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KIS record 2014/15

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KIS record 2014/15

Summary of business rules

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Version 1.7 Produced 2015-01-30

Entity Field or Entity Name Status Rule Number
Accreditation ACCDEPENDURL ERROR Accreditation.ACCDEPENDURL must exist where Accreditation.ACCDEPEND = 1. 1
Accreditation ACCDEPENDURL ERROR Accreditation.ACCDEPENDURL must not exist where Accreditation.ACCDEPEND = 0. 2
Accreditation ACCDEPENDURLW ERROR Accreditation.ACCDEPENDURLW must not exist where Accreditation.ACCDEPEND = 0. 1
Accreditation ACCDEPENDURLW ERROR Accreditation.ACCDEPENDURLW must not exist where provider is not in Wales. 2
Accreditation ACCTYPE ERROR Where the Accreditation.ACCTYPE = 01104, 03001, 19301, 04001, 04202, 05101, 08101, 08402, 08501, 08701, 08801, 08904, 09101, 09202, 09301, 09401, 09501, 09702, 09801, 09901, 10001, 11601, 12301, 19101 or 19201 then KISCourse.KISAIM must equal 056 or 051 3
Accreditation ACCTYPE ERROR Where the Accreditation.ACCTYPE = 03002, 19302, 04002, 04203, 05102, 08102, 08403, 08502, 08702, 08802, 08905, 09102, 09203, 09302, 09402, 09502, 09703, 09802, 09902, 10002, 11602, 12302, 19102 or 19202 then (KISCourse.KISAIM must equal (008, 021, 082, 110 or 119) and KISCourse.HONOURS must equal 1) or KISCourse.KISAIM must equal 056. 4
Accreditation ACCTYPE ERROR Where the Accreditation.ACCTYPE = 01108, 03003, 19303, 04003, 04204, 05103, 08103, 08503, 08703, 08803, 08906, 09103, 09204, 09303, 09403, 09503, 09704, 09803, 09903, 10003, 11603, 12303, 19103 or 19203 then KISCourse.KISAIM must equal (008, 021, 082, 110 or 119). 5
Accreditation ACCTYPE ERROR Where the KISCourse.Accreditation entity occurs more than once for a KISCourse each Accreditation.ACCTYPE must be unique. 6
CourseLocation LOCID ERROR CourseLocation.LOCID must exist as a value in Location.LOCID. 1
CourseLocation UCASCOURSEID ERROR The CourseLocation.UCASCOURSEID must be unique within the CourseLocation entity. 1
CourseLocation UCASCOURSEID ERROR Where CourseLocation.UCASCOURSEID exists, KISCourse.UCASPROGID must exist. 2
CourseStage STAGE ERROR CourseStage.STAGE fields must be consecutive within a KISCourse.CourseStage entity. 1
CourseStage STAGE ERROR CourseStage.STAGE field must be unique within a KISCourse.CourseStage entity. 2
HESACourse HESACOURSEID ERROR The combination of HESACourse.HESACOURSEID , HESACourse.HESAYEAR , HESACourse.REGUKPRN and HESACourse.TEACHUKPRN must be unique within a KIS course. 1
HESACourse HESAYEAR WARNING Within a KISCourse, where (HESACourse.HESAYEAR = Y1 minus 4 or HESACourse.HESAYEAR = Y1 minus 2) exists then either (HESACourse.HESAYEAR = Y1 minus 3 or ILRAims.ILRYEAR = Y1 minus 3) should exist. 1
HESACourse HESAYEAR WARNING Within a KISCourse where either KISCourse.HESACourse or KISCourse.ILRAims entities exist, either (HESACourse.HESAYEAR = Y1 minus 2 or ILRAims.ILRYEAR = Y1 minus 2) should exist. 2
HESACourse REGUKPRN ERROR HESACourse.REGUKPRN must exist in Institution.OTHERINST. 1
HESACourse REGUKPRN ERROR HESACourse.REGUKPRN must not equal Institution.UKPRN. 2
HESACourse REGUKPRN ERROR HESACourse.REGUKPRN and HESACourse.TEACHUKPRN must not both exist. 3
HESACourse REGUKPRN ERROR If Institution.UKPRN is an FEC and HESACourse entity exists then HESACourse.REGUKPRN must exist. 4
HESACourse TEACHUKPRN ERROR HESACourse.TEACHUKPRN must not equal Institution.UKPRN. 1
HESACourse TEACHUKPRN ERROR HESACourse.TEACHUKPRN must be a valid UKPRN. An 8 digit code is expected. 2
ILRAims ILRAIMID ERROR The combination of ILRAims.ILRAIMID, ILRAims.ILRYEAR, ILRAims.REGUKPRN and ILRAims.TEACHUKPRN combination must be unique within a KIS course. 1
ILRAims ILRYEAR WARNING Within a KISCourse, where (ILRAims.ILRYEAR = Y1 minus 4 or ILRAims.ILRYEAR = Y1 minus 2) exists then either (HESACourse.HESAYEAR = Y1 minus 3 or ILRAims.ILRYEAR = Y1 minus 3) should exist. 1
