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Finance record 2022/23 - Table 12: Severance payments

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Version 1.1 Produced 2023-09-27

To complete this table, providers should refer to their relevant funding body's accounts direction through the below links:

  • HEFCW - Accounts direction
  • Scottish Funding Council - Accounts direction
  • DfENI - Accounts direction
  • Table 12 provides information on compensation paid for loss of office paid shown separately for the head of the HEP and other members of staff earning in excess of £100,000.

    Head 1 (Compensation paid for loss of office to the head of the provider)

    Sub Head 1a should show compensation paid to the head of the HEP. If there were payments made to more than one head, then the total value should be shown here.

    Sub Head 1b should show payments made for loss of office paid for loss of positions at any of the HEP’s parent or subsidiary undertakings or any office(s) connected to the HEP’s affairs.

    Sub Head 1c should show non cash payments made to the head of the HEP as compensation for loss of office. This could include company shares or company car (applicable if HEP is a registered company).

    Sub Head 1d should provide details of non-cash benefits in text form. Maximum number of characters that can be entered is 255, in the box provided.

    Sub Head 1e should show the value of any additional contributions made to pension fund as part of compensation paid to the head of the HEP.

    Head 2 (Aggregate of compensation paid for loss of office to staff earning in excess of £100,000 per annum (excludes head of the provider))

    Head 2 should show compensation paid to staff earning in excess of £100,000 per annum employed at the HEP and in the HEP’s parent or subsidiary.

    Sub Head 2ai should show the total amount of compensation paid to all the staff employed at the HEP. This should exclude compensation paid to the head of the HEP.

    Sub Head 2aii should show the total number of staff who received compensation for loss of office.

    Sub Head 2bi should show the total amount of total compensation paid to all staff including compensation paid to the head of the HEP. Compensation paid must include any non-cash payments if applicable. This Sub Head must include total amount paid across the HEP’s parent or subsidiary undertaking, where applicable.

    Sub Head 2bii should show the total number of staff who were paid compensation for loss of office including the head of the HEP. This Sub Head must include total number of staff to whom compensation was payable across the HEP’s parent or subsidiary undertaking, where applicable.

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