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Qualification ITT specialism (QUALITT)

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Key Value
Name Qualification ITT specialism
Short name QUALITT
Part of Qualification subject (QualificationSubject)
Description This field identifies subject(s) that are the ITT specialism(s) for Initial Teacher Training qualifications.
Applicable to England Scotland
Coverage Compulsory for one QualificationSubject entity at providers in England where Course.TTCID=01 and StudentAccreditationAim.ACCREDITATIONID = 13916-13919.
Optional for one QualificationSubject entity at providers in England where Course.TTCID=01 and StudentAccreditationAim.ACCREDITATIONID 13909-13915.
Compulsory for at least one QualificationSubject entity at providers in Scotland where Course.TTCID= 01 and CurriculumAccreditation.ACCREDITATIONID = 06603.

This field identifies which QualificationSubject.QUALSUBJECT represents the ITT specialism of the Qualification.

Providers in England

One subject must be identified as the specialism for Qualifications where the associated course leads to Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and the student is a secondary teaching training student. For primary teaching training students on a course leading to QTS, this is optional.

For a list of valid subjects for primary and secondary programmes, please see Further guidance on returning DfE programmes

Providers in Scotland

At least one subject must be identified as the specialism for Qualifications where the associated Course is a secondary teacher training Course leading to registration with the General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS). Up to three subjects can be identified as the specialism, if applicable.

The below table indicates the secondary teaching subjects available in Scotland and the associated HECoS code(s) that should be returned.

Secondary teaching subjectHECoS subject codeHECoS subject label
Art101361Creative Arts and Design
Business Education100079Business studies
Computing100367Computing and information technology
Gaelic101120Gaelic Language
Home economics100055Fashion design
French100321French language
German100323German language
Spanish100332Spanish language
Italian100326Italian language
Russian100330Russia languages
Other modern language100329Modern languages
Modern studies100471Social sciences
Music100642Music education and teaching
Physical education100433Sport and exercise sciences
Religious education100339Religious studies
Technological education100184General or integrated engineering
Economics (only as a 2nd subject)100450Economics
Classical studies100300Classical studies
Latin101420Latin language
Greek101126Classical Greek studies

Quality Rules Quality rules to follow
Optional? Yes
Reason required To enable DfE to monitor student numbers against allocations for primary and secondary subject specialisms. To allow monitoring of teaching qualifications being sought and gained.
Field Length 2
Revision History
Coding Manual Version Element Version Notes
1.2.0 1.0.1 Guidance for providers in England updated.
Valid Values
Code Label
01 Teacher training subject specialism

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