ILRAims REGUKPRN ERROR ILRAims.REGUKPRN must exist in Institution.OTHERINST. 1
ILRAims REGUKPRN ERROR ILRAims.REGUKPRN must not equal Institution.UKPRN. 2
ILRAims REGUKPRN ERROR If Institution.UKPRN is an HEP and ILRAims entity exists then ILRAims.REGUKPRN must exist. 4
ILRAims TEACHUKPRN ERROR ILRAims.TEACHUKPRN must not equal Institution.UKPRN. 1
Institution OTHERINST ERROR Institution.OTHERINST must not equal Institution.UKPRN. 1
Institution OTHERINST ERROR Institution.OTHERINST must be a valid UKPRN. 2
Institution OTHERINST ERROR Where there is more than one occurrence of Institution.OTHERINST each value must be unique. 3
Institution SUURLW ERROR Providers outside of Wales cannot return Institution.SUURLW. 1
Institution UKPRN ERROR Institution.UKPRN must be valid. 1
KISCourse Accreditation ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses cannot contain KISCourse.Accreditation entities. 1
KISCourse ASSURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must not contain KISCourse.ASSURL. 1
KISCourse ASSURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 3 courses must contain KISCourse.ASSURL. 2
KISCourse ASSURLW ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must not contain KISCourse.ASSURLW. 1
KISCourse ASSURLW ERROR Providers outside of Wales cannot return KISCourse.ASSURLW. 2
KISCourse CourseLocation ERROR KISCourse.CourseLocation must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE equals 3. 1
KISCourse CourseLocation ERROR KISCourse.CourseLocation must exist where KISCourse.DISTANCE equals 0. 2
KISCourse CourseLocation ERROR KISCourse.CourseLocation must not exist where KISCourse.DISTANCE equals 1. 3
KISCourse CourseLocation ERROR Where the KISCourse.CourseLocation entity occurs more than once for a KISCourse each CourseLocation.LOCID must be unique. 4
KISCourse CourseStage ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses cannot contain KISCourse.CourseStage entities. 1
KISCourse CourseStage ERROR CourseStage.WRITTEN, CourseStage.COURSEWORK and CourseStage.PRACTICAL fields must sum to 100 or 0 within any KISCourse.CourseStage entity. 2
KISCourse CourseStage ERROR CourseStage.SCHEDULED, CourseStage.INDEPENDENT and CourseStage.PLACEMENT fields must sum to 100 within any KISCourse.CourseStage entity. 3
KISCourse CourseStage ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 or KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses must contain KISCourse.CourseStage entities. 4
KISCourse CourseStage ERROR Only one KISCourse.CourseStage entity has been returned. (At least 2 KISCourse.CourseStage entities are expected as each KIS course must be greater than 120 credits.) 5
KISCourse CourseStage ERROR The sum of CourseStage.WRITTEN, CourseStage.PRACTICAL and CourseStage.COURSEWORK for at least one CourseStage within a KISCourse must not be zero. 6
KISCourse CRSEURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 2 courses must contain KISCourse.CRSEURL. 1
KISCourse CRSEURLW ERROR KISCourse.CRSEURLW can only exist at Welsh providers. 1
KISCourse DISTANCE ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 KISCourse.DISTANCE must exist. 1
KISCourse DISTANCE ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3 KISCourse.DISTANCE must not exist. 2
KISCourse EMPLOYURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must not contain KISCourse.EMPLOYURL. 1
KISCourse EMPLOYURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 3 courses must contain KISCourse.EMPLOYURL. 2
KISCourse EMPLOYURLW ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must not contain KISCourse.EMPLOYURLW. 1
KISCourse EMPLOYURLW ERROR Providers outside of Wales cannot return KISCourse.EMPLOYURLW. 2
KISCourse ENGFEE ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC=1 must contain KISCourse.ENGFEE. 2
KISCourse ENGFEE ERROR Value of KISCourse.ENGFEE must be between 0 and 9000 inclusive. 3
KISCourse ENGFEE WARNING KISCourse.ENGFEE has been returned with a value of 0. 5
