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Table 9 - Capital expenditure 2015/16 to 2022/23

HE Provider Data: Finance

Table 9 - Capital expenditure

Academic years 2015/16 to 2022/23

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Table 9 is represented by data returned in the corresponding HESA collection year, restated data is not collected.

Type of data

Administrative data

Data source

HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) is part of Jisc. We are the experts in UK higher education data and analysis. We have been collecting higher education information since the 1994/95 academic year.

Finance data is taken from the HESA Finance record, which universities, colleges and other higher education providers return to HESA on an annual basis. The Finance record collects a range of information about the primary financial statements from HE providers' published accounts.

From 2018/19, data for English HE providers (excluding further education colleges and sixth form colleges under the primary regulation of the Education and Skills Funding Agency) was collected by the Office for Students.

We provide data and analysis on finances of HE providers to a wide variety of customers, including:

  • Governments
  • Universities (via the Heidi Plus analytics tool)
  • Academic and commercial researchers
  • Students and potential students
  • Trade unions and employers' associations
  • Policy makers.

Our data is used to regulate the sector, inform policy making, advance understanding of social and economic trends, support decision making, and enhance public understanding of - and confidence in - the higher education sector.

Related releases

Our HE Provider Data: Finance data pages collect together all of the tables we publish on finances in higher education.

Further information

This table displays capital expenditure incurred by HE providers by source of funding.

Additional data is collected from HE providers who are incorporated as a company, which relates to loans from directors which funds capital expenditure.

View Table 9 - Capital expenditure

Capital expenditure is expenditure that determines the provider’s investment for growth and impacts the business long term. The data displayed in this table is the same as additions to fixed assets in the year.

This table shows expenditure on fixed assets additions during the year and how it was financed. The sources of funding displayed for data from providers in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are funding body grants, retained proceeds from sales, internal funds, loans, leasing, private finance initiative (PFI) and other external sources.

For English providers, in addition to the above sources of funding the table also shows loans from directors for the purposes of capital expenditure as a further source of funding and provides a breakdown by existing and new loans in the year.

The total additions to fixed assets displayed in this table is analysed as capital expenditure for residences operations, catering operations and other operations. Each activity area is further split by expenditure type for building and equipment.

Data in this table is represented by data returned in the corresponding academic year's collection where available. For this reason, the figures may not always match the corresponding totals in table 1, as table 1 shows prior year data as restated in the audited financial statements.

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