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HESA Collections

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Data Model / Data Items

Version 1.0 Produced 2022-05-26

HESA assessment data record entity relationship diagram

Assessment data record entity



Field description Field long name Definition / Guidance Sample entry Completed by Mandatory or desirable
ASSESSID Assessment identifier Primary key for Assessment table.
Identifier for the assessment, formed from a concatenation of UKPRN, year of programme and a consecutive number.
If assessments are changed substantially, they will require a new ID.
Schools with two UKPRNS will have both reflected in the ID.
GMC assigned Mandatory
COURSE Course name The course this assessment is used for if schools run more than one course. BM6 School Mandatory
ASSESSNAME Assessment name The school's internal identifier for the assessment. HSFI MEDI0011 School Mandatory
ASSESSTYPE Assessment type A description of the type of assessment used. University controlled free text. Exam (50%)
eAssignment & Presented (50%)
School Mandatory
MLACPSA Medical Licensing Assessment, Clinical and Professional Skills Assessment Percentage contribution of the assessment to the overall MLACPSA assessment.
If the MLACPSA includes more than one school assessment, then the value will be less than 100.
Some assessments particularly in the earlier years will be summative but will not count to the MLACPSA so the value will be 0.
0 School Mandatory
ASSESSDESCRIP Assessment description School's description of assessment.
University controlled free text.
Human Structure and Function I School Mandatory
ASSESSYEARPROG Year of programme The year of the student's programme the assessment is sat. 0 School Mandatory
TOTALSCOREMETHOD Total score methodology Free text field.
Method for total score — e.g.
The percentage contribution of each component. Is the standard error added to the total score? Is negative marking used?
Enter NA if not applicable.
Practical Report weight 50%
Multiple Choice Paper weight 25%
Written Paper weight 25%
School Mandatory - if applicable
SCORETYPE Score type Possible values could include:
  • Raw score
  • Percentage
  • University alphanumeric grade
Percentage School Mandatory
STANDARDSETTING Standard setting Description of the standard setting method used, for example:
  • Angoff method
  • Borderline group
Enter NA if not applicable.
Angoff School Mandatory
YEARSTART Year the assessment started The first academic year the assessment was used and included in this collection.
The value will be 2021/22 for all entries in 2021/22.
2021/22 School Mandatory
YEAREND Year the assessment ended The last academic year the assessment was used and included in this collection. If the assessment will be included in next year's return please leave blank. School Optional
EPMWEIGHT Educational Performance Measure weighting The weighting given to the assessment when calculating the student's EPM decile score for their foundation programme application.
EPM score is described here:
0 School Mandatory
SPECIALARRANGEMENTS Special arrangements due to COVID-19 for academic year 2021/22 For schools to record any arrangements, adjustments or changes made to this assessment during the 2021/22 academic year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes may relate to a variety of areas, e.g. delivery format, marking, content and dates held.
Enter NA if not applicable.
We hope this information will not be required in subsequent academic years.
School Mandatory


Field description Field long name Definition / Guidance Sample entry Completed by Mandatory or desirable
STUDENTASSESSMENTID Student assessment identifier Primary key for Student Assessment table.
Identifier for this student on this assessment.
10001111_10007158_Y0_A1 GMC assigned N/A
ASSESSID Assessment identifier Assessment identifier
This identifier is the foreign key link to the ASSESSMENT table.
10007158_Y0_A1 GMC assigned Mandatory
OWNSTU Provider's own identifier for student HESA guidance:
GMC will validate by linking to the HESA Student Record data we receive. We will report on linkage failures.
Own01 School Mandatory
HUSID HESA unique student identifier HESA guidance:
0710641234565 School Optional
SURNAME Family name HESA guidance:
Names are present in the sample exam board spreadsheets.
Names will not be included in final data but will be used to validate OWNSTU.
Surname School Mandatory
FNAMES Forenames HESA guidance:
Names are present in the sample exam board spreadsheets.
Names will not be included in final data but will be used to validate OWNSTU.
Forename School Mandatory
STUDENTSCORE Student's overall score Student's overall score on an assessment or total score for all stations on a clinical exam or university alphanumeric grade.
This may be a percentage.
99 School Mandatory
RESULTCATEGORY Result category Type of result category, for example:
  • Borderline,
  • Distinction etc.
Not all schools classify all results or may only classify performance across all assessments in the year.
Distinction School Desirable - if available
ADJUSTMENT Adjustments for student Details of any adjustment the student had whilst sitting the exam, for example the amount of extra time. Examples:
10 extra minutes per hour
Additional X rest breaks
Single occupancy room
School Desirable - if available
ATTEMPTNUMBER Attempt number Whether this was the student's 1st, 2nd etc. attempt at the exam.
Attempt number may be reset following an appeal/mitigating circumstances.
ATTEMPTNUMBER will indicate whether the attempt was a resit.
2 School Desirable - if available
NSTATPASS Number of stations passed Total number of stations passed, if applicable. (clinical exams only) 6 School If applicable
STUDENTRESULT Student's result Pass or fail for most attempts
Other values: deferred (where a first attempt is not sat and the resit counts as a first attempt), nullified (where a first attempt is sat but discounted by exam board and the resit counts as a first attempt
Pass School Mandatory
DATEASSESSMENT Date student sat assessment Date, as defined by the school, of when the assessment was taken for the particular attempt. This will correspond to one of the dates listed for that assessment in the PASSMARK table 2020-02-02 School Mandatory

Table 3 - PASSMARK

Field description Field long name Definition / Guidance Sample entry Completed by Mandatory or desirable
ASSESSID Assessment identifier This identifier is the foreign key link to the ASSESSMENT table. 10007158_Y0_A1 GMC assigned Mandatory
DATEASSESSMENT Date of assessment Date, as defined by the school, of when the assessment was taken. 2020-02-20 School Mandatory
DATEDEFINITION Source of date Source of the date used in DATEASSESSMENT.
This may differ by provider depending on what is recorded.
It may be the date of first sitting the assessment or date results published.
Internal records School Mandatory
EXAMPASSMARK Exam pass mark Pass mark for sitting this assessment.
To allow calculation of score relative to pass, this may vary by sitting.
50 School Mandatory
MAXSCORE Maximum score Maximum possible score for this assessment.
To allow scores to be converted to percentage if required.
60 School Mandatory
STATIONREQ Stations required Only applicable to some clinical exams.
Number of station passes required to pass exam, OR maximum number of fails permitted (details of which should be included in ASSESSMENT table (in SCORETYPE data item)
4 School Mandatory - if applicable

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Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.