KISCourse FEETBC ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 KISCourse.FEETBC must exist. 1
KISCourse FEETBC ERROR KISCourse.FEETBC must equal 1 when any of the following exist: KISCourse.ENGFEE, KISCourse.NIFEE, KISCourse.WAFEE, KISCourse.SCOTFEE or KISCourse.VARFEE. 2
KISCourse FEETBC ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE equals 3 then KISCourse.FEETBC must not exist. 4
KISCourse FEETBC ERROR Where any of the fields KISCourse.WAIVER, KISCourse.MEANSSUP or KISCourse.OTHSUP exists then KISCourse.FEETBC must exist. 5
KISCourse FOUNDATION ERROR KISCourse.FOUNDATION must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2. 1
KISCourse FOUNDATION ERROR KISCourse. FOUNDATION must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 2
KISCourse HESACourse ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 and 3 courses cannot contain KISCourse.HESACourse entities. 1
KISCourse HESACourse WARNING It is expected that HEPs would return a HESACourse entity where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 and KISCourse.JACS does not exist. 3
KISCourse HONOURS ERROR KISCourse.HONOURS must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 1
KISCourse HONOURS ERROR KISCourse.HONOURS must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2. 2
KISCourse HONOURS ERROR KISCourse.HONOURS must equal 0 where KISCourse.KISAIM = 028-038, 080, 087, 126 or 130. 3
KISCourse ILRAims ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 and 3 courses cannot contain KISCourse.ILRAims entities. 1
KISCourse JACS ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 courses where none of (KISCourse.HESACourse entity, KISCourse.ILRAims entity and KISCourse.LDCS) exist must have a KISCourse.JACS field. 1
KISCourse JACS ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 and 3 courses cannot contain a KISCourse.JACS field. 2
KISCourse JACS ERROR Where either KISCourse.HESACourse entity or KISCourse.ILRAims entity are returned KISCourse.JACS must not exist. 3
KISCourse JACS ERROR English FECs cannot return a KISCourse.JACS field. Instead the KISCourse.LDCS field should be completed where required. 4
KISCourse JACS ERROR Welsh FECs must return either KISCourse.LDCS or KISCourse.JACS for KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 courses where no (KISCourse.ILRAims or KISCourse.HESACourse) entities exist. 5
KISCourse JACS ERROR KISCourse.JACS must be unique within KIS course. 6
KISCourse JACSL2 ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses must contain a KISCourse.JACSL2 field. 1
KISCourse JACSL2 ERROR Only KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses can contain a KISCourse.JACSL2 field. 2
KISCourse KISAIM ERROR KISCourse.KISAIM must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 1
KISCourse KISAIM ERROR KISCourse.KISAIM must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2. 2
KISCourse KISAIM WARNING KISCourse.KISAIM codes 040 and 076 (MA and MSc) should only be returned for an undergraduate degree where the normal entry requirements are A-levels, Highers or equivalent. Courses where the normal entry requirements are a degree must not have a KIS returned. 3
KISCourse KISTYPE ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3 then the corresponding KISCourse.KISCOURSEID must exist at least once in the KISCourse.RELATEDKIS fields returned by the provider. 1
KISCourse KISTYPE ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3 then the combination of KISCourse.JACSL2, KISCourse.LEVEL, KISCourse.KISMODE and KISCourse.TEACHUKPRNs must be unique within the KIS file returned. 2
KISCourse LDCS ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 and provider is an FEC in England and no (KISCourse.ILRAims or KISCourse.HESACourse) entities exist then KISCourse.LDCS must exist. 1
KISCourse LDCS ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 and 3 courses cannot contain a KISCourse.LDCS field. 2
