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< xs:simpleType name="MSFUNDCodeContentType">
<Label>Welsh Assembly Government DCELLS</Label>
<Label>Welsh Assembly Government (WAG)</Label>
<Label>Scottish Executive (Scottish Government) - Enterprise, Transport & Lifelong Learning Department (SE-ETLLD)</Label>
<Label>Scottish Executive (Scottish Government) - Environment & Rural Affairs Department (SE-ERAD)</Label>
<Label>Department of Agriculture & Rural Development for Northern Ireland (DARDNI)</Label>
<Label>Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)</Label>
<Label>Medical Research Council (MRC)</Label>
<Label>Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)</Label>
<Label>Engineering & Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)</Label>
<Label>Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC)</Label>
<Label>Science & Technology Facilities Council (STFC)</Label>
<Label>Arts & Humanities Research Council (AHRC)</Label>
<Label>Research council - not specified</Label>
<Label>Departments of Health/NHS/Social Care</Label>
<Label>Departments of Social Services</Label>
<Label>Departments of Employment</Label>
<Label>Other HM government departments</Label>
<Label>Armed forces</Label>
<Label>Scottish Enterprise Network/Local Enterprise Companies (LECs)/Highland & Islands Enterprise</Label>
<Label>UK public corporation/nationalised industry</Label>
<Label>UK private industry/commerce</Label>
<Label>UK charity (medical)</Label>
<Label>UK charity (other)</Label>
<Label>EU commission (EC)</Label>
<Label>Voluntary organisation</Label>
<Label>Overseas government or other overseas organisation</Label>
<Label>Own institution</Label>
<Label>New Deal for young people (aged 18 to 24)</Label>
<Label>New Deal for long term unemployed (aged 25+)</Label>
<Label>Private training organisation</Label>
<Label>European Research Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students (ERASMUS)</Label>
<Label>Joint between two sources including a funding council</Label>
<Label>Joint between two bodies excluding a funding council</Label>
<Label>TEC - YT students (as major source or joint with LSC or WAG-DCELLS)</Label>
<Label>TEC - other (non-YT) students (as major source or joint with LSC or WAG-DCELLS)</Label>
<Label>Youth Credits - YT students (as major source)</Label>
<Label>Youth Credits - non YT students (as major source)</Label>
<Label>Other YT (as major source or joint with LSC or WAG-DCELLS)</Label>
<Label>Link Scheme (as major source or joint with LSC or WAG-DCELLS)</Label>
<Label>Other funding</Label>
<Label>Overseas learner award from HM Government/British Council</Label>
<Label>Multinational organisation (non-UK based)</Label>
<Label>Foundation Modern Apprenticeship (formerly known as National Traineeship (NT))</Label>
<Label>European Social Fund for the first term of the current academic year</Label>
<Label>European Social Fund for the second & third terms of the current academic year</Label>
<Label>European Social Fund for all the current academic year</Label>
<Label>FE Student - New Deal</Label>
<Label>Funded entirely by student tuition fees</Label>
<Label>European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)</Label>
<Label>European Agricultural Guidance & Guarantee Fund (EAGGF)</Label>
<Label>Financial Instrument for Fisheries Guidance (FIFG)</Label>
<Label>DWP/Job Centre Plus</Label>
<Label>Youth Gateway</Label>
<Label>Youth Access</Label>
<Label>LEA funding for Adult & Community Learning</Label>
<Label>LEA funding, other than for Adult & Community Learning</Label>
<Label>ESF - objective 1</Label>
<Label>ESF - objective 2</Label>
<Label>ESF - objective 3</Label>
<Label>ESF community objectives</Label>

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.