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ITT entry route (ENTRYRTE)

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Key Value
Name ITT entry route
Short name ENTRYRTE
Part of Engagement (Engagement)
Description This field describes the route by which the student has accessed ITT provision.
Applicable to England
Coverage All Engagements at providers in England where Course.TTCID=01 and Engagement.INCOMINGEXCHANGE does not exist.

School Direct Training Programme

School Direct Training Programme records must be coded using codes 02 or 03.


This should include any other courses, that are not School Direct Training Programmes or those known as 'Core', 'Mainstream' or 'Provider-led'.

Information on the differing routes into teaching can be found on the Get into Teaching website.

Undergraduate Opt -in

Undergraduate students on select courses now have the option to additionally incorporate Initial Teacher Training (ITT) into their course, leading to the recommendation of qualified teacher status (QTS).

These are students who have chosen to opt-in to an ITT course leading to QTS who would then be eligible to receive an Undergraduate bursary in their final (or penultimate and final) year of an Undergraduate course.

Quality Rules Quality rules to follow
Optional? Yes
Reason required To monitor provision and to allow the DfE to accurately record the routes through which students access Initial Teacher Training provision.
Field Length 2
Valid Values
Code Label
01 Provider-led
02 School Direct tuition fee
03 School Direct salaried
09 Undergraduate opt-in
10 Postgraduate teaching apprenticeship

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.