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Field description Field abbreviation Field version Field length Field type
First year identifier (to be used with XPSR01 only) XFYRSR01 1.2.4 1 Char

Valid entries

Code Label
1 Student was in their first year of instance in the reporting period
2 Student was not identified as being in their first year of instance in the reporting period

Dependent fields

    Depend upon fields


    Additional information

    This field to be used in conjunction with XPSR01, and it identifies whether the student is in their first year in the reporting period.
    Does not identify first years for any other population.

    1 Instance.COMDATE is between 01/08/Y1 and 31/07/Y1+1 inclusive
    2 Instance.COMDATE is not between 01/08/Y1 and 31/07/Y1+1 inclusive or is blank

    Technical Specification

    The reference Y1 is calculated by taking the the first two digits from the year in the system date with the first two digits of the RECID field in the relevant collection.

    Instance.COMDATE XFYRSR01
    >= 01/08/Y1 and <= 31/07/Y1+1 1
    <01/08/Y1 2
    >31/07/Y1+1 2
    Null 2

    Revision history

    Date Version Notes
    2014-10-16 1.2.4 Technical specification text amended to allow for the use of this field in the Cyy054 AP student record.
    2009-05-05 1.2.3 Field description changed from First year within Standard Registration population to First year identifier (to be used with XPSR01 only
    2009-03-23 1.2.2 Format amended. Filed type added. No change to technical specification
    2008-01-25 1.2.1 Amended to refer to Cyy0511 and labels amended to refer to year of instance
    2002-03-08 1.1.2 Clarification of reporting year in technical spec.
    2001-05-04 1.1.1 Created

    Contact Liaison by email or on +44 (0)1242 388 531.