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Initial Teacher Training record 2020/21

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Coverage of the record

Version 1.1 Produced 2020-07-21

Contents: General definition | Provisional registration | Census/funding data | Overseas domiciled students | Students who transfer to a Non-ITT course | Leaving information | Relationship with the Student record | Field comparison between the ITT record and the Student record

General definition

This record is an in-year collection covering students in England, on a course of Initial Teacher Training (ITT) leading to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). It is compulsory for these HE providers (HEPs), who submit to the HESA Student return, to send data for all new and continuing ITT students. The coverage of the record includes DfE-funded flexible provision, but excludes students on Inset courses as these are not counted as ITT, and students studying for a Masters in Teaching and Learning who already hold QTS. HE providers are not expected to return a record to HESA for students on employment-based routes or SCITT (e.g. GTP, OTT, Teach First and RTP). There are separate systems to collect this data. The reporting period for the collection is 1 August - 31 July.

Provisional registration

There is no longer a requirement that any student on an ITT course must be provisionally registered with the Department for Education. Student details will be forwarded to the Department for Education for the purposes of allocating a Teacher Reference Number (TRN).

Census/funding data

When submitting records to the ITT collection, it is strongly advised that, in cases where a trainee has already been allocated a TRN by the Performance and Analysis Division, these should be submitted as part of the collection in the Student.TREFNO field. Currently, the Department for Education's system receiving ITT collection records is not linked to that generating TRNs. Once TRNs are received by the Statistics and Data team, they will greatly enhance data quality, and enable matching back to other DfE's systems.

Overseas domiciled students

Overseas domiciled students on ITT courses should be included in the ITT record. However, if these students are not eligible for funding the fundability code (FUNDCODE) should be coded 2 'Not fundable by the funding council'.

Students who transfer to a Non-ITT course

Any student who transfers from an ITT to a non ITT course before the close of the DfE census (4th Wednesday in October) should have their record updated with TTCID = 0 'Not a teacher training course' so that the student is identified as not being on an ITT course. It is important that the same NUMHUS is reported where the student is studying at the same level i.e. UG or PG. HE providers are also able to exclude students without amending data. This facility is available to submission users within 'Inclusion Status' by changing the inclusion status of the record. This allows individual records to be excluded from submission to the DfE.

Leaving information

Leaving information (ENDDATE and RSNEND) must be submitted where a student has left the provider before the DfE census date of 2nd Wednesday in October. Leaving information will indicate that the student must be excluded from the DfE census. It is also recommended that providers send leaving information for students who leave the providers between the 2nd Wednesday in October and the close of the DfE census on the 4th Wednesday in October.

Relationship with the Student record

Although this collection contains a subset of records that will be included in the subsequent summer's Student record, this collection is entirely separate to the HESA Student record. Eligible students must be included in each collection, however, it is recognised that information from this record for a student may be updated in a subsequent Student record.

It is critically important that the HUSID and the NUMHUS remain the same for a student returned on both the ITT record and the Student record to allow record linkage.

Field comparison between the ITT record and the Student record

The fields that exist on both the ITT record and the Student record, and the fields that exist only on the ITT record are listed below.

Fields that exist on both the ITT record and the Student record

Date of birth (BIRTHDTE)
Start date of instance (COMDATE)
Course identifier (COURSEID)
Course title (CTITLE)
Disability (DISABLE)
Disabled Student Allowance (DISALL)
Domicile (DOMICILE)
End date of instance (ENDDATE)
Entry route (ENTRYRTE)
Ethnicity (ETHNIC)
Forenames (FNAMES)
Fundability code (FUNDCODE)
HESA unique student identifier (HUSID)
Initiatives (INITIATIVES)
ITT qualification aim (ITTAIM)
ITT phase/scope (ITTPHSC)
ITT schemes (ITTSCHMS)
Mode of study (MODE)
Nationality (NATION)
National identity (NATIOND)
Student instance identifier (NUMHUS)
Provider's own identifier for student (OWNSTU)
Placement days (PLMNTDYS)
Placement school (PLMNTSCH)
Record type indicator (RECID)
Reason for ending instance (RSNEND)
Subject of ITT course (SBJCA)
Sex identifier (SEXID)
Family name on 16th birthday (SNAME16)
Expected length of study (SPLENGTH)
Family name (SURNAME)
Teacher Reference Number (TREFNO)
Teacher training course (TTCID)
UK Provider Reference Number (UKPRN)
Unique Learner Number (ULN)
Units of length (UNITLGTH)
Year of course (YEARPRG)
Year of student on this instance (YEARSTU)

Additional fields that exist only on the ITT record

Allocated place (ALLPLACE)
Bursary flag (BURSFLAG)
Bursary level awarded (BURSLEV)
Course mode (CRMODE)
PGCE class of undergraduate degree (DEGCLSS)
Previous degree country (DEGCTRY)
Previous degree end date (DEGENDDT)
Previous degree establishment (DEGEST)
Previous degree length in years (DEGLENGTH)
PGCE subject of undergraduate degree (DEGSBJ)
Previous degree start date (DEGSTDT)
Previous degree type (DEGTYPE)
First degree flag (FIRSTDEG)
Start date of ITT course (ITTCOMDATE)
National insurance number (NIN)
Email addresses (NQTEMAIL)
Postgraduate apprenticeship start date (PGAPPSTDT)
Immediately prior surname (PSURNAME)
Qualification aim (QLAIM)
School direct employing school (SDEMPLOY)
School direct lead school (SDLEAD)
Service Leavers (SERLEAVE)
Title (TITLE)

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