updated to state the treatment of records on the Continuity register for which no corresponding instance is submitted in the reporting period
2014-10-16 3.5.1 Long name of field changed to refer to 'Continuity register' rather than 'HIN register', to reflect a change in name of this register from 2014/15 onwards. References within text likewise updated. The associated table name for this register updated from 'HINEP_Register' to 'Continuity_Register'. Field locations referenced in the Technical Specification section amended to allow for the use of this field in the Cyy054 AP student record
2014-04-02 3.4.1 Technical Specification amended to reinstate Instance.MODE 61, which is present on the HIN register
2013-10-21 3.3.1 Technical Specification amended to remove Instance.MODE 61, which no longer exists
2011-03-03 3.2.1 Technical Specification updated to match function and clarify allocation of last character
2010-06-07 3.1.3 Technical Specification updated to tie in with code (PART2 will be 1 for instances that have left). Also note added to clarify that SAS-related codes are historical
2010-04-09 3.1.2 Minor text amendments to tie up with HIN_Register table name. Removal of C07051 only processing notes
2009-10-27 3.1.1 Updated to reflect position at close of processing of 07051. Section added for preparation of HIN_Register and technical specification amended
2009-03-20 2.1.2 Format amended. Colons removed from valid entries
2004-03-25 Updated for C03011 - code 2 added to NOTACT
1994-01-01 2.1.1 Updated in preparation for C07051 – to identify LOCSDY = 7, SAS students, and include MODE 73 & 74

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