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Data Futures transition year 2022/23

The Data Futures Programme Board, made up of HESA, Jisc, Statutory Customer and provider representatives, has agreed that the Data Futures transition year of 2022/23 will be an annual collection, taking place during the summer of 2023. 

This is in line with the current timescales for the programme roadmap. The Student - Data Futures 2022/23 collection will run on the new HESA Data Platform (HDP) using the Student - Data Futures data model

The planned 2022 Beta phase will be based on annual collection. We will communicate when we have further information on requirements and timings.

The in-year elements of the programme are linked to the outcomes of the burden review. We will communicate further decisions on implementation of the 2023/24 collection once the outcomes of the review are known. 

If you have any queries, please contact the Liaison team.


Press Officer