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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
Start month of instance ZSTARTMONTH01 1.1.1 2 CHAR

Valid entries

Code Label
08 August
09 September
10 October
11 November
12 December
01 January
02 February
03 March
04 April
05 May
06 June
07 July

Dependent fields

  • None.

Depend upon fields

  • None.

Additional information


Credibility reporting.


The reference Y1 is calculated by taking the first two digits from the year in the system date with the first two digits of the RECID field in the relevant collection.

Technical Specification

>=01/08/Y1 and <= 31/08/Y1 08
>=01/09/Y1 and <= 30/09/Y1 09
>=01/10/Y1 and <= 31/10/Y1 10
>=01/11/Y1 and <= 30/11/Y1 11
>=01/12/Y1 and <= 31/12/Y1 12
>=01/01/Y1+1 and <= 31/01/ Y1+1 01
>=01/02/Y1+1 and <= 29/02/Y1+1 02
>=01/03/Y1+1 and <= 31/03/Y1+1 03
>=01/04/Y1+1 and <= 30/04/Y1+1 04
>=01/05/Y1+1 and <= 31/05/Y1+1 05
>=01/06/Y1+1 and <= 30/06/Y1+1 06
>=01/07/Y1+1 and <= 31/07/Y1+1 07

Revision history

Date Version Notes
2015-06-15 1.1.1 Created

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.