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Legacy to Data Futures Mapping Guides

Please note that the data published on this page is only for mapping legacy to the 22056 collection.

To assist with comparisons of data between Student 051 / Student Alternative 054 and Student (Data Futures) 056 data streams a set of mapping tools and downloadable files have been developed.


Legacy to Data Futures Field Level Mapping

The downloadable worksheet "Legacy_to_DF_Fields" and online mapping tool shows the mapping from Legacy to the new Data Futures fields which most closely align. In the worksheet column 'LegacyCollectionStream' in the Legacy_to_DF_Fields tab states whether the fields are applicable to the Student record (SR) or Student Alternative Record (SAR. The Student Alternative Record (SAR) only covered select providers in England. In some cases, the Data Futures fields mapped to will cover additional provider countries and this is displayed in the countries applicable to sections. Any rows in italics in the workbook are for legacy fields that have not been mapped. The worksheet New_DF_Fields lists new Data Future fields that have been created and have no Legacy equivalent. An additional workbook, Legacy_To_DF_Field_Entry_Value_Mapping.xlsx has been made available. which details the field entry values for selected field mappings in this document. Documents with fuller specifications of migrating Legacy data to Data Futures are also available as part of the coding manual for Data Futures.

This is a working document and additional information may be added or amended in later releases.

Legacy to Data Futures Derived Field Level Mapping

The downloadable worksheet Legacy_to_DF_Derived_Fields and online mapping tool shows the mapping from Legacy to the new Data Futures derived fields which most closely align. An additional Workbook, Legacy_To_DF_Field_Entry_Value_Mapping_DERIVED.xlsx has been made available which details the field entry values for selected derived field mappings in this document. Documents with fuller specifications of migrating Legacy data to Data Futures are also available as part of the coding manual for Data Futures.

This is a working document and additional information may be added or amended in later releases.

Legacy to Data Futures Derived Field Entry Value Mapping

The downloadable worksheet Legacy_to_DF_Derived_Codes and online mapping tool shows the mapping from Legacy to the new Data Futures valid derived field entry values which most closely align. An additional Workbook, Legacy_To_DF_Field_Mapping_DERIVED.xlsx has been made available on the HESA website, which details the field level mappings. Documents with fuller specifications of migrating Legacy data to Data Futures are also available as part of the coding manual for Data Futures.

This is a working document and additional information may be added or amended in later releases.

Legacy to Data Futures Field Entry Value Mapping

This guide shows the mappings for fields that have been migrated. Fields with a more complex mapping, or fields such as QUALSUBJECT where there are several hundred fields have not been included.

The downloadable worksheet Legacy_to_DF_Codes and online mapping tool shows the mapping from Legacy to the new Data Futures valid field entry values which most closely align. Worksheet New_DF_Codes lists new Data Futures codes, but only for new codes in fields listed in Legacy_to_DF_Codes. Worksheet Legacy_Codes_Not_Mapped lists Legacy codes which have not been mapped, but only for those in fields listed in Legacy_to_DF_Codes. i.e. where no migration of a field has been attempted, or where more complex migrations which cannot be detailed in this format are carried out, the unmapped Legacy codes are not listed here. An additional Workbook, Legacy_To_DF_Field_Mapping.xlsx has been made available on the HESA website, and lists the mappings at field level. Documents with fuller specifications of migrating Legacy data to Data Futures are also available as part of the coding manual for Data Futures.

This is a working document and additional information may be added or amended in later releases.

Mapping search tool

Show mapped fields for data stream:

Select a field

Show only short name of field




Please find below documents to download.

Legacy to Data Futures Mapping Guides:

Collected Fields Mapping

Derived Fields Mapping