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HESA Student Record 2007/08

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HESA Student Record 2007/08

Calculation of tariff scores

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Version 1.1 Produced 2008-09-12

A tariff score can be calculated by assigning a numerical value to a combination of qualification type and qualification grades. The highest scoring qualification for a subject is counted in the total tariff score (i.e. duplicate qualifications by subject are removed from the total tariff score).

If the total tariff score is calculated to be greater that 998 then 998 will be used as a default.

This calculation is designed to replicate the calculation used until 2007/08 by UCAS in the 'UCAS data for HESA transaction' (*J) for TOTALTS for comparative purposes across reporting periods. Note that it does not include all tariff-bearing qualifications.

Step 1

Assign a tariff score to each qualification

Combinations of QUALGRADE and QUALTYPE define the tariff points. A value of tariff points is assigned for qualifications in the UCAS tariff.

Previously, the total tariff score calculated by UCAS for the TOTALTS field in the *J transaction was based on the following qualifications only:

Qualification QualificationOnEntry.QUALTYPE
Advanced Subsidiary/ GCE AS Level A1, AS
VCE Advanced Subsidiary V1
GCE Advanced A
VCE Advanced, VCE Advanced Double Award V, V2
Keyskills (Levels 2, 3 and 4) K2, K3, K4
SQA Advanced Highers AH
SQA Core Skills (see step 3 for details of processing) HK, IK
SQA Highers H
Advanced Extension Awards AE
SQA Intermediate 2 I2

The calculations used in performance indicators will use A and AS levels and Scottish Highers, Advanced Highers and Intermediate 2 qualifications (i.e. QUALTYPEs A1, AS, A, AH, H and I2), although other analyses may differ.

Step 2

Where qualifications have identical subjects (QUALSBJ codes), identify the qualification which results in the highest tariff score.

Step 3

For Scottish Core skills, a number of qualifications elements need to be obtained in order to qualify for a tariff score. Where all these elements are at higher level, the point score is 20, and where these elements are a mixture of higher and intermediate level, the points score is 10.

Step 4

Add the de-duplicated tariff scores together for each instance.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.