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Data intelligence


  • Zero hours contracts (2017/18)

    In 2017/18, De Montfont University incorrectly reported staff on zero hours contracts, due to a technical issue. 5610 staff were incorrectly reported as being on a zero hours contract. Of these, 3250 were included in the staff contract population at 1 December. All staff at the provider should have been reported as not on a zero hours contract.

    Staff Contract type Zero hours contract
  • Zero hours contracts and hourly paid (2017/18)

    In 2017/18, Staffordshire University incorrectly reported 1595 full-person equivalents as being on zero hours contracts. These should have been recorded as not on a zero hours contract. For the same year Staffordshire University incorrectly reported 1265 full-person equivalents as hourly paid. These should have been recorded as salaried.

    Staff Contract type Zero hours contract Hourly paid