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Progression through HE: Onward Data Sharing Guidance

HESA data analytics services are now delivered by Jisc. This guidance is retained on the HESA website for reference.

Permitted Onward Data Sharing:

  • The Progression through HE report is primarily for internal business use to gain greater business intelligence.

  • The product and insights should only be accessed using Tableau reader

  • You can export rounded data and images to use in promotional materials such as on your website or within external marketing publications, but you must comply with HESA's rounding and suppression methodology.

Important Access Notice: Anyone who has access to either the product or the derived secondary data analysis (including internal exployees and stakeholders such as governors and board members) will need to adhere to the above onward data sharing guidance and usage conditions. Check your signed post-sale purchase agreement for more information. 

You may not use the product to:

  • Name your competitors externally. 

  • Identify individuals or make decisions about them. 

  • Publish unrounded data (more information about unrounded data)

If you have any questions about the use of the Progression through HE: University & Workplace Outcomes report, please contact Jisc.