KISCourse LDCS ERROR Where either KISCourse.ILRAims entity or KISCourse.HESACourse entity are returned KISCourse.LDCS field must not exist. 3
KISCourse LDCS ERROR Only FECs can return a KISCourse.LDCS field. 4
KISCourse LDCS ERROR KISCourse.LDCS must be unique within KIS course. 5
KISCourse LEVEL ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 KISCourse.LEVEL must not exist. 2
KISCourse LEVEL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses must contain a KISCourse.LEVEL field. 3
KISCourse LOCCHNGE ERROR KISCourse.LOCCHNGE must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and KISCourse.DISTANCE = 0. 1
KISCourse LOCCHNGE ERROR KISCourse.LOCCHNGE must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 2
KISCourse LOCCHNGE ERROR KISCourse.LOCCHNGE must not exist where KISCourse.DISTANCE = 1. 3
KISCourse LTURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must not contain KISCourse.LTURL. 1
KISCourse LTURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 3 courses must contain KISCourse.LTURL. 2
KISCourse LTURLW ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must not contain KISCourse.LTURLW. 1
KISCourse LTURLW ERROR Providers outside of Wales cannot return KISCourse.LTURLW. 2
KISCourse MEANSSUP ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC = 1 must contain KISCourse.MEANSSUP. 2
KISCourse NHS ERROR KISCourse.NHS must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and no (KISCourse.HESACourse or KISCourse.ILRAims) entities exist. 1
KISCourse NHS ERROR KISCourse.NHS must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 2
KISCourse NHS ERROR KISCourse.NHS must not exist where (KISCourse.HESACourse or KISCourse.ILRAims) entities exist. 3
KISCourse NIFEE ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC=1 must contain a KISCourse.NIFEE field. 2
KISCourse NIFEE ERROR Value of KISCourse.NIFEE must be between 1 and 9000 inclusive. 3
KISCourse NUMSTAGE ERROR KISCourse.NUMSTAGE must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 2 and KISCourse.RELATEDKIS.KISTYPE = 3. 1
KISCourse NUMSTAGE ERROR KISCourse.NUMSTAGE must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 3. 2
KISCourse NUMSTAGE ERROR KISCourse.NUMSTAGE must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 2 and KISCourse.RELATEDKIS.KISTYPE = 1. 3
KISCourse OTHSUP ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC = 1 must contain KISCourse.OTHSUP field. 2
KISCourse RELATEDKIS ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses must contain a KISCourse.RELATEDKIS field. 1
KISCourse RELATEDKIS ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 3 courses cannot contain a KISCourse.RELATEDKIS field. 2
KISCourse RELATEDKIS ERROR KISCourse.RELATEDKIS must exist as a KISCourse.KISCOURSEID within the file. 3
KISCourse RELATEDKIS ERROR All KISCourse.RELATEDKIS must be of the same KISCourse.KISTYPE within a KIS course. 4
KISCourse RELATEDKIS ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE must equal 1 or 3 where the KISCourse.KISCOURSEID is referenced in any KISCourse.RELATEDKIS. 5
KISCourse RELATEDKIS ERROR KISCourse.RELATEDKIS must be unique within KIS course. 6
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR KISCourse.SANDWICH must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2. 1
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR KISCourse.SANDWICH must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 2
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR Where KISCourse.SANDWICH = 2 then, where they exist, all KISCourse.ENGFEE, KISCourse.NIFEE, KISCourse.SCOTFEE and KISCourse.WAFEE must be less than 9000. 3
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR Where KISCourse.SANDWICH = 2 then the sum of all CourseStage.PLACEMENT must be greater than 75. 4
KISCourse SANDWICH WARNING Where KISCourse.SANDWICH = 2 then the sum of all CourseStage.PLACEMENT should be at least 100. 5
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR Where KISCourse.SANDWICH = 2 and KISCourse.FEETBC = 1 then KISCourse.VARFEE must be 11 or 21. 6
