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Derived field specifications - Contents

Below is a list of derived fields created by HESA. They are provided to aid in understanding the onwards usage of data. They may be subject to updating during the collection year, until the collection closes.

Please refer to the Derived field specifications - History page for a full list of changes to the specifications, ordered by date.

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Field name Version Description
XACTIVITY2.1.1Graduate Outcomes activity
XACTMEAN2.1.1Activity is meaningful
XACTONTRACK2.1.1Activity is on track
XACTSKILLS2.1.1Activity utilises skills
XANXYESTGRP1.1.1Anxious yesterday grouping
XBUS2007SIC1.1.2Self-employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007
XBUS2007SIC11.1.2Self-employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 1 digit
XBUS2007SIC21.1.2Self-employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2 digit
XBUS2020SOC1.1.3Self-employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020
XBUS2020SOC11.1.1Self-employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 major grouping
XBUS2020SOC31.1.1Self-employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 minor grouping
XBUSCOMPFUND1.2.1Business funded
XBUSLOCGR2.1.1Location of Self-employment (region)
XBUSLOCN1.1.2Location of Self-employment (basic level)
XBUSLOCUC2.1.1Location of Self-employment (county/unitary authority level)
XBUSMARKER1.1.1Self-employment marker
XEMP2007SIC1.1.2Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007
XEMP2007SIC11.1.2Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 1 digit
XEMP2007SIC21.1.2Employment - Standard Industrial Classification 2007 2 digit
XEMP2020SOC1.1.3Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020
XEMP2020SOC11.1.1Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 major grouping
XEMP2020SOC31.1.1Employment - Standard Occupational Classification 2020 minor grouping
XEMPLOCGR2.1.1Location of employment (region)
XEMPLOCN1.1.2Location of employment (basic level)
XEMPLOCUC2.1.1Location of employment (county/unitary authority level)
XHAPYESTGRP1.1.1Happy yesterday grouping
XHOMELOCGR2.1.1Region of residence
XHOMELOCN1.1.1Location of residence (basic level)
XHOMELOCUC2.1.1Country of residence
XINTSTUDY1.1.1Interim study
XLIFEWORTHGRP1.1.1Life worthwhile grouping
XSATLIFEGRP1.1.1Life satisfaction grouping
XSTULOCGR3.1.1Region of study
XSTULOCN1.1.1Location of study (basic level)
XSTULOCUC3.1.1Country of study
XWEIGHT011.1.1Graduate Outcomes Weighting
XWRK2007SIC1.1.2Work - Standard industrial classification 2007
XWRK2007SIC11.1.2Work - Standard industrial classification 2007 1 digit
XWRK2007SIC21.1.2Work - Standard industrial classification 2007 2 digit
XWRK2020SOC1.1.3Work - Standard occupational classification 2020
XWRK2020SOC11.1.1Work - Standard occupational classification 2020 1 digit
XWRK2020SOC31.1.1Work - Standard occupational classification 2020 3 digit
XWRKHSKILL1.1.2Highly skilled work marker
XWRKJOBRSN2.1.1Main reason for taking job
XWRKLOCGR1.1.1Location of work (region)
XWRKLOCN1.1.1Location of work (basic level)
XWRKLOCUC1.1.2Location of work (country/unitary authority)
ZBUSAREA1.1.4Area of self-employment / own business
ZBUSPCODE1.1.2Postcode of self-employment / own business
ZBUSSICSOCKEY1.1.1Contains the key for the business employment activity to enable linking to the raw SIC / SOC derived data.
ZEMPAREA1.1.4Area of employment
ZEMPPCODE1.1.2Postcode of employment
ZEMPSICSOCKEY1.1.1Contains the key for the employment activity to enable linking to the raw SIC / SOC derived data.
ZNOEMPBAND1.1.1Number of employees banding
ZRESPSTATUS1.1.2Response status

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