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Bike week

Bike Week 2015 is encouraging people to use their bikes to cycle to work. Our Estates management record (EMR) collects information about the total number of cycle spaces at higher education providers and an estimated percentage of students and staff who travelled to and from their providers by bicycle. Note it is not mandatory for providers to return this information to HESA but in practice the majority do (149 of the 159 returned data in 2013/14).

Walk to work week

On 7 May 2015 we released the Estates management record for 2013/14. This record collects standardised, reliable and useful property information for managers to aid understanding of current performance, promote sharing of best practice and drive improvements.

On the topic of Walk to Work Week, the Estates management record usefully includes an estimated percentage of students and staff who travel to and from the HE provider. Note it is not mandatory for providers to return this information but in practice they often do.