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISMODE = 2 then KISCourse.SANDWICH must equal 0. 8
KISCourse SANDWICH ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISMODE = 3 then KISCourse.SANDWICH must equal 0 or 1. Separate full time and part time KISCourses should be returned to reflect the different codes of KISCourse.SANDWICH. 9
KISCourse SCOTFEE ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC=1 must contain a KISCourse.SCOTFEE field. 2
KISCourse SCOTFEE ERROR Value of KISCourse.SCOTFEE must be between 1 and 9000 inclusive for non-Scottish providers. 3
KISCourse SCOTFEE ERROR Value of KISCourse.SCOTFEE must be between 0 and 9000 inclusive for Scottish providers. 4
KISCourse SUPPORTURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses must not contain KISCourse.SUPPORTURL. 1
KISCourse SUPPORTURL ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 2 courses must contain KISCourse.SUPPORTURL. 2
KISCourse SUPPORTURLW ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses must not contain KISCourse.SUPPORTURLW. 1
KISCourse SUPPORTURLW ERROR Providers outside of Wales cannot return KISCourse.SUPPORTURLW. 2
KISCourse TEACHUKPRN WARNING Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 and (HESACourse entity or ILRAims entity) exist KISCourse.TEACHUKPRN should not exist. 1
KISCourse TEACHUKPRN ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3 then KISCourse.TEACHUKPRN must not exist more than once. 2
KISCourse TEACHUKPRN ERROR Where KISCourse.TEACHUKPRN equals Institution.UKPRN and no (HESACourse or ILRAims entities) exist then KISCourse.TEACHUKPRN must exist more than once. 3
KISCourse TEACHUKPRN ERROR KISCourse.TEACHUKPRN must be unique within the KISCourse entity. 4
KISCourse TEACHUKPRN ERROR Where all KISCourse.TEACHUKPRN, HESACourse.TEACHUKPRN and ILRAims.TEACHUKPRN are the same within a KISCourse then that UKPRN must not exist in our list of KIS submitting providers. 6
KISCourse TITLE ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE equals 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISAIM does not equal 025, 026, 027, 039, 044, 045, 083, 085 and 086 KISCourse.TITLE must exist. 1
KISCourse TITLE ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses must not contain a KISCourse.TITLE 2
KISCourse TITLE ERROR KISCourse.TITLE must not be returned completely in upper case. 3
KISCourse TITLE WARNING KISCourse.TITLE should not include the words HONS or HONOURS (case insensitive). 4
KISCourse TITLE ERROR KISCourse.TITLE must not contain any of the following: 'College', 'Integrated', 'Sandwich', 'Foundation' or 'Year Abroad' (case insensitive). 5
KISCourse TITLEW ERROR For providers in Wales where KISCourse.KISTYPE equals 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISAIM does not equal 025, 026, 027, 039, 044, 045, 083, 085 and 086 KISCourse.TITLEW must exist. 1
KISCourse TITLEW ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses in Welsh providers must not contain a KISCourse.TITLEW field 2
KISCourse TITLEW ERROR KISCourse.TITLEW cannot be returned by providers outside of Wales 3
KISCourse TITLEW ERROR KISCourse.TITLEW must not be returned completely in upper case. 4
KISCourse TITLEW WARNING Where KISCourse.TITLEW exists it should not be the same as KISCourse.TITLE. 5
KISCourse TTCID ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 courses where both KISCourse.HESACourse and KISCourse.ILRAim entities are missing must contain a KISCourse.TTCID field. 1
KISCourse TTCID ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 and 3 courses cannot contain a KISCourse.TTCID field. 2
KISCourse TTCID ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 courses where either KISCourse.HESACourse or KISCourse.ILRAim entities exist must not contain a KISCourse.TTCID field. 3
KISCourse UCASPROGID ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 3 courses cannot contain a KISCourse.UCASPROGID. 2
