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Key Information Set 2013/14 - Accreditation type

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Key Information Set 2013/14

Fields required from institutions in England

Accreditation type

return to field list
Short nameACCTYPE

This field records the type of accreditation.

Applicable toEngland Northern Ireland Scotland Wales

Where course has professional accreditation


If accreditation is at institution level rather than course level and provided accreditation applies to all courses offered by the institution, this field should be returned on every KIS.

From KIS C13061, Accreditation.ACCTYPE has been developed as a 5-character composite code incorporating both the accrediting body code (previously recorded in Accreditation.ACCBODYID) prefix and the type of accreditation as a suffix.

The type of accreditation each body awards and the text describing this accreditation has been agreed through consultation with each accrediting body. Additionally, the accreditation URL has been pre-populated with a uniform resource locator (URL) pointing to a specific accrediting body’s website page, again following consultation with each accrediting body. The Accreditation.ACCTYPE code, the ‘Accreditation type text’ and the ‘Accreditation URL’ (both which will appear on the Unistats website for course accreditation information) can be viewed in the Accreditation information table.

The returning institution only needs to submit the Accreditation.ACCTYPE code that appears against the matching ‘Accrediting body name’ and ‘Accreditation type text’ from the Accreditation information table for this field.

The code returned in this field must match a code provided in the Accreditation.ACCTYPE column of the Accreditation information table. This will be validated through COMMIT-stage validation.

The complete list of accrediting bodies within the Accreditation information table, following HEBRG approval is now available for use.

Additional guidance for returning Councils and Joint accrediting boards and bodies


Joint Academic Stage Board – those looking to submit this board should instead submit the two bodies which form the board, which are the Solicitors Regulatory Authority (136) and the Bar Standards Board (164).

Joint Moderation Board – those looking to submit this board should instead submit the four bodies which form the board, which are the Institution of Civil Engineers (093), the Institution of Structural Engineers (100), the Chartered Institution of Highways and Transportation (030) and the Institute of Highway Engineers (081).

Joint Negotiating Committee for Youth and Community Workers – those looking to submit this committee should instead submit the country appropriate body, which is the National Youth Agency (109) for England, Education and Training Standards Wales (170) for Wales, Standards Council for Scotland (137) for Scotland and North/South Education and Training Standards Committee (179) for Northern Ireland.


Engineering Council – the Engineering Council do not accredit programmes as such but licence accrediting bodies to partially fulfil the requirements for certain awards such as Chartered Engineer. Those accrediting bodies which are licenced by the Engineering Council can be found at


Accreditation must only be recorded if it applies to the whole course.

All accrediting bodies which have been requested by institutions through contact with Institutional Liaison have been contacted and asked to provide HESA with the required information in order to be added to the valid entries. The list of these institutions can be found in the Institution requested PSRBs for 2013/14 document.

Additional information on accrediting bodies

If a returning institution believes that either the ‘Accreditation type text’ or the ‘Accreditation URL’ are not correct for the purpose of accrediting a KIS course, the institution should contact the accrediting body to discuss in the first instance.

No wholly new bodies will be added to the List of accrediting bodies for the 2013/14 KIS collection. For further information see the Statement about PSRBs (Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies) and accreditation for the KIS Technical Guidance document.

If a new body is formed through the merger between bodies already in the Accreditation information table, then the merged bodies should be returned against the KIS course. If an accrediting body changes its name this will be incorporated into the Accreditation information table as part of a scheduled release. If an accrediting body ceases to exist during the collection, and HESA is made aware, it will be removed from the lookup table as part of a scheduled release. Institutions must then re-submit their data with a valid Accreditation.ACCTYPE.

Quality rules
Quality rules to follow
Reason required

KIS data item.

Part of
Field length5
Minimum occurrences1
Maximum occurrences1
Schema components
Element: ACCTYPE
Data type: ACCBODYType
Year this field relates to2014/15
Date modified2013-04-29
Change management notesReferences to the 'List of accrediting bodies' changed to the 'Accreditation information table'.

Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.