KISCourse UCASPROGID WARNING KISCourse.UCASPROGID should exist (for those providers supplying UCAS course data) where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISMODE = 1 or 3. 3
KISCourse UCASPROGID ERROR Where KISCourse.UCASPROGID exists, CourseLocation.UCASCOURSEID must exist. 4
KISCourse UKPRNAPPLY ERROR KISCourse.UKPRNAPPLY must not be equal to Institution.UKPRN. 1
KISCourse VARFEE ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC=1 must contain a KISCourse.VARFEE field. 2
KISCourse VARFEE ERROR Where KISCourse.VARFEE = 11 or 21 then KISCourse.ENGFEE must be less than 9000. 3
KISCourse WAFEE ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC=1 must contain a KISCourse.WAFEE field. 2
KISCourse WAFEE ERROR Value of KISCourse.WAFEE must be between 1 and 9000 inclusive. 3
KISCourse WAIVER ERROR Courses where KISCourse.FEETBC = 1 must contain KISCourse.WAIVER field. 2
KISCourse WELSH ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 1 and 3 courses at Welsh providers must contain a KISCourse.WELSH field. 1
KISCourse WELSH ERROR KISCourse.KISTYPE 2 courses at Welsh providers must not contain a KISCourse.WELSH field. 2
KISCourse WELSH ERROR Providers outside of Wales must not contain a KISCourse.WELSH field. 3
KISCourse YEARABROAD ERROR KISCourse.YEARABROAD must exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2. 1
KISCourse YEARABROAD ERROR KISCourse. YEARABROAD must not exist where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 3. 2
KISCourse YEARABROAD ERROR Where KISCourse.YEARABROAD = 2 and KISCourse.FEETBC = 1 then KISCourse.VARFEE must equal 11 or 21. 3
KISCourse YEARABROAD ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISMODE = 2 then KISCourse.YEARABROAD must equal 0. 4
KISCourse YEARABROAD ERROR Where KISCourse.KISTYPE = 1 or 2 and KISCourse.KISMODE = 3 then KISCourse.YEARABROAD must equal 0 or 1. Separate full time and part time KISCourses should be returned to reflect the different codes of KISCourse.YEARABROAD. 5
Location ACCOMURLW ERROR Location.ACCOMURLW cannot exist if you are not a Welsh provider. 1
Location INSTBEDS ERROR If Location.INSTBEDS exists then Location.INSTUPPER and Location.INSTLOWER must be returned. 1
Location INSTBEDS ERROR If Location.INSTBEDS does not exist then both Location.INSTUPPER and Location.INSTLOWER must not be returned. 2
Location INSTBEDS ERROR The value of Location.INSTBEDS must lie between 1 and 15000. 3
Location INSTLOWER ERROR The value of Location.INSTLOWER must lie between 1500 and 15000. 1
Location INSTUPPER ERROR Location.INSTUPPER must be greater than or equal to Location.INSTLOWER. 1
Location INSTUPPER ERROR The value of Location.INSTUPPER must lie between 1500 and 15000. 2
Location LATITUDE ERROR Location.LATITUDE must be between 49.852 and 60.875. 1
Location LOCID ERROR Location.LOCID must be unique within a provider. 1
Location LOCNAME ERROR Location.LOCNAME must be unique within a provider. 1
Location LOCNAME ERROR Location.LOCNAME must not be returned completely in upper case. 2
Location LOCNAMEW ERROR Location.LOCNAMEW must not exist where provider is not in Wales. 1
Location LOCNAMEW ERROR Location.LOCNAMEW must be unique within an provider. 2
Location LOCNAMEW ERROR Location.LOCNAMEW must not be returned completely in upper case. 3
Location LOCNAMEW ERROR Where Location.LOCNAMEW exists it should not be the same as Location.LOCNAME. 4
Location LOCUKPRN WARNING Location.LOCUKPRN should be a valid UKPRN. 1
Location LONGITUDE ERROR Location.LONGITUDE must be between -8.174 and 1.824. 1
Location PRIVATELOWER ERROR The value of Location.PRIVATELOWER must lie between 1500 and 15000. 1
Location PRIVATEUPPER ERROR Location.PRIVATEUPPER must be greater than or equal to Location.PRIVATELOWER. 1
Location PRIVATEUPPER ERROR The value of Location.PRIVATEUPPER must lie between 1500 and 15000. 2
Location SUURLW ERROR Providers outside of Wales cannot return Location.SUURLW. 1

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